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     Sales Volume and Average Wholesale Prices of Selected Fishery Products
          at 10 Major Central Wholesale Markets in Japan, February 2000
                                    February             January - February      
                             --------------------   -----------------------------
Fishery Products                  M.T.     Yen/kg        M.T.     %   Yen/kg    %
Grand total                     175,947      790      333,557   102     801    99
Fresh, total                     72,896      829      142,193   102     841   101
 Bluefin tuna                       550    3,516        1,037   172   3,797    92
 Bigeye tuna                      1,075    1,256        2,147    93   1,283    95
 Yellowfin tuna                   2,124      922        3,956   117     955    95
 Other tuna                       1,750      762        3,839   152     803    94
 Skipjack                         1,198      593        1,423   146     610   100
 Salmon                           1,333      864        2,626   107     853    98
 Sardine                          3,285      319        6,949    98     282   110
 Jack mackerel                    4,068      471        7,615    97     460   101
 Mackerel                         5,075      403       10,880    93     385   102
 Saury                              465      541          944    75     536   122
 Yellowtail, wild                 2,090      797        4,202   141     762    82
 Yellowtail, cultured             4,889    1,150       10,028    94   1,144   112
 Flounder, live/fresh               657    2,096        1,270   101   2,163   100
 Flounder, live                     365    2,320          721   108   2,387    98
 Sole                             1,832      819        3,193   104     852    96
 Cod                              2,068      573        4,262   103     598   103
 Croaker                             99      426          191    36     402   124
 Conger-Pike                         95      796          185   111     650    95
 Cuttlefish                         862      658        1,926   147     635    88
 Red snapper, live/fresh          3,341      835        6,926   109     845    98
 Red snapper, live                1,978      767        4,091   108     774    98
 Other snapper                      384    1,004          810   116     958    89
 Spanish mackerel                 3,281      450        6,364    87     431   109
 Tiger Prawn                        141    4,185          292   123   4,236    73
 Shrimp                             430    1,739          876   113   1,713    92
 Crab                             1,012    1,810        2,145   106   1,704    94
 Squid, common                    3,721      468        5,907    90     489   100
 Cuttlefish                         269      707          486    77     709   117
 Other squid                      1,099    1,012        2,235    96     968   101
 Eel                                201    1,196          379   128   1,183    55
 Short-neck clam, with shell      1,666      464        2,969   107     464    97
 Scallop, with shell                910      455        1,683   105     465    91
 Oyster, without shell            2,908      822        5,810   111     874    94
 Bloody clam, with shell            741    1,057          991    94     958   104
 Freshwater clam, with shell      1,136      434        2,129   109     435    96

Frozen, total                    47,160      810       86,240   104     831    96
 Bluefin tuna                     1,443    2,792        2,791    85   2,852   111
 Bigeye tuna                      3,575    1,129        6,537   107   1,175   104
 Bigeye tuna, imports             1,303    1,249        2,362   115   1,300   103
 Yellowfin                          955      976        1,781    75   1,021   128
 Billfish                           611      780        1,146    80     792   120
 Salmon*                          4,446      612        7,815   104     612    86
 Salmon*,imports                  3,131      650        5,612    97     644    93
 Pink salmon                      1,072      550        1,800    84     605    97
 Herring                          1,196      142        2,544    73     130    98
 Jack mackerel                      446      277          722   112     302    95
 Mackerel                         1,628      287        2,678    89     298    79
 Saury                              419      475          811   120     502   130
 Sole                             2,895      467        5,164   114     468   101
 Cod                                642      545        1,546   130     505    86
 Sea bream                          208      664          424    97     616   109
 Spanish mackerel                   472      447          818    92     446    95
 Shrimp, domestic                   697    1,459        1,311   108   1,423    91
 Shrimp, imports                  3,707    1,519        6,575   107   1,511    98
 Squid, common                    1,310      277        2,367   112     279    76
 Cuttlefish                         843      703        1,461    91     733    95
 Other squid                      2,259      521        3,767   111     563    92
 Octopus                          3,605      435        5,554   125     462    66
 Surimi                           1,696      312        3,154    88     316    98
Processed,total                  54,137      731      102,020   100     731    98
 Sardine                          1,586      581        3,391   106     565    84
 Jack mackerel                    2,023      549        3,794    93     551   102
 Mackerel                           381      521          694   111     521    88
 Saury                              604      546        1,107    85     556   105
 Salmon                           3,256      736        6,134   102     742    85
 Pink salmon                        376      424          663   121     461    87
 Mackerel                         1,327      430        2,394   105     438    85
 Salmon roe                         857    3,342        1,618    89   3,429   111
 Pollock roe                      1,398    2,018        2,447    97   2,013   116
 Herring roe                        122    2,347          320    59   2,180   195
 Surimi-based products           10,087      494       20,353    98     493   102
M.T. = metric tons; % = comparison with the same period a year earlier.
* = excluding pink salmon

Source:  NMFS, Long Beach, CA
Contact:  Sunee C. Sonu

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