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Superfund Basic Research Program Recovery Act Funding

American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Recovery Act) logo

NIEHS Superfund Basic Research Program (SBRP) will receive approximately $12.3 Million in ARRA funding.

SBRP grants funded through the P42, R01, R41, R42, R43 and R44 mechanisms are eligible for ARRA funds.

The SBRP will utilize the following three mechanisms:

The receipt date for the SBRPs administrative and diversity supplements requests is May 18, 2009. The date for the Summer Research Experience is April 23.

Applicants are strongly encouraged to send requests in PDF format to If this is not possible, hard copy requests can be sent by overnight mail to:

Dorothy Duke
National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences
530 Davis Drive
Mail Drop K3-11
Research Triangle Park, North Carolina 27713

Please identify "SBRP Recovery Supplement" in the subject line. Also include the type of supplement, i.e., "administrative", "diversity", "summer research experience".

Instructions in the NIH Guide Notice for submitting requests should be followed.

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Last Reviewed: April 08, 2009