The intent of this NIMS Alert is to inform all NIMS Stakeholders of recent changes to the NIMS Integration Center website, to include the recent restructuring of the NIMS implementation and compliance content. As the NIMS website continues to undergo review and reorganization we hope that you continue to benefit from all resources—old and new—that it contains. The NIMS Integration Center has published the following five documents to its website regarding FY 2007 NIMS implementation: * FY 2007 NIMS Implementation Metrics for States/ Territories (Revised) * FY 2007 NIMS Implementation Metrics for Tribal Entities/ Local Government (Revised) * FY 2007 NIMS Implementation Fact Sheet (New) * NIMS Implementation for Nongovernmental Organizations Fact Sheet (New) * NIMS Implementation for Private Sector Fact Sheet (New) FY 2007 NIMS IMPLEMENTATION METRICS On October 24, 2006 the NIMS Integration Center released the NIMS Implementation Matrices and metrics. The matrices articulated new FY 2007 implementation activities for States and territories and Tribal entities and local governments, which served as the basis for the development of performance-based metrics. Since their initial release, minor edits have been made to the metrics in an attempt to clarify typos. Previous documents should be discarded and replaced with the respective States/ Territories and Tribal/ Local metrics documents found at NIMS IMPLEMENTATION FACT SHEET All current NIMS implementation activities have been prioritized into a two-tier system, a system which was articulated in the simultaneous release of the NIMS Implementation Metrics. As a result, the NIMS Integration Center has published a NIMS Implementation Fact Sheet to help clarify the relationship between the new FY 2007 Implementation requirements and metrics. This fact sheet also addresses the importance of completing the NIMS implementation metrics—both Tiers 1 and 2–and the best means to submit this required information to the NIMS Integration Center prior to the end of this fiscal year on September 30, 2007. NIMS IMPLEMENTATION FACT SHEETS FOR NONGOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATIONS AND PRIVATE SECTOR Local government handles most emergencies. However, when a community’s resources are insufficient to respond to an incident, local government may call on the private sector and/or nongovernmental organizations for assistance. A Fact Sheet identifying recommended activities for the Private Sector can be downloaded from the NIMS Integration Center website at A Fact Sheet identifying recommended activities for Nongovernmental Organizations from the NIMS Integration Center website at: ### NIMS Alert December 6, 2006 NA: NIMS Integration Center 202-646-3850 Page 2 of 2 NIMS Alert December 11, 2006 NA: 021-06 NIMS Integration Center 202-646-3850 Page 1 of 1