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Pathogen Genomics

News Releases and Statements

July 19, 2007 First Genome-Wide Study of Infectious Disease Opens New Avenues for HIV Treatment, Vaccines
Feb. 21, 2007 2,000 Influenza Virus Genomes Now Completed and Publicly Accessible
Jan. 11, 2007 Scientists Sequence Genome of Parasite Responsible for Common Sexually Transmitted Infection

March 15, 2006

NIAID Media Availability: New Study Describes Key Protein from Highly Pathogenic H5N1 Avian Flu Virus and How it Might Mutate

Feb. 1, 2006

Scientists Discover Genetic Profile of an Often-Misdiagnosed Chronic Allergic Disease of Children

Jan. 17, 2006

NIAID Media Availability: Understanding Influenza Infection

Oct. 5, 2005

Genomes of More than 200 Human Flu Strains Reveal a Dynamic Virus

July 14, 2005

Three Deadly Parasite Genomes Sequenced

Nov. 15, 2004

NIAID Launches Influenza Genome Sequencing Project

June 23, 2003

NIAID Offers "SARS Chip" Free to Researchers

April 14, 2003

Genetic Blueprint for Q Fever Bacterium Unveiled

Nov. 29, 2001

NIAID Takes Next Genome Step

Aug. 8, 2001

NIAID Awards Grant to Rapidly Sequence the Malaria Mosquito Genome

April 9, 2001

Scientists Sequence Genome of Strep Throat, Scarlet Fever Bacterium

March 5, 2001

Statement of Anthony S. Fauci, M.D. Director, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases on Anopheles gambiae Genome Sequencing Project

Jan. 24, 2001

Gene Sequence of Deadly E. coli Reveals Surprisingly Dynamic Genome

Jan. 24, 2001

Clinical Study Confirms Single Gene Change in Chloroquine-Resistant Malaria

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  • Understanding Pathogen Genomics