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Macau Maps Home - Introduction - Acknowledgments
Selected Maps and Views of Macau: 1655-1764 | 1787-1806 | 1834-1952 | 1988-1991

Selected Maps and Views of Macau: 1787 - 1806

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Scroll Map of China Coast, Late Eighteenth Century

Scroll map of the China coast unrolled to show the mouth of the Pearl (Zhu) River and the exaggerated importance of the Macau area. Translation of text from the map: "The coastal region of Xing Hui and Hu Men in Canton Province consists of an important strategic point which should be given sufficient defense attention. This region is heavily infested with inner river bandits and sea pirates who can sail in and out freely. It also shares a border with Macao, where foreign boats and ships visit frequently. Those foreign vessels are always to be guarded against."

[Qi sheng yan hai tu = Coastal map of seven provinces].
Manuscript scroll map, 1787-1820.
G7822.C6A1 1820.Q5 Vault Shelf,
Hummel Purchase, 1934 no. 1.
British Chart of Macau Harbor, 1796

This navigational chart, prepared to illustrate the voyage of Lord Macartney to China, provides a detailed map of the city of Macau and its harbor. Relief is shown pictorially and numerous soundings are recorded in the adjacent waters. Important buildings (forts, parishes, colleges, convents, and chapels) are identified by number.

"A Plan of the City and Harbour of Macao, A Colony of the Portugueze Situated on the Southern Extremity of the Chinese Empire."
From Atlas of Maps, Charts, Sections, Picturesque Views, ete. to Illustrate the "Voyage of Lord Macartney," on his Embassy to China
(London: George Nicol, 1796).
G7823.M2 1796 .B3 TIL.
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Macau City View from French Expedition, 1787

Setting out from France in 1785 to circumnavigate the globe, Jean-François Galaup de la Pérouse made extensive explorations in the Pacific Basin before his ships were lost in a storm early in 1788. From his recovered documents and reports, this atlas was published to illustrate the voyage. It includes a view of Macau, which he visited in 1787.

"Vue de Macao en Chine."
In Atlas du Voyage de la Pérouse
(Paris, 1797).
G1036.L3 1797 Vault.
Macau City View from Russian Expedition, 1803-6

Based on his exploration of the northwest portion of the Pacific Basin, Russian explorer Ivan F. Kreuzenstern published an atlas of maps, views, and ethnographic illustrations. One of these views, shown here, illustrates his visit to Macau.

"Vid goroda Makao s morskoi storony."
In [Atlas to the Voyage Round the World of Captain Ivan Fedorovich Kreuzenstern]
(St. Petersburg, 1813).
G1036.K7 1813 Vault.
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Macau Maps Home - Introduction - Acknowledgments
Selected Maps and Views of Macau: 1655-1764 | 1787-1806 | 1834-1952 | 1988-1991

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