Dare to Prepare

Prepare for the big one and order a free copy of Putting Down Roots in Earthquake Country.

Earthquake professionals, business and community leaders, emergency managers, and others have joined together to organize Dare to Prepare, an earthquake readiness campaign to raise earthquake awareness and encourage earthquake readiness in Southern California. The campaign is supported with funding from federal, state, and local partners.

Acknowledging that "Shift Happens," the main message of the Dare to Prepare campaign is that if you "Secure Your Space" you can protect yourself, your family, and your property. Secure your space by strapping top-heavy furniture and appliances to walls, adding latches to kitchen cabinets, and securing TVs and other heavy objects that can topple and cause serious injuries. Homes and other buildings should be retrofitted if necessary. These and other actions will greatly reduce your risk of damage or injury, and limit your need for community resources after the next earthquake.

Featured Items:

Bombay Beach Earthquake Swarm

Magnitude 5.4 Earthquake in Chino Hills, CA

Long Beach Earthquake: 75th Anniversary

Victoria Beckham in Big Shaker on NBC

Radio and Television Messages

Campaign Promotes Earthquake Preparedness with Free Guide

New Program Helps Residents Prepare for Major Tremor

Overdue and unprepared for the Big One (Los Angeles Times)

The Really Big One (Los Angeles Times)

Join the ShakeOut

This campaign receives major sponsorship from:
Created in the SCEC system Last modified: March 24 2009 14:47 © 2009 Southern California Earthquake Center @