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Economic Analysis

CFTC Economists

Economic Analysis

Futures Markets Research, Support, and Education

The growth in the number of markets that trade and clear a wider array of complex derivative products requires analysis and research to determine the appropriate regulatory approach to these markets and products. CFTC monitors a large and diverse array of markets, including new energy products, new types of “event-related” markets, such as corporate actions, derivatives on economic statistics, derivatives on credit events, derivatives on weather and derivatives on exchange-traded commodity funds.

The CFTC Office of the Chief Economist conducts research on major economic issues related to the futures and options markets; participates in the development of Commission rulemakings; provides expert economic support and advice to other CFTC offices; conducts special studies and evaluations; and participates in the in-house training of staff on matters related to futures, options, swaps, and risk management.

Futures Markets Reports

This report is based on the Commitment of Traders (COT) report. For each commodity, the COT reports provide information on the size and the direction of the positions taken, across all maturities, by three categories of futures traders. These three trader categories are called “commercial”,”non-commercial”, and “non-reportable”.

Questions or comments regarding this new report can be sent to Arkadiusz Nowak.

Economic Analysis and Related Reports

Interagency Task Force on Commodity Markets Interim Report on Crude Oil (July 22, 2008)

Last Updated: March 5, 2009