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Basic Training Academy

United States Marshals Service Basic Training Academy is conducted at the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center (FLETC), in Glynco, GA.  Glynco is located near Brunswick, Georgia, mid-way between Savannah, Georgia and Jacksonville, Florida.

New Deputies are hired as GS-0082 series Deputy U.S. Marshals.  Basic training for GS-0082 Deputies consists of 17-½ weeks of basic training instructed by the FLETC and USMS instructors.

Some of the subjects covered during training include:

*  Legal Training

*  Firearms Training

*  Defensive Tactics

*  Physical Conditioning

*  Driver Training

*  First Aid

*  Courtroom Evidence & Procedure

*  Prisoner Search & Restraint

*  Court Security

*  Computer Training

*  Officer Survival *  Building Entry & Search
*  Search and Seizure *  High Threat Trials

*  Protective Service Training

*  Surveillance

Prior to Attending Training

*  Prior to attending training, applicants must pass a physical fitness test given by USMS personnel. The test must be successfully passed within six months prior to attending training. 

*  Due to the intensity of physical activity, and the relatively short duration of the class, students must arrive at the FLETC in excellent physical condition.   

*  Prospective students will receive information from the U.S. Marshals Service advising when students are to report for training. 

*  An Academy Instructor is assigned to serve as the Class Coordinator prior to each Basic Deputy Class; any inquiries specific to a particular class should be directed to the assigned Class Coordinator.

*  Students will be required to wear uniforms during the class day which will be provided by the FLETC, therefore students are encouraged to bring personal clothing for after-hours and off-base activities.

Physical Conditioning

*  Students are strongly encouraged to be in top physical condition prior to attending training at the FLETC.  The training program includes numerous hours of strenuous physical conditioning and intensive defensive tactics training.

*  Intense exercise in the warm, humid climate of southern Georgia can induce severe medical problems such as heat exhaustion and heat stroke; therefore students are encouraged to hydrate throughout the day and should begin this practice weeks prior to arrival. 

*  While in training, students will be required to participate in running distances from 1.5 to 10 miles in length.

*  During lengthy runs, classes are also involved in periodic and repeated vigorous calisthenics (sit-ups, push-ups, “mountain climbers”, etc.)

*  Classes will run through obstacle courses, sprints, and related conditioning activities. 

*  During the last week of the Basic Training program, students are given another physical fitness test.  Students must successfully pass the final FIT test to graduate training:
Fitness Standards for Men     Fitness Standards for Women


*  There are a total of 7 exams spanning the entire training program.

*  Students must successfully pass each exam with a minimum score of 70%.  

*  Students will participate in pass/fail practical exercises in which they must demonstrate an understanding of concepts learned.   


*  Housing is provided in a number of dormitories. 

*  In the event that housing on base is not available, students will be housed in a local hotel/motel at the government's expense.


*  Meals are provided for students 7 days a week 3 times a day.

Personal Vehicles/Other Transportation

*  Students are allowed to drive personal vehicles to FLETC for training.  They may drive those vehicles on/off base during non-training hours

*  Many students bring or rent bikes to get around the base during training hours.

*  The center also provides transportation through an established system of buses, which will transport students to and from classes. 

*  FLETC buses also transport students to many locations around the community during non-training hours.


*  Family members and friends may visit the center, however they are not authorized to stay on base in student housing.

Additional information related to training at the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center can be obtained at their official website.     <top>