APPENDIX G: EMI COURSES The courses summarized in this Appendix are presented one or more times each year at FEMA’s Emergency Management Institute (EMI), located in Emmitsburg, Maryland. Tuition for these courses is free for State and local government officials and travel stipends are available. For more information, contact the training office of your state emergency management agency, or call 1-800-238-3358 or visit EMI’s Website at Course Name Course Code Course Description Selection Criteria Managing Floodplain Development Through the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) E273 This course is designed to provide an organized training opportunity for local officials responsible for administering their local floodplain ordinance. The course will focus on the NFIP and concepts of floodplain management, maps and studies, ordinance administration, and the relationship between floodplain management and flood insurance. Local officials responsible for administering local floodplain management ordinances, including but not limited to floodplain management administrators, building inspectors, code enforcement/zoning officers, planners, city/county managers, attorneys, engineers, and public works officials. Federal/State/regional floodplain managers also are encouraged to attend. The course is designed for those officials with limited floodplain management experience. Attendance will be limited to two participants from any state for each offering. National Flood Insurance Program/Community Rating System (NFIP/CRS) E278 This course covers the CRS, a nationwide initiative of FEMA’s NFIP. It describes activities eligible for credit under CRS, how a community applies, and how a community modifies an application to improve itsclassification. FEMA regional office staff, NFIP State coordinators, those managing floodplain services for local governments, and others interested in learning aboutCRS so they can provide technical assistance to communities seeking to apply for CRS credit. Attendance is limited to two participants from any one community per fiscal year. EMI Courses G-1 Course Name Course Code Course Description Selection Criteria Mitigation for Tribal Officials E344 This course providesTribal members and their representatives with an overview of FEMA’s mitigation programs, to outline tribal mitigation responsibilities, and to discuss opportunities for achieving mitigation successes. The course will cover mitigation planning, the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP), and mitigation grant programs. The course will be limited to federally recognized tribal members and their representatives. Retrofitting Flood- Prone Residential Buildings E279 This course is designed to provide engineering and economic guidance on what constitutes proper retrofitting techniques for flood- prone residential structures. The course will focus on the concepts of flood proofing, regulatory framework, controllingparameters, design practices, and benefit, cost, and technical feasibility analysis. There is a case study design exercise and a written examination. The audience comprises engineers and architects, and building code, floodplain management, hazard mitigation, planning, zoning, and public works officials. This course is intended for those with engineering, architectural, or building science knowledge. EMI Courses G-2