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Average Wholesale Prices and Sales Volume of Selected Fishery Products
at 10 Major Central Wholesale Markets in Japan, April 2002
                                    April                 January - April   
                              ----------------     ----------------------------
Fishery Products                M.T     Yen/kg        M.T      %    Yen/kg   %
Grand total                   176,734      790      662,592    98     775    97
Fresh, total                   68,821      871      268,778   100     839    98 
Frozen, total                  50,164      763      179,752    97     756    95
Processed, total               55,589      725      206,629    98     718    99

 Bluefin tuna                     698    3,550        2,497   106   3,632    95
 Bigeye tuna                      939    1,341        3,788    92   1,276   100
 Yellowfin tuna                 2,169    1,026        7,236    89   1,064   107
 Skipjack                       2,952      767        6,129   126     670    86
 Salmon                         1,996      647        6,782   115     642    84
 Sardine                        1,408      441        5,416    51     496   154 
 Jack mackerel                  4,734      483       15,185    95     483   102
 Mackerel                       4,050      324       18,015   119     347    84
 Saury                            878      344        3,384   141     340    69 
 Yellowtail, wild               2,106      652        8,473   105     659    93
 Yellowtail, cultured           4,307      848       23,030   117     776    78
 Flounder                       2,005      817        6,424   104     877    99
 Cod                              578      594        4,936    89     655   107
 Red snapper                    3,483    1,034       11,448    99   1,095    96
 Spanish mackerel               2,096      703        9,990    78     534   115
 Crab                           1,184    1,603        5,172   119   1,565    97
 Squid, common                  1,204      612       12,177    99     411   105
 Scallop, with shell            1,194      474        4,371   134     445    87
 Oyster, without shell            254      867        6,237    87     799   100
 Bluefin tuna                   1,877    2,396        6,649   108   2,423    84
 Bigeye tuna                    4.931      831       16,591   117     858    83
 Yellowfin                      1,809      690        6,392   107     693    95
 Salmon*                        5,925      386       22,481   105     393    75
 Pink salmon                    1,262      431        5,008    97     416    84
 Mackerel                       1,555      325        5,955    76     311   118
 Sole                           2,110      521        8,024    79     499   106
 Shrimp, imports                3,832    1,416       14,042   102   1,353    88
 Squid, common                  2,240      273        6,024    84     256   102
 Octopus                        3,968      712       11,574    86     716   128
 Surimi                         1,565      299        5,960    83     301   109
 Salmon                         3,446      606       12,484    88     612    88
 Pink salmon                      497      432        1,803    95     436   104
 Salmon roe                       718    3,120        2,804   116   3,168    90
 Pollock roe                    1,209    2,309        4,034    95   2,390   100
 Herring roe                      118    2,049          460    80   2,038   112 
 Surimi-based products          8,139      489       33,472    92     498   101
M.T. = metric tons; % = comparison with the same period a year earlier.
* = excluding pink salmon

Source:  NMFS, Long Beach, CA
Contact:  Sunee C. Sonu

Sales Volume and Average Wholesale Prices
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