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Average Wholesale Prices and Sales Volume of Selected Fishery Products
at 10 Major Central Wholesale Markets in Japan, June 2004
                                    June                  January - June         
                              ----------------     ----------------------------
Fishery Products                M.T     Yen/kg        M.T      %    Yen/kg   % 
Grand total                   159,045      719      968,993    99     736    98 
Fresh, total                   65,610      728      393,846    99     783   101
Frozen, total                  40,450      752      249,181    98     745    97
Processed, total               50,730      690      312,977   102     678    96

 Bluefin tuna                     973    2,187        5,816   142   2,683    85 
 Bigeye tuna                      974      950        5,440   101   1,116    94
 Yellowfin tuna                 1,417      958        9,603    86     963   104 
 Skipjack                       4,021      477       13,933    73     612   140
 Salmon*                        1,535      812        8,395   100     790    98
 Sardine                        2,144      303        7,748   113     394    88
 Jack mackerel                  4,642      416       26,740    92     412   104
 Mackerel                       3,684      294       20,309    88     380   107
 Saury                          1,046      220        6,547   142     226    69
 Yellowtail, cultured           2,834      966       27,520    98     862   100
 Flounder                       1,977      697        9,808    98     749    97
 Cod                              553      532        6,589   113     576    93
 Red snapper                    3,338      752       23,013   107     747    95
 Spanish mackerel                 955      595       12,022    92     558   107 
 Crab                           1,068    1,313        6,767   102   1,435    96
 Squid, common                  4,237      360       19,954   109     406   100
 Scallop, with shell              750      523        6,289    91     446   102
 Oyster, without shell            133      604        6,120   105     784    90
 Bluefin tuna                   1,516    2,393        9,755    91   2,349   101
 Bigeye tuna                    3,932      830       21,980    89     908   107
 Yellowfin                      1,602      667        8,966   121     709    98 
 Salmon*                        5,427      492       32,110    99     488    95
 Pink salmon                      984      547        6,157    79     533   109
 Mackerel                       1,383      375       10,572   110     326   102 
 Sole                           1,902      586       12,225    97     589   105
 Shrimp, imports                3,193    1,161       20,087    97   1,153    95
 Squid, common                    857      319        6,679    91     287    95
 Octopus                        1,996      888       12,018   105     849   100
 Surimi                           920      266        6,596    83     267    91
 Salmon*                        3,742      671       18,218    97     675    95
 Pink salmon                      383      508        2,332    87     537   109
 Salmon roe                       643    2,294        4,436   114   2,264    87
 Pollock roe                    1,049    2,301        6,560   100   2,152    98
 Herring roe                      235    1,413          817   142   1,608    79
 Surimi-based products          7,417      453       48,609   101     463    98
M.T. = metric tons; % = comparison with the same period a year earlier.
* = excluding pink salmon

Contact:  Sunee C. Sonu 


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