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Research Data Center

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Proposal Outline

Proposal Outline

General Guidlines: 

  • Number each page.
  • Use the letter and title for each section for your proposal.
  • Complete the appendices: they are mandatory.
  • Please send all documents in Word format. Word documents are preferable as they allow us to track changes throughout the process.
  • Please send your research proposal in an email attachment to:
    Peter Meyer, Director

A. Cover Letter

            Date of submission


B. Project Title


C. Abstract

            100-300 words


D. Personal Identification

Please list the following information for everyone involved in the project:

Institutional Affiliation

Role in Project (i.e. Principal Investigator, Programmer)

Mailing Addresses



* If the researcher is a student, he/she must include a letter from an advisor or department chair who will be supervising the research (Appendix 2).

E. Dates of Proposed Tenure


Specify mode of access: On Site, Remote, Census RDC.

Remote Access Users are only able to use SAS and SUDAAN.

F. Source of Funding


G. Background

1. Key study questions or hypotheses.

2. Public health benefits.

H. Summary of Data Requirements

1. Identify

Data System(s) (i.e NHANES)

Data Year(s) (i.e. cycle 5, III, 2000-2001)

Data File(s) (i.e. person, household).

*Be as specific as possible. Where applicable, indicate sample adult, sample child, etc (the unit of analysis).

2. Identify cases to be included in the analytic file.

3. Summarize public use variables that will be used.1

4. Summarize the restricted variables that will be used.2

5. Summarize any outside-sources of data to be used. 1

6. Explain why public use data is insufficient.

1. Include a complete data dictionary of these variables in Appendix 4.

2. Include a complete data dictionary of these variables in Appendix 3.


I. Methods


1. Summarize the analytic strategy and statistical methods to be used.

2. Identify software requirements

  • On Site and Census Users can choose from SAS, Stata, SUDAAN, SPSS, LIMDEP and HLM. Other languages can be made available with sufficient lead time.
  • Remote Access Users can ONLY use SAS and SUDAAN.

3. Explain briefly how you will use sample weights and account for the complex sample design. It is important that you become familiar with the public use variables and the survey methodology available on the data system’s website.


J. Description of Output

1. Summarize the output that you would like to take away from the RDC.

2. Provide examples of:

  • Table Shells (include title, column headings, population or subgroups, type of statistics in the table)
  • Model Equations
  • Test Statistics

This section is incredibly important because it helps the reviewers determine the risk of disclosure and plan for the disclosure review


K. Appendices

1. CV or Resume

Include one for every person who will participate in the research activity. Please specify country of citizenship.

2. Student Applicant Supervisor Letter

A letter from student’s department chair or academic advisor stating that student is working under the direction of the department.

3. Restricted Data Dictionary 3

Identify the data system, years, and files.

List the variable name and label and any other applicable information.

Identify the matching or linking variables.

4. Researcher-Supplied Data Dictionary(ies) 3,4

Public Use Data Dictionary

Identify the data system, years, and files.

List the variable name and label and any other applicable information.

Identify the matching or linking variables.

Data from a non-NCHS Source

Identify the data system, years, and files.

List the variable name and label and any other applicable information.

Identify the matching or linking variables.

3 These data dictionaries are an essential part of the disclosure review process.

4 The researcher will provide the public use data to the RDC for merging. The only public use variables listed here and provided for the merge should be those necessary to answer the research question. Consider the variables you choose carefully. Do NOT list the entire public use file.


5. Description of E-mail System

Remote Access Users Only: Email will only be accepted from a secure university, government or business account. Free or webmail accounts cannot be used.

  • Indicate the name of the programmer and the one email address to be used.
  • Describe the computer and e-mail system to be used to receive output from the remote access system as well as the security provisions established for them


Page Last Modified: February 12, 2009

RDC Tasks


National Center for Health Statistics
3311 Toledo Road
Hyattsville, MD 20782

Safer Healthier People

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 1600 Clifton Rd, Atlanta, GA 30333, U.S.A
Tel: (404) 639-3311 / Public Inquiries: (404) 639-3534 / (800) 311-3435