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Work-Related Lung Disease (WoRLD) Surveillance System

 Home > Archive: Table of Contents

Archive: Table of Contents

NOTE: The following Table of Contents links to archived versions of the tables and figures. The most recent tables and figures can be found here.

Volume I: Diseases and Related Exposures
For subsections, click  Click to expand/collapse.  to expand and  Click to expand/collapse.  to collapse
Click to expand/collapse. Section 1.   Asbestosis and Related Exposures

Asbestosis:   Mortality
Asbestosis:   Morbidity
Asbestosis:   Exposure
Click to expand/collapse. Section 2.   Coal Workers' Pneumoconiosis and Related Exposures
Click to expand/collapse. Section 3.   Silicosis and Related Exposures
Click to expand/collapse. Section 4.   Byssinosis and Related Exposures
Byssinosis:   Mortality
Byssinosis:   Cotton Dust Exposure
Click to expand/collapse. Section 5.   Unspecified and Other Pneumoconiosis
Unspecified and Other Pneumoconiosis:   Mortality
Unspecified and Other Pneumoconiosis:   Selected Agents Exposure
Click to expand/collapse. Section 6 All Pneumoconiosis and Related Exposures
All Pneumoconiosis:   Mortality
All Pneumoconiosis:   Morbidity
All Pneumoconiosis:   Pneumoconiotic Agents Exposure
Click to expand/collapse. Section 7.   Malignant Mesothelioma
Malignant Mesothelioma:   Mortality
Click to expand/collapse. Section 8.   Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis
Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis:   Mortality
Click to expand/collapse. Section 9.   Asthma
Asthma:   Mortality
Work-Related Asthma:   SENSOR
Asthma:   Morbidity
Click to expand/collapse. Section 10.   Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease:   Mortality
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease:   Morbidity
Click to expand/collapse. Section 11.   Occupational Respiratory Conditions Due to Toxic Agents
Occupational Respiratory Conditions Due to Toxic Agents:   Morbidity
Click to expand/collapse. Section 12.   Respiratory Tuberculosis
Respiratory Tuberculosis:   Mortality
Click to expand/collapse. Section 13 Lung Cancer
Lung Cancer:   Mortality
Click to expand/collapse. Section 14 Other Interstitial Pulmonary Disease
Other Interstitial Pulmonary Disease:   Mortality
Section 15.   Pneumonia and Influenza
Click to expand/collapse. Section 16.   Various Work-Related Respiratory Conditions
Various Work-Related Respiratory Conditions:   Morbidity
Click to expand/collapse. Section 17.   Smoking Prevalence by Industry and Occupation
Smoking Status

Published for 2003 and 2005 Tables and Figures
Appendix A. Sources of Data
Appendix B. Methods
Appendix C. International Classification of Diseases (ICD) Codes
Appendix D. Changes in Bureau of Census Industry and Occupation Codes and Titles
Appendix E. States (and Years for which Industry and Occupation Codes from Death Certificates
Met NCHS Quality Criteria, 1985-1999
Appendix F. Exposure Categories
Appendix G. Surveillance Guidelines for State Health Departments
Appendix H. Split, Merged, or Renamed Counties and County Equivalents

Page last modified: June 23, 2008
Page last reviewed: June 23, 2008
Content Source: National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)

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