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     Average Wholesale Prices and Sales Volume of Selected Fishery Products
           at 10 Major Central Wholesale Markets in Japan, May 2004  

                                     May                  January - May         
                              ----------------     ----------------------------
Fishery Products                M.T     Yen/kg        M.T      %    Yen/kg   % 
Grand total                   161,194      733      809,948   100     739    99 
Fresh, total                   65,820      766      328,236    98     794   102
Frozen, total                  41,157      755      208,731    98     744    97
Processed, total               51,913      683      262,247   102     675    96

 Bluefin tuna                   1,000    2,585        4,843   142   2,782    87 
 Bigeye tuna                      865    1,221        4,466   102   1,152    96
 Yellowfin tuna                 1,428    1,114        8,186    88     964   103 
 Skipjack                       3,819      651        9,911    70     667   142
 Salmon*                        1,528      818        6,860    99     785    99
 Sardine                        1,548      356        5,604   104     429    94
 Jack mackerel                  5,518      367       22,098    89     411   107
 Mackerel                       2,940      335       16,625    86     399   109
 Saury                          1,049      218        5,501   141     227    69
 Yellowtail, cultured           3,360      920       24,686    97     850   101
 Flounder                       1,977      634        8,228    97     759    98
 Cod                              553      490        6,149   112     580    93
 Red snapper                    4,121      734       19,675   107     746    95
 Spanish mackerel               1,711      562       11,068    93     555   106 
 Crab                           1,038    1,320        5,698   104   1,458    96
 Squid, common                  2,785      408       15,716   110     419   100
 Scallop, with shell              974      459        5,540    95     435   100
 Oyster, without shell            113      646        5,987   105     787    90
 Bluefin tuna                   1,737    2,361        8,239    92   2,341   102
 Bigeye tuna                    3,778      872       18,048    89     925   108
 Yellowfin                      1,607      706        7,364   120     718    99 
 Salmon*                        5,287      501       26,682   101     487    96
 Pink salmon                    1,014      554        5,173    85     530   108
 Mackerel                       1,785      343        9,190   113     319    99
 Sole                           1,871      610       10,323    96     590   107
 Shrimp, imports                3,372    1,133       16,894   100   1,151    95
 Squid, common                  1,281      310        5,821    90     282    94
 Octopus                        2,093      860       10,022   107     841    98
 Surimi                         1,066      269        5,676    87     268    90
 Salmon*                        3,297      680       14,476    95     677    97
 Pink salmon                      375      540        1,950    88     542   111
 Salmon roe                       680    2,349        3,793   115   2,259    87
 Pollock roe                    1,088    2,224        5,512   103   2,123    95
 Herring roe                      126    1,444          581   134   1,686    79
 Surimi-based products          7,633      455       41,192   101     465    98
M.T. = metric tons; % = comparison with the same period a year earlier.
* = excluding pink salmon

Contact:  Sunee C. Sonu 


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