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NHANES III Data Files, Documentation, and SAS Code

bullet graphicAnalytic Guidelines for NHANES III

bullet graphicResponse Rates and CPS Totals

bullet graphicNHANES III Web Tutorial

bullet graphicPlan and Operations - Includes Survey Questionnaires

bullet graphicNHANES III Reference Manuals and Reports

bullet graphicNHANES III Serum Latex Allergy (IgE) Data Analysis Issues

bullet graphicNHANES III Errata

NHANES III, Series 11 Data Files

bullet graphic1A--Interview & Exam Components, July 1997

bullet graphic2A--Electrocardiogram, Dietary Recall, Laboratory, Dietary supplement and Prescription Drug, April 1998

bullet graphic3A--Second Exam Files for Dietary Recall, Examination, Laboratory,  Additional  Laboratory Analyses, July, 1999

bullet graphic4A--Volatile toxicant (VOC), January 2000

bullet graphic5A--Supplemental Nutrition Survey (SNS), October 2000

bullet graphic6A--Healthy Eating Index (HEI), January 2000

bullet graphic7A--Multiple Imputation, June 2001

bullet graphic8A--Natality February 2003

bullet graphic9A--Spirometry (Raw Curves), June 2001

bullet graphic10A--Hepatitis C Virus Genotype, October 2001

bullet graphic11A--Knee osteoarthritis X-ray, October 2001

bullet graphic12A--Leptin, January 2002

bullet graphic13A--Periodontal Pathogen Antibody [Data,  Documentation] January 2006

bullet graphic14A--Antibody to Human Papillomavirus-16 (HPV-16)
July 2002

bullet graphic15A--Antibody to Measles August 2002

bullet graphic16A--Diphtheria Antibody August 2002

bullet graphic17A--Hip Bone Geometry August 2003

bullet graphic18A--Pertussis (NHANES III surplus sera) [Codebook, Doc, Freqs, Data] July 2005

bullet graphic19A -- Antibody to Cytomegalovirus IgG and IgM [Data,  Documentation] January 2006

bullet graphic20A -- Vitamin K: Non Hispanic White Women and Girls [Data, Documentation] January 2006

bullet graphic21A -- Surplus Sera Optical Density to Cytomegalovirus [Data, Documentation] May 2006

bullet graphic22A -- Surplus Sera Antibody to Human Herpes Virus 8 [Data, Documentation]  (Updated March, 2007)

bullet graphic23A--Surplus Sera Laboratory Component:  Insulin Like Growth Factor (IGF-I and IGF Binding Protein-3  [Data, Documentation]  (Updated October, 2006)

bullet graphic24A--Surplus Sera Laboratory Component:  Antibody to GAD65 [Data, Documentation] September 2006

bullet graphic25A--Surplus Sera Laboratory Component:  Racial/Ethnic Variation in Sex Steroid Hormone Concentrations Across Age in US Men [Data, Documentation] October, 2006

bullet graphic26A--Surplus Sera Laboratory Component:  Antibody to Toxocara Larva Migrans  [Data, Documentation] January, 2007

bullet graphic27A--Surplus Sera Laboratory Component: Cystatin C  [Data, Documentation] May, 2007

bullet graphic28A--Surplus Sera Laboratory Component: Antibody to MUMPs [Data, Documentation] April, 2008

bullet graphic29A--Surplus Sera Laboratory Component: Antibody to Hepatitis E Virus IgG [Data, Documentation] August, 2008

bullet graphic30A--Surplus Sera Laboratory Component: Antibody to Periodontal Pathogens [Data, Documentation] August, 2008

bullet graphic31A--Dietary Interview - Vitamin K and 3-Methylhistidine
Total Nutrients, Primary Recall (VKDRINUT)
[Data, Documentation] February, 2009
Total Nutrients, Second Recall (VKDRINUR)
[Data, Documentation] February, 2009
Individual Foods, Primary Recall (VKIFF)
[Data, Documentation] February, 2009
Individual Foods, Second Recall (VKIFFR)
[Data, Documentation] February, 2009

NHANES III  Series 11, No. 1A, July 1997
Interview & Exam Components

The Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES III), 1988-94, contains data for 33,994 persons ages 2 months and older who participated in the survey. The data and corresponding documentation for the survey interview and examination components are found in four separate files:
sub bullet itemthe NHANES III Household Adult Data File,
sub bullet itemthe NHANES III Household Youth Data File,
sub bullet itemthe NHANES III Examination Data File, and
sub bullet itemthe NHANES III Laboratory Data File.

bullet graphicReadme.txt

bullet graphicHousehold Adult File:

Data (65 MB)

SAS code



bullet graphicHousehold Youth File:

Data (28 MB)

SAS code



bullet graphicLaboratory File:

Data (56 MB)

SAS code


Usage Notes

bullet graphicExamination File:

Data (190 MB)

SAS code



(NOTE: Dietary recall data in this file should not be used. Revised dietary recall data is located in EXAMDR.DAT in Release 2A.)

NHANES III Series 11, No. 2A, April 1998
Electrocardiogram, Dietary Recall, Laboratory, Dietary Supplement and Prescription Drug

This data files for the Series 11, No. 2A release contain data not available for the first NHANES III release in July 1997. Both releases contain data for sample persons ages 2 months and over who participated in the survey. This data does not replace the series 11, No. 1A.
The data in this release includes:
sub bullet itemupdates to Release 1A household data files
sub bullet itemelectrocardiogram,
sub bullet itemdietary recall,
sub bullet itemlaboratory, and
sub bullet itemvitamin/supplements/prescription drug data.


Household Update Files:

bullet graphicHousehold Adult Update File:

Data (13 MB)

SAS code


Usage Notes

(NOTE: Use to merge the update file with the first release of the Adult file.)

bullet graphicHousehold Youth Update File:

Data (4 MB)

SAS code


Usage Notes

(NOTE: Use to merge the update file with the first release of the Youth file.)



bullet graphicSecond Laboratory file:

Data (37 MB)

SAS code


Usage Notes



bullet graphicElectrocardiogram:

Data (4.7 MB)

SAS code


Vitamins/Supplements/Prescription Drugs:

bullet graphicPrescription Medication file:


SAS code


Usage Notes

bullet graphicVitamin and Mineral file:


SAS code


Usage Notes

bullet graphicSupplement Concentration file:

(6 MB)

SAS code


Usage Notes

bullet graphicSupplement Product Information file:


SAS code


Usage Notes

Dietary Recall:

bullet graphicCombination Foods File:

Data (14 MB)

SAS code


Individual Foods File:

Data (290 MB)

SAS code


Variable Ingredient File:

Data (4 MB)

SAS code


Total Nutrient Intake File:

Data (21 MB)

SAS code


(NOTE: Use to merge the Total Nutrient Intakes with the release 1 exam data.)

Foods Look Up Tables:  



SAS code

See Note.



SAS code

See Note.



SAS code

See Note.



SAS code

See Note.

(NOTE: The documentation for these files are included in the Individual Foods File documentation above.)

NHANES III Series 11, No. 3A, July 1999 Second Exam files for Dietary Recall, Examination, Laboratory, Additional Laboratory Analytes

The NHANES III Second Exam Sample was a sub-study of NHANES III, conducted for research purposes. These research files are intended to provide additional data for use with special statistical methods to improve estimates from the main survey data and for methodologic investigations. Be sure to read the documentation carefully before attempting any analysis. There are seven files in this release: CFFSE, EXAMDRSE, EXAMSE, IFFSE, LABSE,  LAB2SE and VIFSE.

bullet graphicREADME.txt

bullet graphicCombination Foods File - Second Exam (CFFSE):
Data   SAS code  Documentation

bullet graphicTotal Nutrient Intake - Second Exam (EXAMDRSE):
(1.75 MB) SAS code   Documentation

bullet graphicExamination - Second Exam (EXAMSE):  
Data (1.75 MB) SAS code   Documentation

bullet graphicIndividual Food File  - Second Exam (IFFSE):
Data (14 MB)    SAS code    Documentation

bullet graphicSecond Lab - Second Exam (LAB2SE):
Data   SAS code   Documentation

bullet graphicLab - Second Exam (LABSE):
Data (171 MB)  SAS code   Documentation

bullet graphicVariable Ingredients File - Second Exam (VIFSE):
Data (298 MB)  SAS code   Documentation

NHANES III Series 11, No. 4A,
January 2000
Volatile Toxicant (VOC)

This dataset, Series 11, No. 4A, contains data on the priority volatile toxicant reference range study (VOC).  This release does not replace other NHANES III data releases (Series 11, Nos. 1A, 2A, 3A, 5A, and 6A).

bullet graphicREADME.txt

bullet graphicVolatile Toxicant (VOC):
Data   SAS code   Documentation


NHANES III Series 11, No. 5A,
October 2000
Supplemental Nutrition Survey (SNS)

This dataset, Series 11, No. 5A, contains data obtained from a supplemental nutrition survey conducted with survey participants ages 50 years and over, who had a primary exam. This release does not replace other NHANES III data releases (Series 11, Nos. 1A, 2A, 3A, 4A, and 6A).


bullet graphicREADME.txt

Supplemental Nutrition Survey Individual Foods File 1:
Data (24.2 MB)          SAS code          Documentation

Supplemental Nutrition Survey Individual Foods File 2:
Data (23.5 MB)          SAS code          Documentation

Supplemental Nutrition Survey Total Nutrition Intakes:
Data (5.22 MB)          SAS code          Documentation

Foods Look Up Tables:
 Please see Release 2A above for the Foods Look Up Tables.

NHANES III Series 11, No. 6A,
January 2000
Healthy Eating Index (HEI)

This dataset, Series 11, No. 6A, contains data on the number of servings from each of the food groups in the Food Guide Pyramid consumed by survey participants. It also includes data on the Healthy Eating Index (HEI), a measure of diet quality. This release does not replace other NHANES III data releases (Series 11, Nos. 1A, 2A, 3A, 4A, and 5A).

bullet graphicREADME.txt

bullet graphicHealthy Eating Index:
(2.5MB)          SAS code          Documentation

NHANES III  Series 11, No. 7A, June 2001 Multiple Imputation (Updated August, 2004)

Multiple imputation is a statistical technique in which missing data are replaced by several sets of plausible, alternative simulated values. The multiple imputations distributed on this release provide
an improved method for handling missing values in many analyses of NHANES III data. These files are intended as a companion to--not a replacement for--other NHANES III public-use data sets.  National estimates from the NHANES III Multiply Imputed Data Set may differ from those obtained from Series 11, No. 1A (DHHS, 1997) and No. 2A (DHHS, 1998) files. Users of the NHANES III Multiply Imputed Data Set are advised to consult the detailed analytic guidelines in the documents provided in this release.

bullet graphicREADME.txt

bullet graphicDocuments for the NHANES III Multiply Imputated Data Set

bullet graphicNH3MI.SAS

bullet graphicMultiple Imputated Data Set User Guide

bullet graphicCore:
Data            SAS code           Documentation

bullet graphicIMP1:
Data            SAS code           Documentation

bullet graphicIMP2:
Data          SAS code          Documentation

bullet graphicIMP3:
Data          SAS code          Documentation

bullet graphicIMP4:
Data          SAS code         Documentation

bullet graphicIMP5:
Data          SAS code         Documentation


NHANES III  Series 11, No. 8A,

January 2003


Description:  This data release, Series 11 No. 8A, includes natality data for births occurring within the United States to residents and nonresidents. Of the 8,836 children 2 months through 6 years of age from whom interview data were obtained in NHANES III, 7779 have linked birth certificates from the NCHS Division of Vital Statistics. Births occurring to US citizens outside the US are not included in this file. This data release does not replace the previous NHANES III data release.

bullet graphicREADME.txt

bullet graphicNatality:

    Data          SAS Code          Documentation


NHANES III  Series 11, No. 9A, June 2001 Spirometry (Raw Curves)

This data release, Series 11 No. 9A contains the NHANES III raw spirometry data file and documentation.  This data release does not replace the previous NHANES III data releases.


bullet graphicREADME.txt

bullet graphicSpirometry (Raw Curves):

    Data (30.9 MB - Warning! This is a large file.)



NHANES III  Series 11, No. 10A,

October 2001

Hepatitis C Virus Genotype

The Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES III),1988-94, Series 11, No. 10A (Hepatitis C Virus Genotype Data and Documentation) Data Release. This data release, contains the NHANES III Hepatitis C virusgenotype data file and documentation. This data release does not replace the previous NHANES III data releases.

bullet graphicREADME.txt

bullet graphicHepatitis C Virus Genotype:

    Data          SAS code           Documentation


NHANES III  Series 11, No. 11A,
October 2001
Knee Osteoarthritis X-Ray

This data release, Series 11 No. 11A, contains the NHANES III knee osteoarthritis X-ray data file and documentation. This data release does not replace the previous NHANES III data releases.

bullet graphicREADME.txt

bullet graphicKnee Osteoarthritis X-Ray:

    Data          SAS code          Documentation



NHANES III Series 11, No. 12A,

January 2002

Leptin Data

This data release, Series 11 No. 12A, contains the NHANES III Serum Leptin data file and documentation.  This data release does not replace the previous NHANES III data releases. 

bullet graphicREADME.txt

bullet graphicLeptin Data:

    Data          SAS code          Documentation


NHANES III Series 11, No. 13A,

December 2005

Periodontal Pathogen Data

This data release, Series 11 No. 13A, contains the NHANES III Periodontal Pathogen Antibody data file and documentation.

bullet graphicREADME.txt

bullet graphicPeriodontal Pathogen Data:

    Data          Documentation



NHANES III Series 11, No. 14A, July 2002
Antibody to Human Papilliomavirus-16 (HPV-16) Data

This data release, Series 11 No. 14A, contains the NHANES III Antibody to Human Papilliomavirus-16 (HPV-16) data file and documentation. This data release does not replace the previous NHANES III data releases.

bullet graphicREADME.txt

bullet graphicAntibody to Human Papilliomavirus-16 (HPV-16):

    Data          SAS code

NHANES III Series 11, No. 15A,
August 2002
Antibody to Measles Data

This data release, Series 11 No. 15A, contains the NHANES III Antibody to Measles data file and documentation. This data release does not replace the previous NHANES III data releases. The released data is in flat text format.

bullet graphicREADME.txt

bullet graphicAntibody to Measles Data:

    Data          SAS code



NHANES III Series 11, No. 16A,
August 2002
Diphtheria Antibody Data

This data release, Series 11 No. 16A, contains the NHANES III Diphtheria Antibody data file and documentation.  This data release does not replace the previous  NHANES III data releases.  The released data is in flat text format. A SAS program is provided to read the flat data.

bullet graphicREADME.txt

bullet graphicDiphtheria Antibody Data:

    Data          SAS code


 NHANES III Series 11, No. 17A,
Hip Bone Geometry Data

This data release, Series 11, No. 17A, contains the NHANES III Hip Bone Geometry data file and documentation.  This data release does not replace pervious NHANES III data releases.

bullet graphicREADME.txt

bullet graphicHip Bone Geometry Data:

    Data (2.78 MB) SAS code          Methods



This page last reviewed February 24, 2009

H H S Health and Human Services logo and link
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
National Center for Health Statistics
Hyattsville, MD
