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CESEPTM is a program designed to get teachers, counselors and students (ages 6-18) from across the globe to exchange ideas about the culture of sport, competing clean and on a level playing field.

The Culture, Education, Sport and Ethics Program (CESEP) is an international educational outreach initiative designed to get teachers, counselors, and students (ages 6-18) from across the globe to exchange ideas about the culture of sport and competing clean on a level playing field. Justice for Athletes, in conjunction with the World Anti-Doping Agency, the United Nations, and various other international non-profit agencies are continuing to develop and broaden this program.

CESEP is currently accepting submissions of art, essays, and poems for publication in a 2nd edition printing of their book, Culture, Education, and Drug Free Sport: A Child's Perspective. Fifty youth will be selected by a special panel to attend the Vancouver, BC 2010 Winter Olympics.

For more information regarding CESEP and to submit your work, click here.

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Click here for more information on American Stroke Month, the Give Me 5 for Stroke Campaign and the ADPH Cardiovascular Health Branch.Click here for more information on hurricane safety and the ADPH Risk Communication Branch.Click here for more information on World Hepatitis Day and the ADPH Adult Viral Hepatitis Prevention Coordinator (AVHPC) Program.Click here for more information on receiving free training and supplies from the Center of Emergency Preparedness to get your organization ready for emergencies.Click here for more information on National Nursing Home Week and selecting a nursing home.
Click here for more information on National EMS Week and the ADPH Office of EMS and Trauma.Click here for more information on Teen Pregnancy Prevention Month and the ADPH Adolescent and School Health Program.Click here for more information on the Buckle Up America Week, the Click It or Ticket Campaign, and the ADPH Injury Prevention Division.Click here for more information on National Nurses Week and the ADPH Nursing Division.Click here for more information on Asthma Awareness Month, World Asthma Day, and Steps to a Healthier Alabama.
ADPH Notices
  • Additional Probable Cases of Influenza A H1N1 (Swine Flu) Identified - As of May 8, Alabama has 31 cases, four of which have been confirmed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The age range of H1N1 flu cases is from 4 to 41, with a median age of 7.

    Of the 31 probable and confirmed cases, 23 individuals are residents of Madison County, four of Montgomery County, one of Jefferson County, one of Pike County, one of Shelby County, and one of Limestone County. Learn More>>

    Do you wish to learn about H1N1 (swine) flu in Alabama since its first detection? View the ADPH Swine Flu page or access all H1N1 (swine flu) news releases and conferences.

  • Swine Influenza A Virus Infection Information - ADPH has created a Swine Flu Page for the public to reference the most up-to-date information. Learn more>>

    There are many precautions you can take against the spread of the Swine Influenza A Virus. The same actions you can take against preventing Pandemic Flu are effective against Swine Flu as well. Learn more>>

  • Nursing Division Launches Website - Just in time for the approaching National Nurses Week, May 6-12, the ADPH Nursing Division now has an online home. Learn more>>

  • Survey of Alabama's Families - The Bureau of Family Health Services is conducting a survey of Alabama residents who are raising children. They would like to hear about your family’s health care experiences and find out what you think are the most important health needs for families living in our state. Learn more>>

  • 2nd Annual Diabetes Youth Fishing Event - On Sunday, May 17, 2009 from 1:00-4:00 p.m. at Lagoon Park's Pete Peterson Lodge, a "Catch and Release" fishing event will be held benefitting River Region and Montgomery area youth with diabetes. Learn more>>

  • State Employees' Health Screenings and Premium Discounts - Effective January 1, 2010, single coverage health insurance premiums for state employees will increase to $25 per month. SEIB Wellness, a joint project between the State Employees' Insurance Board (SEIB) and ADPH, offers health screenings across the state at no cost to state employees. Find out how to waive your premium by participating in a Wellness screening. Learn more>>


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Message from the State Health Officer

Swine Influenza Update
The Alabama Department of Public Health does not recommend cancelling large group events based on concerns of swine flu. Individuals should try to curtail the spread of influenza by realizing the virus is circulating in the population. Individuals who are ill should not attend group events to avoid spreading the virus to others. Persons with underlying medical conditions which would put them at greater potential risk are also advised to avoid group events.

“Those with underlying medical conditions may want to avoid large group gatherings,” Dr. Donald Williamson, state health officer, said. “We control our own individual risk of acquiring infection. If you are a parent, we encourage you to keep sick children home from school and other activities until they are well and to follow their doctors’ recommendations.”

The symptoms of swine flu in people appear to be similar to the symptoms of regular human influenza and include fever, cough, sore throat, body aches, headache, chills and fatigue. Some people have reported diarrhea and vomiting associated with swine flu. Ill persons should voluntarily isolate themselves from others for seven days after they experience symptoms. Close contacts should limit their contact with others for a period of seven days from the time they were exposed.

Learn More About Swine Influenza>>

Gripe H1N1 (Gripe Porcina)
La gripe porcina es un tipo de virus. Se la llama así por un virus que los cerdos contraen. La gente, generalmente, no contrae esta gripe pero pueden darse infecciones. El virus es contagioso y puede diseminarse de persona a persona. Los síntomas de la gripe porcina son similares a los síntomas de la gripe común e incluyen fiebre, tos, picazón de garganta, dolor muscular, dolor de cabeza, escalofríos y fatiga.

Existen algunas medicinas antivirales que usted puede tomar para prevenir o tratar la gripe porcina. Actualmente, no hay vacuna contra esta gripe. Usted puede prevenir la propagación de gérmenes que causan enfermedades respiratorias como la gripe de esta manera:

Cúbrase su nariz y boca con un pañuelo cuando tosa o estornude. Tire el pañuelo a la basura una vez usado.

  • Lávese las manos con agua y jabón, sobre todo después de toser o estornudar. También puede usar limpiadores a base de alcohol.
  • Evite tocarse los ojos, nariz o boca. Así se diseminan los gérmenes.
  • Trate de evitar el contacto con gente enferma.
  • Quédese en su casa y no vaya a trabajar o a la escuela si usted está enfermo.
  • Centro para el Control y Prevencion de Enfermedades
Aprenda Más Sobre La Gripe Porcina/Puerca>>