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World Rabies Day

CDC World Rabies Day Symposium and Expo

Meeting Agenda

PDF Document Icon Symposium Agenda and Speaker Bios (PDF – 942 KB)

Welcome and Opening Remarks

A message from Dr. Julie L. Gerberding – Director, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Dr. Lonnie King – Director, National Center for Zoonotic, Vector-Borne and Enteric Diseases
Dr. Charles Rupprecht – Chief, CDC Rabies Program

World Rabies Day – Working Together to Make Rabies History!

Dr. Deborah Briggs – Executive Director, Alliance for Rabies Control ( UK)

Poster and Exhibit Session

Animal rabies prevention and control in the US: A local perspective

Dr. Ben Sun – California Department of Health Services

Canine rabies elimination programs in Latin America

Dr. Christina Schneider – Pan-American Health Organization

Progress and challenges in wildlife rabies control

Dr. Dennis Slate – USDA, Wildlife Services

Networking lunch

Breakout Sessions

Session #1: Emerging Human Rabies Prophylaxis & Management Issues

Moderator: Dr. Hillary Koprowski
Discussion panel:
Dr. Hildegund Ertl – Wistar Institute
Dr. Rodney Willoughby – Medical College of Wisconsin
Dr. Ivan Kuzmin – CDC Rabies Team
Dr. Richard Franka – CDC Rabies Team

Session #2: Novel Applications for Rabies Surveillance and Diagnosis related to rabies control

Moderator: Dr. Ben Sun -- California Department of Health Services
Discussion panel:
Jesse Blanton, MPH – CDC Rabies Team
Dr. Sergio Recuenco – CDC Rabies Team
Dr. Dennis Slate – USDA Wildlife Services
Lillian Orciari, MS – CDC Rabies Team

Session #3: Rabies Awareness & WRD: Communications and Outreach Strategies

Moderator: Dr. Christina Schneider – PAHO
Discussion Panel:
Dr. Deborah Briggs – Alliance for Rabies Control
Dr. Cathleen Hanlon – CDC Rabies Team
Dr. Erin Kennedy – CDC Rabies Team
Abbigail Tumpey, MPH CHES – CDC, Div of Viral and Rickettsial Diseases

Session #4: Regional Control of Rabies: A Roundtable

Moderator: Dr. Cherie Drenzk – Georgia Division of Public Health
Discussion Panel:
Tom Belcuore – Director, Alachua County Health Department, Florida
Dr. Carl Williams – State Public Health Veterinarian, North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services
Dr. John Fischer – Director, Southeastern Cooperative Wildlife Disease Study, Department of Population Health
Dr. Cherie Drenzk – Chief, Notifiable Diseases Epidemiology Section, Georgia Division of Public Health

New vaccines on the horizon

Dr. Hildegund Ertl – Wistar Institute

Update on human rabies therapy

Dr. Rodney Willoughby – Medical College of Wisconsin

Personal Experience Story

Ms. Jeanna Giese – First Rabies Survivor

Future advances in rabies prevention and control

Dr. Hilary Koprowski – Thomas Jefferson University

Closing Remarks

Dr. Charles Rupprecht – Chief, CDC Rabies Program

Social: Music to "Make Rabies History"

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Page last modified: August 30, 2007
Content Source: National Center for Zoonotic, Vector-Borne, and Enteric Diseases (ZVED)

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