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Sales Volume and Average Wholesale Prices of Selected Fishery Products
at 10 Major Central Wholesale Markets in Japan, December 2001
                                    December              January - December
                              ----------------     ----------------------------
Fishery Products                M.T     Yen/kg        M.T      %    Yen/kg   %
Grand total                   222,216      964    2,141,106    98     798    97
Fresh, total                   87,971      925      883,727    96     804    99
 Bluefin tuna                     813    4,216        8,426    74   3,341   127
 Bigeye tuna                    1,335    1,470       12,484    94   1,315    98
 Yellowfin tuna                 2,197    1,217       24,987    98   1,013   100
 Other tuna                     1,476      944       15,402    64     742   112
 Skipjack                         260      439       27,659    70     527   133
 Salmon                         2,342      631       25,830   109     621    84
 Sardine                        2,345      351       34,303    94     299    97 
 Jack mackerel                  3,263      450       49,537    86     462   109
 Mackerel                       7,381      287       54,616   108     324    84
 Saury                            926      356       39,339   130     449    79
 Yellowtail, wild               3,025      773       30,098    92     586    97
 Yellowtail, cultured           9,664      757       55,640   119     907    79
 Flounder, live/fresh             897    1,952        7,989    91   1,926   101
 Flounder, live                   490    2,239        4,404   100   2,174    95
 Sole                           1,751      953       17,606    94     873   103
 Cod                            2,460      742       13,948    91     645   110
 Croaker                          224      410        1,737    95     361   106
 Conger-Pike                      123      689        3,527   110   1,101    85
 Cuttlefish                       466      886        7,264    72     836   114
 Red snapper, live/fresh        3,627    1,149       33,767    82   1,139   120
 Red snapper, live              1,950    1,084       17,701    79   1,131   122
 Other snapper                    618      997        6,794   114     802    87
 Spanish mackerel               2,233      511       27,872    88     483   105
 Tiger Prawn                      226    6,011        1,932   100   4,767   102
 Shrimp                           684    1,887        6,753    95   1,701   101
 Crab                           2,793    1,871       16,983   101   1,551    98
 Squid, common                  5,008      315       57,453   106     307    86
 Cuttlefish                       274      609        2,813   116     623    94
 Other squid                    1,104      861       13,449    86   1,080   100
 Eel                              225    1,044        3,439    96   1,185    95
 Short-neck clam, with shell    1,522      458       23,146    96     458   100
 Scallop, with shell            1,083      505       10,475   106     488    99
 Oyster, without shell          3,379      930       16,149   101     889    95
 Bloody clam, with shell          647      855        6,523    91     870   107
 Freshwater clam, with shell      743      481       10,595    92     485   107
Frozen, total                  63,565    1,005      573,697   101     830    95
 Bluefin tuna                   2,991    2,601       20,867   100   2,789    97
 Bigeye tuna                    5,755      989       50,639   104     936    90
 Bigeye tuna, imports           1,766    1,087       15,871    89   1,035    89
 Yellowfin                      1,949      760       19,302   126     720    86
 Billfish                         590      723        6,939    93     769    96
 Salmon*                        6,213      428       64,887   127     482    83
 Salmon*, imports               4,075      411       42,032   120     480    79
 Pink salmon                    1,395      454       13,446   131     475    81
 Herring                          503      207        7,618    54     172   119
 Jack mackerel                    285      274        3,717    77     283    96
 Mackerel                       1,917      272       18,714   115     284    99
 Saury                            512      280        9,251   127     323    72
 Sole                           2,189      521       26,594    94     491   103
 Cod                              951      530        6,973   106     570   102
 Sea bream                        389      642        2,920   125     559    89
 Spanish mackerel                 421      484        4,955    89     487   104
 Shrimp, domestic               1,418    1,523        9,557    93   1,442    92
 Shrimp, imports                6,987    1,438       47,149    98   1,447    92
 Squid, common                  1,467      245       15,185    96     258    99
 Cuttlefish                       997      843        9,203    85     769   108
 Other squid                    2,047      641       28,808   108     520    91
 Octopus                        3,228      738       39,792    87     622   122
 Surimi                         2,176      298       20,533    94     279    94
Processed, total               69,273      984      662,072    98     770    97
 Sardine                        1,139      957       14,917    91     877   119
 Jack mackerel                  1,545      575       21,156    87     566   104
 Mackerel                         355      499        4,345   102     503    97
 Saury                            590      474        6,962   105     531    92
 Salmon                         6,403      660       52,449    96     661    96
 Pink salmon                      379      485        4,947   102     442   107
 Mackerel                         959      523       13,946    91     453   102
 Salmon roe                     1,640    3,296        9,753    85   3,275    94
 Pollock roe                    1,555    2,791       13,221    91   2,479   105
 Herring roe                    2,559    3,122        6,591    96   2,734    99 
 Surimi-based products         13,662      682      111,244    97     515   100
M.T. = metric tons; % = comparison with the same period a year earlier.
* = excluding pink salmon

Source:  NMFS, Long Beach, CA
Contact:  Sunee C. Sonu 

Sales Volume and Average Wholesale Prices
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