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See this NCEF webpage for information on stimulus funding and tax credit bonds for school construction, modernization, renovation, and repair in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009.
Emergency Planning: Influenza Outbreak
Information for schools on the 2009 flu outbreak from the U.S. Department of Education.
Security Technology Trilogy
Master the technology maze with these NCEF publications: Selecting Security Technology Providers; School Security Technologies; and Mass Notification for Higher Education.
Resource Lists
Subject-specific resources on more than 140 school facilities topics. Each list includes descriptions of books, studies, reports, and journal articles, as well as links to online publications and websites.
Ask A Question
Submit a question to our reference staff about school facilities planning, design, funding, construction, or maintenance.
NCEF Safe School Facilities Checklist
Download a customized checklist for assessing the safety and security of your school.
School Construction Costs
Current, forecast, and historical data about U.S. school construction.
School Construction Costs
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