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The Communication Initiative Network

Where communication and media are central to social and economic development





BLOG: Accountability, media and the development system: a complicated romance

...Those providing development assistance, those arguing for more of it and, to an extent, those countries receiving it, know that the system cannot sustain itself unless it is held to proper account...(Deane Blog )

...journalism is - and must - become more participatory...(Beckett comment )

...This (James's blog) is a natural perspective from someone connected to the mainstream media, but I wonder if it is rooted in 20th Century ideas of the role of the media? (Barder Comment )

and these and other comments in full

BECOME A CI BLOGGER on development policy issues!

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The Medicines Transparency Alliance (MeTA) is focused on improving access to and affordability of essential medicines worldwide. The Communication Initiative has collected and organised summaries and links to projects and resources that are either specific to the MeTA campaigns or related to the themes on which MeTA is focusing.

Visit the Medicines Transparency site!

Also see:

The Drum Beat 486 - Medicines Transparency: Access, Quality, and Accountability

The Soul Beat 126 - Africa Medicines Transparency: Access, Quality, and Accountability

Son de Tambora 232 - Transparencia en el mercado de la salud

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Jobs et al

E-Health - where to?

In what direction should current e-Health research and technical development go?