DISASTR-OUTREACH-LIB archives -- September 2008, week 3

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DISASTR-OUTREACH-LIB archives – September 2008, week 3

  1. Animal Disaster Information

  2. another "article"

  3. article of interest

  4. Blood bank question

  5. FYI: EMTALA article for Hospitals & ERs

  6. FYI: IMLS awards from LJ re: disasters

  7. FYI: New GAO Report on Charities & Disaster Response - 9/18 Wash Post

  8. FYI: Pan Flu Webcast 9/25 @ 2pm

  9. FYI: Providing healthcare to evacuees in the wake of a natural disaster:

  10. Hurricane Ike: Who's in charge?; comments from Texas; status of medical libraries.

  11. Joint Commission survey

  12. National Emergency Management Summit

  13. Public health info needs following Hurricane Ike; where to find status of medical libraries
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