and Robbie ran out of the house and headed for school. Both were excited about the special day ahead.
"We're not going to miss anything, are we?" Robbie asked, worried for the first time EVER that he'd be late for school.
"Of course not," said Julia. "We have plenty of time."
were silent for a minute, as they turned the corner toward Booksin Elementary.
"It's weird to think about national emergencies," Julia said. She knew about what had happened on September 11th 2001, when terrorism struck the U.S. But it was still hard to understand.
Robbie shrugged. "It's like all those disasters we've been in before. We just need to learn what to do."
"I guess you're right," said Julia.
ran up the stairs and into the big front doors of the school. All the students in the hallways were excited and talking at once.