NOAA's National Marine Fisheries Service - Northwest Region
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Lake Ozette ESA Salmon Recovery Planning

Historically, the Ozette watershed in the far reaches of Northwest Washington had thriving populations of several salmon species, including sockeye salmon. Lake Ozette sockeye made an important contribution to the fisheries of the Makah and Quileute Tribes, and to the subsistence of the early European settlers in the watershed. For thousands of years, these fish were a thriving part of the ecology, culture, and commerce of this basin. In the past 150 years, however, increasing human population within the basin and associated development and resource use, combined with natural disturbances and climate cycles, have driven the ESU to the point where its persistence is in doubt.

PowerPoint presentation on Lake Ozette Sockeye Proposed Recovery Plan (PDF 2.2MB) made at public meetings in May 2008.

April 23, 2008: NOAA Fisheries Service requested public review and comment on a proposed ESA recovery plan for Lake Ozette sockeye, and on drafts of three supporting documents (Technical Recovery Team draft Viability Criteria for the Lake Ozette Sockeye Salmon ESU, Technical Recovery Team draft Independent Populations of Sockeye Salmon in Lake Ozette, and draft Lake Ozette Sockeye Limiting Factors Analysis). Comments on all four of theses documents will be used to finalize the documents, including the final recovery plan. NOAA will consider and address all substantive comments received by 5 p.m. (PDT) on June 23, 2008. For more information, contact Rosemary Furfey, 503-231-2149, or Elizabeth Gaar, 503-230-5434.


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Page last updated: March 12, 2009
