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Highlights of ASCE 24-05 Flood Resistant Design and Construction

The American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) 24 is a referenced standard in the International Building CodeĀ®. Any building or structure that falls within the scope of the IBC that is proposed in a flood hazard area is to be designed in accordance with ASCE 24. The International Residential CodeĀ® requires that dwellings in floodways be designed in accordance with ASCE 24, and the 2009 edition of the International Residential Code (IRC) will include an alternative that allows communities to require homes in V Zones to be designed in accordance with ASCE 24. Highlights of ASCE 24 that complement the NFIP minimum requirements include: Building Performance; Flood-Damage Resistant Materials; Utilities and Service Equipment; and Siting Considerations.

Document Details:
Media Type: File
Availability: Online
Custom CD/DVD
Language: English
Date Published: 01/2009
Number of Pages: 5
Description/Comment: Highlights of ASCE 24-05
Resource File: View / Download / Print  (pdf 59K)
508 Accessible Format: View / Download / Print  (txt 13K)

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