Changing "DEN" to "BOU"

We continue to make changes in our website links from identifier "DEN" to "BOU".  It will take some time to find all of these identifiers and make the appropriate changes.  A reminder for those of you who bookmark or save pages as a favorite...please recheck the original link to make sure it is still pointing to where your bookmark is pointing.  If not, you will get the dreaded, "THIS PAGE IS NOT AVAILABLE" or "THE PAGE CANNOT BE FOUND".  If you see these statements, it just means that your bookmark link is no longer valid.  You wil need to go to and then go to the page that you want.  Once you find it, then save it as a favorite or bookmark.  If you only rely on your favorites, there will be  occasions where you will not get what you think you were going to get. We will try to keep you informed about any link changes.

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  • National Weather Service
  • Denver/Boulder, CO Weather Forecast Office
  • 325 Broadway
  • Boulder, CO 80305-3328
  • 303-494-4221
  • Page Author: BOU Webmaster
  • Web Master's E-mail:
  • Page last modified: 10-Jun-2008 4:22 PM UTC is the U.S. government's official web portal to all federal, state and local government web resources and services.