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     Sales Volume and Average Wholesale Prices of Selected Fishery Products
          at 10 Major Central Wholesale Markets in Japan, November 1996
                                 November             January - November        
                             ----------------     ----------------------------
Fishery Products                M.T    Yen/kg       M.T      %   Yen/kg    %   
Grand total                   210,132      869    2,081,011   100    835   102
Fresh, total                   90,519      809      848,716   100    843   102
 Bluefin tuna                     551    3,354        8,489    94  2,659   107
 Bigeye tuna                    1,407    1,553       12,922   102  1,337   100
 Yellowfin tuna                 1,841    1,170       22,678    84  1,041   109
 Other tuna                     1,531      879       14,320    65    747   135
 Skipjack                         398      856       20,650    70    641   148
 Salmon                         2,776      561       22,027    92    691   105
 Sardine                        3,096      288       35,909   102    294   126
 Jack mackerel                  3,931      471       55,366   104    478   103
 Mackerel                      13,970      199       71,298   142    253    82
 Saury                          1,778      631       24,139    85    548   158
 Yellowtail, wild               2,922      729       21,503   104    680   107
 Yellowtail, cultured           4,856    1,077       48,667    76  1,026   129
 Flounder, live/fresh             836    2,165        8,911    90  2,118   110
 Flounder, live                   265    2,328        2,927     -  2,351     -
 Sole                           2,303      840       20,465   114    947    96
 Cod                            3,081      501       15,092   119    489    95
 Croaker                          285      467        2,885    90    385   109
 Cuttlefish                       784      730       10,688    93    749   110
 Red snapper, live/fresh        2,997    1,201       29,961   102  1,217    98
 Red snapper, live              1,639    1,151       16,289     -  1,176     -
 Spanish mackerel               3,534      541       26,612   121    645   100
 Tiger Prawn                      157    5,382        1,581   105  6,189    94
 Shrimp                           528    2,009        6,530   105  1,824    97
 Crab                           1,702    1,730       12,991    93  1,797   105
 Squid, common                  5,775      348       54,850   114    351    79
 Cuttlefish                       216      745        2,399   102    804   105
 Other squid                    1,241    1,097       16,634   107  1,064    97
 Eel                              209    2,063        3,395    76  2,204    96
 Short-neck clam, with shell    1,681      433       20,692   103    451    96
 Scallop, with shell              999      488        9,958   109    554    89
 Oyster, without shell          2,578    1,184       10,527    98  1,048   100
 Bloody clam, with shell          607    1,003        7,134   102    870    83
 Freshwater clam, with shell    1,080      443       11,929    97    447   103
Frozen, total                  50,779      982      544,740    99    896   106
 Bluefin tuna                   1,809    3,184       17,242    98  3,065   112
 Bigeye tuna                    3,679    1,339       40,129    84  1,202   116
 Bigeye tuna, imports           1,250    1,502       13,632     -  1,344     -
 Yellowfin                      1,442      942       15,546    87    876   116
 Billfish                         790      870       10,184    87    773   126
 Salmon*                        4,525      639       52,352   102    577   100
 Salmon*, imports               3,004      687       36,112     -    615     -
 Pink salmon                      594      568        7,581   128    547   115
 Herring                          447      178        4,377    75    193   116
 Jack mackerel                    551      375        5,705   144    298   113
 Mackerel                       1,403      433       18,569   123    336   130
 Saury                            807      373        9,133    81    277   126
 Sole                           1,886      565       25,634    99    528   118
 Cod                              764      545        7,267    87    621   106
 Sea bream                        575      527        4,747    87    579   109
 Spanish mackerel                 560      641        6,420   106    631   104
 Shrimp, domestic                 933    1,751        8,821    91  1,747   103
 Shrimp, imports                4,798    1,554       51,108    95  1,487   103
 Squid, common                  1,378      301       17,734   108    348    88
 Cuttlefish                     1,454      735       14,271    96    786    97
 Other squid                    2,262      668       26,392   105    673   103
 Octopus                        2,454      982       33,758    82    873   129
 Surimi                         2,759      347       22,669   104    322    93
Processed, total               67,479      870      669,333   102    783   100
 Sardine                        1,578      942       17,021   102    900   101
 Jack mackerel                  2,295      565       25,071    98    571   110
 Mackerel                         273      628        3,571   106    534   112
 Saury                            882      490        9,751   100    471   115
 Salmon                         8,214      598       62,141   107    633    95
 Pink salmon                      374      341        4,348    90    351   113
 Mackerel                       1,203      579       15,033    92    493   125
 Salmon roe                     1,567    2,295       12,205    95  2,400    92
 Pollock roe                    1,600    1,974       18,242    91  1,865   101
 Herring roe                    1,392    5,201        3,415    85  4,720   124
 Surimi-based products         13,021      473       12,109    99    475    97
M.T. = metric tons; % = comparison with the same period a year earlier
* = excluding pink salmon

Source:  NMFS, Long Beach, CA
Contact:  Sunee C. Sonu

Sales Volume and Average Wholesale Prices
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