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2008 Publications Catalog

The publications and resources listed in the NIBS catalog are produced in accordance with NIBS' mission to serve the public interest by promoting a more rational regulatory environment for the building community, by facilitating the introduction of new and innovative technology, and disseminating nationally recognized technical information. The recommendations found in many of these documents are often arrived at through a consensus of broad-based building interests serving on NIBS project committees.

Click on the catalog cover to download a PDF file of NIBS Publications Catalog or click on topics to view descriptions and purchase documents online. You may request a printed copy of the NIBS catalog by clicking on "Contact" above.




Asbestos Control

Lead Hazards

Construction Metrication

Energy & Environment

Facilities Maintenance

School Facilities

Special Topics

Catalog Page

Ordering Information

National Institute of Building Sciences: An Authoritative Source of Innovative Solutions for the Built Environment
1090 Vermont Avenue, NW, Suite 700 | Washington, DC 20005-4905 | (202) 289-7800 | Fax (202) 289-1092 | nibs@nibs.org
Copyright (C) 2009. National Institute of Building Sciences. All rights reserved.