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Average Wholesale Prices and Sales Volume of Selected Fishery Products
at 10 Major Central Wholesale Markets in Japan, December 2006
                                  December             January – December      
                              ----------------     ----------------------------
Fishery Products                M.T     Yen/kg        M.T      %    Yen/kg   % 
Grand total                   177,674      984    1,780,758    94     815   105

Fresh, total                   71,526      947      766,680    94     815   106
 Bluefin tuna                   1,067    3,647       10,463    82   2,972   117
 Bigeye tuna                    1,067    1,452       10,677   104   1,262   105
 Yellowfin tuna                 1,521    1,086       15,099    89   1,097   110
 Skipjack                         113      591       27,773    84     476   118
 Salmon*                        1,885      843       21,966    90     793   120
 Sardine                        1,226      275       16,967   125     321    84
 Jack mackerel                  3,232      375       46,266    96     424   102
 Mackerel                       5,386      291       52,659   111     298    91
 Saury                            813      255       39,384    87     327   111
 Yellowtail, cultured           7,165      899       48,799    87     904   116
 Flounder                       1,625      862       17,172   105     805    98
 Cod                            2,404      773       15,868   106     666   108
 Red snapper                    3,150    1,177       35,715    85   1,007   125
 Spanish mackerel               1,415      628       17,060    98     585   104
 Crab                           2,507    1,488       16,075    87   1,272   105
 Squid, common                  3,755      388       40,098    94     412    99
 Scallop, with shell              889      610       10,259   104     539   105
 Oyster, without shell          1,502    1,182       10,958    88     968   109
Frozen, total                  45,530    1,083      428,666    92     886   106
 Bluefin tuna                   2,205    3,021       18,351    92   2,718   113
 Albacore                          62    1,065          779    95     985   102
 Bigeye tuna                    4,445      984       42,097    94     915   109
 Yellowfin                      1,348      881       16,135    78     799   124
 Salmon*                        6,712      615       65,378   113     603   108
 Pink salmon                      704      805        8,525    90     738   118
 Mackerel                       1,226      483       13,967    76     504   116
 Sole                           1,222      757       19,930    86     688   109
 Shrimp, imports                4,491    1,404       37,533    90   1,270   107
 Squid, common                  1,074      340       10,320   100     365   103
 Octopus                        2,568      901       22,812    92     839   102
 Surimi                         1,774      339       14,527    94     327   103

Processed, total               59,093      960      560,454    95     774   103
 Salmon*                        5,226      788       43,561    98     742   110
 Pink salmon	                  311      749        3,315    78     675   117
 Salmon roe                     1,338    2,832       10,177    97   2,509   110
 Pollock roe                    1,500    2,234       13,904   107   1,990    91
 Herring roe                    2,497    2,165        3,571   100   2,077    91
 Surimi-based products         11,476      701       89,626    94     515   104
M.T. = metric tons; % = comparison with the same period a year earlier.
* = excluding pink salmon
Contact:  Sunee C. Sonu


Sales Volume and Average Wholesale Prices
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