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Medical Countermeasures Against Radiological and Nuclear Threats

Current Opportunities


Requests for Applications (RFAs)

RFA-DK-08-010: Intestinal Stem Cell Consortium (U01) - Co-Funded by the NIAID Radiation/Nuclear Program.  Receipt date: March 18, 2009.

Program Announcements (PAs)

PA-09-093: Radiological/Nuclear Medical Countermeasure Product Development Program (SBIR[R43/R44]).

PAR-09-027: Product development program to provide synthesis, scale- up production, analytical methods development, PK/ADME, formulation development, manufacture of Phase I supplies, GLP Tox, and product development planning. National Institutes of Health Rapid Access to Interventional Development (NIH-RAID Program) (X01).

Requests for Information (RFIs)

None available at this time


Broad Agency Announcements

Issued by the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BAA-BARDA-09-34): BARDA Broad Agency Announcement for the Advanced Research and Development of Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear Medical Countermeasures

Issued by the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA), Department of Health and Human Services (BAA-BARDA-09-36): Point of Care of High-Throughput Biological Assays for Determining Absorbed Ionizing Radiation Dose (Biodosimetry) after Radiologic and Nuclear Events.

Issued by the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA): BAA for Chemical and Biological Technologies Directorate New Initiatives FY2010-FY2011, October 17, 2008.  See BAA Amendment 1, October 30, 2008 for Radiation Topics.

Issued by the U.S. Special Operations Command, June 26, 2007: Broad Agency Announcement, Bio-Medical Research Topics.

Draft RFPs

Issued by the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA), Department of Health and Human Services (BAA-BARDA-09-33): Advanced Therapeutics for Treating Neutropenia Resulting from Acute Exposure to Ionizing Radiation. 

CMCR Pilot Program Solicitations

Center for Biophysical Assessment and Risk Management Following Irradiation, housed at the University of Rochester, announces the availability of funds to support Pilot Projects. Due date for initial applications:  December 1, 2008.


PA-09-093: Radiological/Nuclear Medical Countermeasure Product Development Program (SBIR[R43/R44]).  Standard SBIR receipt dates.

RFA-DK-08-010: Intestinal Stem Cell Consortium (U01) - Co-Funded by the NIAID Radiation/Nuclear Program.  Receipt date: March 18, 2009.

Solicitation: BAA-BARDA-09-36 (Due April 17, 2009): Point of Care of High-Throughput Biological Assays for Determining Absorbed Ionizing Radiation Dose (Biodosimetry) after Radiologic and Nuclear Events.

Solicitation: BAA-BARDA-09-34: BARDA Broad Agency Announcement for the Advanced Research and Development of Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear Medical Countermeasures

Draft RFP: BAA-BARDA-09-33: Advanced Development of Therapeutics for Treating Neutropenia Resulting from Acute Exposure to Ionizing Radiation.

See Also

  • Radiological and Nuclear Threats News Releases
  • Division of Allergy, Immunology, and Transplantation (DAIT)
  • Biodefense—The NIAID Biodefense Web site includes biodefense-related information for biomedical researchers, the public, and the media.
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    PA-09-093: Radiological/Nuclear Medical Countermeasure Product Development Program (SBIR[R43/R44]).  Standard SBIR receipt dates.

    RFA-DK-08-010: Intestinal Stem Cell Consortium (U01) - Co-Funded by the NIAID Radiation/Nuclear Program.  Receipt date: March 18, 2009.

    Solicitation: BAA-BARDA-09-36 (Due April 17, 2009): Point of Care of High-Throughput Biological Assays for Determining Absorbed Ionizing Radiation Dose (Biodosimetry) after Radiologic and Nuclear Events.

    Solicitation: BAA-BARDA-09-34: BARDA Broad Agency Announcement for the Advanced Research and Development of Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear Medical Countermeasures

    Draft RFP: BAA-BARDA-09-33: Advanced Development of Therapeutics for Treating Neutropenia Resulting from Acute Exposure to Ionizing Radiation.

    See Also

  • Radiological and Nuclear Threats News Releases
  • Division of Allergy, Immunology, and Transplantation (DAIT)
  • Biodefense—The NIAID Biodefense Web site includes biodefense-related information for biomedical researchers, the public, and the media.