Great Lakes Region, Chicago and Dayton

Resources for Records Managers

Basic Tools

These publications are useful in getting a good records management program up and running...or re-started. All are available for download.

  • Filing Systems
    Four easy pages on why every office needs a filing system and how to build one. Prepared by the National Archives Rocky Mountain Region Denver office.

  • Records Management Self-Evaluation Guide   (22 pages)
    Provides a framework for critically reviewing a records management program and identifying its weaknesses and strengths. Short and to the point.

  • Disposition of Federal Records   (141 pages)
    A start-to-finish guide on inventorying records, scheduling records, and applying the schedule to real records in real space. A little dated, but still excellent information.

Electronic Records Savvy

Lots of information on the web can help you tame those one's and zero's and establish good electronic records management. Here are a few of our favorite resources.

  • Toolkit for Managing Electronic Records
    A huge reference library accessible by key-word search or browsing.

  • Transferring Electronic Records to NARA
    Your permanently valuable electronic records should ultimately come to NARA. Here's a quick overview of general guidance.

  • DoD Standard 5015.2
    The Department of Defense (DoD) took the lead in establishing standards that ERM software must meet in order to receive DoD certification. The product of its labors is this landmark document.

  • Buying ERM Software
    Are you in the market for an Electronic Records Management (ERM) application for your system? Here's what the Environmental Protection Agency learned about how to evaluate commercial off-the-shelf products.

Planning for Disaster

Big disasters disrupting thousands of lives make the national news. The disaster most likely to overtake you, statistically, will go no further than your building. But it can severely impact your ability to do your job. These flyers, produced by the National Archives' Rocky Mountain Region, are an excellent introduction to what you need to do to be ready.

Et Cetera

A miscellaneous grab bag of useful resources.

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The U.S. National Archives and Records Administration
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