Infectious Diseases, Reproductive Health, Asthma and Pulmonary Conditions Study Section [IRAP]

[IRAP Membership Roster] [IRAP Meeting Rosters]

The Infectious, Reproductive, Asthma and Pulmonary Conditions (IRAP) Study Section reviews applications concerned with the epidemiology of infectious diseases, including vaccine-preventable diseases and emerging infections; reproductive conditions across the life span among men, women and the fetus/neonate, including birth defects and diseases of early childhood; asthma and allergy; and non-malignant pulmonary conditions. Emphasis is on the etiology of these conditions, using the methods of molecular epidemiology, clinical epidemiology,  genetic epidemiology, field studies and biostatistics. Specific areas covered by IRAP:

  • The transmission and distribution of infectious, reproductive, asthma/allergy, and non-malignant pulmonary conditions in human populations in relation to person, place, time, environmental exposures, animal/insect vectors and personal characteristics or behaviors.
  • The determinants of infectious, reproductive, asthma/allergy and non-malignant pulmonary conditions studied by assembling groups of individuals to determine systematically whether the risk of disease/condition is different for individuals who are exposed or not exposed to specific factors (or combinations of factors) of interest.  These may be either risk or protective factors.
  • Elucidation of the etiologic pathways to infectious, reproductive, asthma/allergy, or non-malignant pulmonary diseases/conditions using the full range of epidemiologic inquiry, including molecular epidemiology, genetic epidemiology, genome-wide association studies, laboratory indices, clinical measures and prevention/intervention trials.

Study sections with closely related areas of similar science, listed in rank order, are:

Clinical Research and Field Studies [CRFS] 
Respiratory Integrative Biology and Translational Research [RIBT] 
Perinatology and Neonatology [PN] 
Genetics of Human Disease [GHD] 
Biostatistical Methods and Research Design [BMRD] 


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Last updated: April 20, 2009

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