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NEI 40th Anniversary

Home » Research Funding » National Eye Institute Programs and Research Priorities

Programs and Research Priorities

The research projects supported by the National Eye Institute (NEI) address the leading causes of blindness and impaired vision in the United States. The NEI supports a broad range of basic and clinical research, clinical trials and other epidemiologic studies, and research training and career development in the sciences related to vision.

A detailed description of NEI program priorities and funding policies is contained in the site This page describes the planning process and contains the Phase I NEI strategic planning document "National Plan for Eye and Vision Research". The research objectives given below are representative only, and are not intended to be an all-inclusive compilation of areas of interest to the NEI. Investigators are strongly encouraged to contact one of the NEI extramural program directors to discuss their research, training, or career development plans. All Division of Extramural Research staff members may be reached at 301-451-2020.

Retinal Diseases

Program Director:
Dr. Andrew P. Mariani, Fundamental Retinal Processes and Acting Director, Retinal Circuitry, 301-451-2020,
Dr. Lisa Neuhold, Retinal diseases, 301-451-2020,

Corneal Diseases

  Program Director:

Dr. Grace L. Shen, 301-451-2020,

Lens and Cataract

  Program Director:

Dr. Houmam Araj, 301-451-2020,

Glaucoma and Optic Neuropathies

  Program Director:

Dr. Ellen S. Liberman, 301-451-2020,

Strabismus, Amblyopia, and Visual Processing

Program Directors:
Dr. Neeraj Agarwal, Oculomotor Systems and Neuro-Opthalmology, 301-451-2020,
Dr. Michael D. Oberdorfer, Strabismus, Amblyopia, and Visual Processing, 301-451-2020,
Dr. Michael A. Steinmetz, Development and Regeneration of Central visual Pathways, 301-451-2020,

Low Vision and Blindness Rehabilitation

  Program Director:

Dr. Michael D. Oberdorfer, 301-451-2020,

Ocular Genetics

The study of genetic factors which underlie structure, function, and disease susceptibility is common to all scientific programs of the NEI. Therefore, the large-scale projects which employ a common genetic technology have been organized into an over-arching grant portfolio. The program director not only manages these extramural grants but also serves a liaison role in integrating and stimulating the development of NEI intramural/extramural ocular genetics resources.

  Program Director:

Dr. Hemin R. Chin, 301-451-2020,

Ocular Infection, Inflammation, and Immunology

The study of immunologic, inflammatory, and infectious processes which underlie disease pathogenesis and susceptibility is common to all scientific programs of the NEI. Therefore, projects which focus on research in these areas have been organized into an over-arching grant portfolio.

  Program Director:

Dr. Grace L. Shen, 301-451-2020,

Myopia and Refractive Error

  Program Director:

Dr. Jerome R. Wujek, 301-451-2020,

Collaborative Clinical Research

The NEI supports single center and multi center clinical trials and other epidemiologic and health services research. Collectively, these projects are directed toward furthering knowledge about the predictors for and natural history of visual system diseases and disorders and developing better prevention and management strategies for these conditions.

Program Directors:
Mr. Donald F. Everett, Clinical Trials, 301-451-2020,
Dr. Natalie Kurinij, Epidemiology and Clinical Studies, 301-451-2020,
Dr. Maryann Redford, Collaborative Clinical Research, 301-451-2020,

Center Core Grants

The NEI supports P30 Center Core Grants which provide resource modules for institutions with more than eight eligible NEI grants

Program Director:

Dr. Hemin R. Chin, 301-451-2020,

Small Business Research

The NEI supports both the Small Business Innovative Research (SBIR) (R43, R44) and the Small Business Technology Transfer Research (STTR) programs. Proposals may address any topic in vision research, see for further details.

Program Director:

Dr. Jerome R. Wujek, 301-451-2020,

Training Officer

This individual coordinates all research training programs which address any topic in vision research. This includes serving as the contact point for information.

Program Director:

Dr. Neeraj Agarwal, 301-451-2020,

Research Resources Officer

This individual coordinates resource issues which affect all the programs of the NEI. This includes serving as the contact point for Research Supplements and R13/U13 Conference Grants.

Program Director:

Dr. Jerome R. Wujek, 301-451-2020,


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This page was last modified in November 2008

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