Welcome to the Kansas Department of Health and Environment's Web site. Our vision is 'healthy Kansans living in safe and sustainable environments'. To that end, we welcome your suggestions and critiques of our service delivery across the state.

The state belongs to all of us - "Kansas Don't Spoil It"

Roderick L. Bremby, Secretary of KDHE

Roderick L. Bremby, Secretary of KDHE

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The following listing offers quick links to the most frequently requested topics, services or programs at the Kansas Department of Health & Environment.
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KS Train |


KS Train Calendar

To add events to the KS Train Calendar contact Debbie Nickels.


Disaster Recovery Information

The flooded Verdigris River at Coffeyville

Resource and information links to assist with safeguarding your health and environment during a natural disaster.
Click here for detailsfor Disaster Recovery Information

The flooded Verdigris River at Coffeyville, KS.


Get Ready for Flu Season

Don't get the flu.  Don't spread the flu.  Get Vaccinated. www.cdc.gov/flu

KDHE is encouraging Kansans to get immunized against the flu. The flu season in Kansas begins in early October and can last until as late as early May. In the U.S., more than 200,000 people are hospitalized and 36,000 die from complications of flu every year, according to the CDC. The single best way to prevent the flu is to get vaccinated each fall.
Click here for detailsfor Get Ready for Flu Season


View the latest updates and resources on the H1N1 flu outbreak in Kansas.

Information on H1N1 Flu Virus |
KDHE 2009 H1N1 Influenza A Virus Specimen Submission Form |
Información en Español

If you have questions about the 2009 H1N1 Flu Virus (initially known as swine flu), call or email KDHE. Spanish speaking operators will be available to answer questions from 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Monday through Friday.

Toll-free number is 1-877-427-7317
General Email: H1N1FluInfo@kdheks.gov
Lab/Clinicians: epihotline@kdheks.gov


KDHE 2008 Annual Report

KDHE 2008 Annual Report

KDHE's 2008 Annual Report and Agency Resource Guide provides an overview of the agency and each of the bureaus, offices and centers that work towards furthering its mission to protect the health and environment of all Kansans by promoting responsible choices. The document also includes information on many of the agency's accomplishments during 2008.
Click here for detailsfor KDHE 2008 Annual Report


May is Skin Cancer Awareness Month

May is Skin Cancer Awareness Month

One in five Americans develop skin cancer in their lifetime. More than 1 million new cases of skin cancer will be diagnosed this year, including over 100,000 cases of melanoma which is the most dangerous. One American dies of melanoma almost every hour. In Kansas, more than 500 cases of melanoma are diagnosed each year, with nearly 100 deaths due to the disease annually. To prevent skin cancer, seek shade especially during midday hours, wear protective clothing, hat and sunglasses, and use sunscreen. Unusual changes in the skin indicate the need to see a doctor or dermatologist as soon as possible.
Click here for detailsfor May is Skin Cancer Awareness Month


Kansas Green Schools The Kansas Green Schools Initiative represents the collaborative effort of the Bureaus of Water, Air and Radiation, Waste Management and Environmental Remediation to promote environmental stewardship for Kansas Schools statewide. Through the Kansas Green Schools Program, there are opportunities for grants, workshops for teachers, and technical support for schools to "green" their buildings and grounds. Incorporating projects into the classroom curriculum is one goal of the program. The Kansas Department of Health and Environment partner for the Green Schools Program is the Kansas Association for Conservation and Environmental Education (KACEE).
Click here for detailsfor Kansas Green Schools


Kansas Information for Communities (KIC)

Kansas Information for Communities (KIC)

Kansas Information for Communities (KIC) gives users the chance to prepare their own queries for vital event and other health care data, including births, cancer incidence, deaths, and hospital discharges by diagnosis and by procedure, Kansas population estimates, and pregnancies. The KIC system allows you to generate your own table for specific characteristics: year of occurrence, age, rate, sex, and county. KIC also has links to statistical reports and health professional reports.
Click here for detailsfor Kansas Information for Communities (KIC)