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Microbial Genome Sequencing Centers


The Microbial Genome Sequencing Centers (MSCs) provide services for rapid and cost efficient production of high-quality, genome sequences of microorganisms considered agents of bioterrorism (NIAID Category A-C priority pathogens), related organisms, clinical isolates, closely related species, and invertebrate vectors of infectious diseases and microorganisms responsible for emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases.

In recent years the MSCs have begun several large collaborative sequencing initiatives including the:

NIAID will not accept unsolicited grant applications for large-scale DNA sequencing projects for microorganisms and invertebrate vectors of disease, including NIH cooperative agreement grant applications, which is a change in NIAID policy, effective December 2003.

Investigators wishing to apply for support to sequence an organism not described above must do so in the context of an investigator-initiated, hypothesis-driven, unsolicited research project application (R01), subject to standard NIH acceptance and peer-review procedures. NIAID will only accept such applications for review that contain a substantial research component beyond genome sequencing.


    Maria Y. Giovanni
    Assistant Director for Microbial Genomics & Advanced Technology


    Release 1.0 of the Genome Annotation of Ixodes scapularis, Dec. 3, 2008

    Ixodes scapularis: preliminary Genome Browser available and community annotation encouraged. (non-Government links)

    MSC Data Release Guidelines

    NIAID Influenza Genome Sequencing Project

    NIAID-NHGRI Eukaryotic Pathogens and Disease Vectors Sequencing Project

    NIH Human Microbiome Project

    Related Links (non-Government)

    The Broad Institute MSC
    University of Maryland, Baltimore

    See Also

    DMID Genomics Initiatives (PDF)

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    Maria Y. Giovanni
    Assistant Director for Microbial Genomics & Advanced Technology


    Release 1.0 of the Genome Annotation of Ixodes scapularis, Dec. 3, 2008

    Ixodes scapularis: preliminary Genome Browser available and community annotation encouraged. (non-Government links)

    MSC Data Release Guidelines

    NIAID Influenza Genome Sequencing Project

    NIAID-NHGRI Eukaryotic Pathogens and Disease Vectors Sequencing Project

    NIH Human Microbiome Project

    Related Links (non-Government)

    The Broad Institute MSC
    University of Maryland, Baltimore

    See Also

    DMID Genomics Initiatives (PDF)