Guidelines and Specifications for Flood Hazard Mapping Partners Diary of Revisions

The guidance listed here supersedes the noted affected component(s).

Guidance Adopted Since the Publication of the Guidelines in February 2002
Date Action Revised Component
April 2003 Revised FEMA process for maintaining these Guidelines and requirements for Physical Map Revision (PMR) request submittals. Introduction
April 2003 Added discussion of Monitoring Information on Contracted Studies (MICS) system, methods for updating alluvial fan flood hazards; Added final digital Flood Insurance Study (FIS) and Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) deliverable specifications; Added description of revised countywide FIRM distribution protocol; Updated Letter of Map Change (LOMC) Distribution Service discussion to include Final Summaries of Map Action (SOMAs) and LOMC-VALID letters. Volume 1
April 2003 Added guidance on Report and Map Production, processing for PMRs consistent with Volume 1; Updated SOMA and LOMC validation process; Added guidance for the preparation of LOMR attachments. Volume 2
April 2003 Added requirements for Final SOMA and LOMC Distribution Service product; replaced requirements for Credited Structures Inventory System with requirements for FEMA Levee Inventory System; added requirements for production of Compendium of Flood Map Changes; revised requirements for use and maintenance of MICS system; added information on technical and administrative support data available from the FEMA archives, current fees, removed requirement for delivery of hard copy FIS report as part of deliverables for Engineering Study Data Package; provided clarification on deliverables for Letter of Determination Review requests; and revised requirements for maintenance of Cooperating Technical Partners (CTP) Database. Volume 3
April 2003 Deleted NIMA's Vector Product Format (VPF) and added MapInfo's native tabular format (TAB); also added requirement to document the geoid model and ellipsoid used. Appendix A
April 2003 Reference made to the new FEMA Levee Inventory System; Clarification added for levee freeboard requirements. Appendix H
April 2003 Added subsection explaining the Mapping Needs Update Support System (MNUSS) template; Revised the Community Partner Memorandum and Agreement template; Revised Statement of Work template; Added table to show correlations between templates and data in MICS system; Added requirements for CTP Mapping Activity Statements and templates. Appendix I
April 2003 Revised guidance for Preliminary FIS reports and final FIS report deliverable format; added examples of Flood Insurance Zone Data tables. Appendix J
April 2003 Changed numerous FIRM graphic specifications. Appendix K
April 2003 Updated Standard DFIRM database specifications; Added Enhanced DFIRM database specifications. Appendix L
April 2003 Added form for certification of work on Flood Map Projects; clarified requirements for submittal of Technical Support Data Notebook (TSDN) Indexes and inserted revised Indexes; added general TSDN requirements for coastal flooding analyses, shallow flooding analyses, ice-jam flooding analyses, and alluvial fan flooding analyses; clarified requirements for receiving Mapping Partner review of data submitted in support of community-initiated map revision. Appendix M

Last Modified: Wednesday, 07-Jun-2006 08:45:14 EDT