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NIH Business Intelligence (nVision Data Warehouse)

The nVision Data Warehouse is a central data reporting repository for data extracted from systems that manage the day to day operations of the NIH.  This information can be used to report data operationally (dashboards displaying ordering, receiving, and billing details), tactically (standard reports showing the number of invoices paid over the last week), and strategically (reports showing financial trends over time).

 A variety of modifiable standard queries and reports have been created for users of the nVision Data Warehouse. Users can modify standard reports to add or delete attributes or create customized queries and reports. The reports provided by the nVision Data Warehouse enable users to study business data through statistical analysis, so that they can discover and understand historical patterns to improve business performance in the future. Benefits to users include but are not limited to:  observation of trends over time, alerts, identification of risks and opportunities, prevention of data threats, and financial reporting. nVision reports also allow users to investigate processes and identify process improvements; for example, identifying and resolving invoicing bottlenecks, and tracking down lost property items. Hands-on, instructor-led training is available for all nVision reporting areas, and additional on-line tutorials covering the nVision reporting system are available as well.

 The nVision Data Warehouse is composed of the following business areas:

 Travel-nVision’s initial release in September 2003, the Travel business area of the nVision Data Warehouse supports the travel reporting needs for the NIH community. Users are able to access travel information, including detailed data required for conducting daily operations as well as high-level information required for travel decisions. This data includes, but is not limited to, fields such as per diem rates, travel authorizations, vouchers, arrival dates, currently on travel, and sponsored as well as many other travel transaction details.

 Technology Transfer-Released in August 2004, the Tech Transfer business area of the nVision Data Warehouse supports the technology transfer reporting needs for the NIH community. The reports provide detailed and summary level information on inventions, licenses, and patents for Technology Development Coordinators (TDCs) and Budget Officers.

 Supply and Replenishment-Released in February 2007, the Supply and Replenishment business area of the nVision Data Warehouse supports the warehouse management reporting needs for the NIH Warehouse Management and Office of Financial Management community. The reports provide detailed and summary level information on internal requisitions and backorders, inventory planning, and inventory financial transactions, for warehouse and financial management staff at the NIH. The ad hoc reporting capability (adding, removing, sorting, summing report columns) provides “on the fly” report modification capability.

 Acquisitions & Contracts-Released in July 2007, the nVision Acquisition & Contracts business area is the business intelligence reporting system that supports NIH’s information needs for management of the acquisition lifecycle, from initiation of the requisition to receiving and final close of the award document. Many of these pre-defined reports allow users to drill from summary to detail-level information, allowing the user to view the big picture and then drill-down to see specific details as required. The ad hoc reporting capability (adding, removing, sorting, summing report columns) provides “on the fly” report modification capability.

 Property-Released in July 2007, the nVision Property business area provides a rich environment for making property management decisions from acquisition to disposal. A variety of reports can be used to track and monitor un-decaled property, research decal numbers, monitor loans and passes, and manage the disposal of assets. Many of these pre-defined reports allow users to drill from summary to detail-level information, allowing the user to view the big picture and then drill-down to see to specific details as required. The ad hoc reporting capability (adding, removing, sorting, summing report columns) provides “on the fly” report modification capability.

 In addition to these new business areas, the nVision Data Warehouse includes business areas and reporting tools assumed from the now-retired NIH Data Town, such as Budget and Finance, Human Resources, Research Contracts and Grants, Staff Training and Development, Budget Tracking, Manager’s Desktop Assistant, and Workforce Planning Trends.

 To register for nVision, launch nVision reports, or to learn more about nVision’s capabilities and features, visit the nVision community page via the NIH Portal at<>



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This page last reviewed: March 10, 2009