July 2008 Continues To Add To One Of Denver's Driest Years (Updated)

This article is a continuation of an article published in June comparing the driest year in Denver weather history (2002)  to our current year (2008).  It is only comparing these 2 years and so far is only comparing the two years through July 26th.  It is not intended to compare any other years...just 2002 versus 2008.

Through July 26th in 2002, the total amount of precipitation recorded was 5.34 inches.  So far in 2008, again through July 26th, only 3.28 inches of moisture has been measured at the Denver International Airport.  This is a deficit of 2.06 inches.  That is not to say that 2008 will become the driest year in Denver weather history, but to be behind by such a large margin is significant.  One or two heavy thunderstorms or winter storms could easily move 2008 out of contention for the driest year.  But the way things have transpired so far this year, the deficit only seems to widen.  Time will tell on this matter.  Note: During October 13th and 14th of 2007, the Denver International Airport recorded a record setting 2.65 inches of liquid.  The month finished with 3.03 inches of precipitation...so one can never say for sure what is going to happen especially when dealing with weather. 

Here is the comparison between January 1st  through July 26th for both 2002 and 2008:

                                          2002                                2008        (inches)

                         Jan           0.48                                  0.08

                         Feb           0.32                                  0.18   

                         Mar           0.53                                  0.17

                         Apr           0.23                                   0.32

                         May          0.94                                   1.56

                         Jun          1.45                                    0.73

         July thru 28th        1.39                                    0.24

                       Total         5.34                                     3.28         (inches)

                 Difference                       -2.06 


 Normal through July 28th          10.04                                  (inches)

                 Difference    -4.70                                   -6.67

We will keep this comparison updated at least on a weekly basis (sooner if a significant change occurs).


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  • National Weather Service
  • Denver/Boulder, CO Weather Forecast Office
  • 325 Broadway
  • Boulder, CO 80305-3328
  • 303-494-4221
  • Page Author: BOU Webmaster
  • Web Master's E-mail: w-bou.webmaster@noaa.gov
  • Page last modified: 10-Jun-2008 4:22 PM UTC
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