Contact Us

Public Health
Seattle & King County
401 5th Ave., Suite 1300
Seattle, WA 98104

Phone: 206-296-4600
TTY Relay: 711

Toll-free: 800-325-6165

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Instructions to submit a Public Records Request

Emergency Medical Services (EMS)

401 5th Avenue, Suite 1200
Seattle, WA 98104-2333
Phone: 206-296-4693
Fax: 206-296-4866

Medic One/Emergency Medical Services (EMS) is standing by to help you 24 hours a day with a system that provides a continuum of care that assures every patient the emergency medical attention they need.

What's New at King County EMS
2008 EMS Annual Report (PDF, 3 Mb)
The EMS Division is dedicated to increasing survival and reducing disability from out-of-hospital health emergencies in King County. This report highlights the major Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Division activities of the past year.

Medic One/EMS 2008-2013 Strategic Plan
The EMS Division is dedicated to increasing survival and reducing disability from out-of-hospital health emergencies in King County. This report highlights the major Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Division activities of the past year.

EMS Levy Accomplishments: 2002-2007 (PDF)
Increased survival rate and reduced disability from out-of-hospital emergencies by providing the highest quality patient care in the pre-hospital setting. Paramedic services implemented during the six year levy period, dispatch enhancements, advanced technology projects, EMS efficiencies.

Publications and specific programs

Annual reports and other publications
Center for the Evaluation of EMS (CEEMS)
Community programs and education
CPR/AED training programs
Emergency Medical Dispatch (EMD) program
EMT/BLS training for local fire departments
Medical control and quality management program
Strategic planning and data management

King County Medic One

King County Medic One homepage

  • The Medic One System
  • Video overview on Medic One
  • Historical background
  • Mobile Intensive Care Paramedic (MICP) - Scope of Practice
  • Research and education
  • Paramedic photo gallery
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see also

Back Safety Principles
Purchase a DVD on stretching and strengthening to reduce musculoskeletal injuries among staff.