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Model Reveals Strategy to Extend Flu Drug Effectiveness
April 30, 2009 • Harvard University

 NIGMS-supported researchers have found that small stockpiles of a secondary flu medication—if used early in local outbreaks—could extend the effectiveness of primary drug stockpiles during a global influenza pandemic.

Scientists Simulate Flu Outbreak in City Similar to Chicago
March 10, 2008 • Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center

Antiviral medications and social-distancing measures may be sufficient to mitigate a flu pandemic outbreak until a vaccine becomes available, according to a new NIGMS-supported study.

New Software To Aid Early Detection of Infectious Disease Outbreaks
December 6, 2007 • National Institute of General Medical Sciences

A newly released software program will let health authorities at the site of an infectious disease outbreak quickly analyze data, speeding the detection of new cases and the implementation of effective interventions. 

Cholera Can Be Controlled With Oral Vaccines
November 26, 2007 • Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center

Researchers funded by the NIGMS Models of Infectious Disease Agent Study report that cholera could be controlled inexpensively by orally vaccinating affected populations.

MIDAS Study Confirms Limited Human-to-Human Spread of Avian Flu
August 28, 2007 • Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center

Infectious-disease-modeling experts funded by NIGMS confirm that H5N1 avian influenza spread among a family in Indonesia in 2006.

MIDAS Maps Featured in Geography Highlights Book
July 23, 2007 • Research Triangle Park Institute

Maps developed as part of the Models of Infectious Disease Agent Study funded by NIGMS are being included in a book featuring the year's best examples of geographic information system cartography.

Rapid Response Helped Contain 1918 Flu
April 2, 2007 • National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases

NIGMS-supported analyses of historic data show that cities that responded rapidly to the spread of flu in 1918 cut their mortality rates. The studies help plan for future pandemics.

MIDAS Researchers Will Use TeraGrid to Predict Disease Spread
March 28, 2007 • Research Triangle Institute

NIGMS-funded researchers will use TeraGrid, the world's largest cyber infrastructure, to develop models projecting the spread of infectious disease.

HHS Unveils Two New Efforts to Advance Pandemic Flu Preparedness
February 1, 2007 • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Researchers involved in the NIGMS Models of Infectious Disease Agent Study contributed to interim guidance for slowing a pandemic flu outbreak.

Antiviral Drugs Curb Seasonal Flu
January 16, 2007 • Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center

Antiviral drugs are effective in reducing the spread of the influenza virus among family members, report researchers funded by an NIGMS MIDAS grant.

Computer Model Examines Strategies to Mitigate Potential U.S. Flu Pandemic
April 3, 2006 • National Institute of General Medical Sciences

NIGMS-supported researchers develop a computer model to study how pandemic flu might spread in the United States and to test the effectiveness of possible intervention strategies.

U.S. Avian Flu Pandemic Modeled on Supercomputer
April 3, 2006 • Los Alamos National Laboratory

NIGMS-supported scientists have developed a simulation model that makes stark predictions about the possible future course of an avian influenza pandemic in the United States.

Modeling Shows Containment Could Delay, Not Prevent, Pandemic Flu
February 21, 2006 • National Institute of General Medical Sciences

New research from scientists at the Harvard School of Public Health in Boston and the University of Washington in Seattle suggests that containment can buy time to prepare, but containment alone is not enough to stop a flu pandemic from occurring.

Mathematics and Statistics Combat Epidemics & Bioterror
February 1, 2006 • Harvard University

A Harvard–led research team was today awarded one of four new national Models of Infectious Disease Agent Study (MIDAS) grants from the National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS).

New Teams Join Network to Model Pandemic Flu, Other Infectious Outbreaks
February 1, 2006 • National Institute of General Medical Sciences

Four new scientific teams joined the Models of Infectious Disease Agent Study (MIDAS) research network to develop computer-based simulations of pandemic flu and other infectious disease outbreaks.

UCI Joins International Effort to Model Influenza Outbreaks
February 1, 2006 • University of California, Irvine

NIGMS has awarded $1.5 million over the next five years to a research team at the University of California, Irvine, to develop computer-based simulations of pandemic flu and other infectious disease outbreaks.

Early Detection, Rapid Response Key to Containing Global Flu Pandemic
August 3, 2005 • Emory University

Researchers Model Avian Flu Outbreak, Impact of Interventions
August 3, 2005 • National Institute of General Medical Sciences

Preventing a Global Pandemic of Avian Flu is Feasible if Measures Taken in Time, Says New Research
August 3, 2005 • Imperial College

Computer Simulation to Predict Pattern of Outbreak of H5N1 Avian Flu Pandemic
November 24, 2004 • News Target Network

Computer Program Developing to Track Disease, Biological Attacks
November 22, 2004 • RTI International

RTI Hosts Exercise to Simulate Avian Flu Outbreak
November 16, 2004 • RTI International

Flu Experts Leery of Pandemic Preparedness
November 15, 2004 • Scripps Howard News Service

Computer Models to Simulate Hypothetical Outbreak of Avian Flu
November 15, 2004 • National Institute of General Medical Sciences

NIH Chooses Los Alamos to Model Urban Epidemics
May 4, 2004 • Los Alamos National Laboratory

RTI International to Head Research Team to Model Infectious Disease Outbreaks as Part of National Bioterrorism Defense Effort
May 4, 2004 • RTI International

Computers Combat Disease: New Modeling Grants Target Epidemics, Bioterror
May 4, 2004 • National Institute of General Medical Sciences

Emory University Scientists Receive $3 Million NIH Grant to Develop Computer Modeling
May 4, 2004 • Emory University

School of Public Health Awarded $2.9 Million For Computer Modeling Of Epidemics
May 4, 2004 • Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health

This page last updated November 7, 2008