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Retired Web Sites

This page is home to selected Web sites that are no longer supported or maintained as originally developed by NOAA's National Ocean Service (NOS). Many elements of these sites are outdated or are no longer relevant to the purposes for which they were created. However, much of the content of these sites is still valuable. Rather than eliminating these sites entirely, essays and summary reports on a variety of coastal topics will continue to be made available. This list does not include all retired Web sites originally developed by NOS.

For some retired sites, content is made available here in PDF format. For other retired sites, Web access is still available. In a few cases, the administration, support, and maintenance of a Web site has been transferred to another organization. Bookmarks to retired sites will be re-directed automatically to pages where original content may be accessed. In some cases, audio and video components of the sites are no longer available. Contact information is provided for anyone with questions on a retired Web site. To view the material still available from a retired Web site, click a link below.

ocean commission web site NOAA: A Legacy of Cooperative Conservation

This Web site was created to support NOAA's role in the White House Conference on Cooperative Conservation, held in August of 2005.  The site highlights NOAA's cooperative conservation activities through five case studies and also explains NOAA’s cooperative conservation efforts and presents news releases. 

ocean commission web site

United States Commission on Ocean Policy

This was the official Web site of the U.S. Commission on Ocean Policy through December 2004. Past meeting agendas, testimonies, summaries, news items, and information are available on the site.


state of the coast thumbnail

State of the Coast - February 1998 - November 2001

This was a "report card" on the state of the nation's environment. The project produced 17 essays on a variety of coastal topics, three CD-ROMs, and a short video featuring former members and associates of the Stratton Commission.

national dialogues thumbnail

National Dialogues - May 1998 - November 2001

The National Dialogues brought together many partners in the coastal community with interests in ports, recreation, fisheries, and energy and mineral development to focus on the most important coastal and ocean issues facing the United States late in the 20th Century.

coastal futures 2025 thumbnail

Coastal Futures 2025 - July 1999 - April 2002

The centerpiece of the Coast 2025 Web site was an Internet Town Meeting conducted between July 1999 and June 2000. The purpose of the "meeting" was to stimulate discussion of the public's vision of America's coasts in the year 2025.

volunteer for the coast thumbnail

Volunteering for the Coast - September 1999 - August 2001

This was a site for people who wanted to volunteer their time to help make coastal areas better places to live.

sustainable seas expeditions thumbnail

Sustainable Seas Expeditions - April 1999 - March 2003

The Sustainable Seas Expeditions (SSE) was a five-year project of underwater exploration and discovery of the marine world with special emphasis on the national marine sanctuaries of the United States.

sustain healthy coasts homepage

Sustain Healthy Coasts - February 1999 - March 2004

The Sustain Healthy Coasts Web site was assembled to support a strategic goal in the 1995 NOAA Strategic Plan.

Ocean Exploration Panel Web site home page

Ocean Exploration Panel - August 2000 - April 2004

A panel of leading ocean explorers, scientists, and educators was convened in the summer of 2000 to recommend a national strategy for a new era of ocean exploration. This Web site followed the meetings and deliberations of this panel.

Mapfinder about the products

MapFinder - August 1997 - September 2004

MapFinder offered interactive tools that allowed users to locate National Ocean Service map products and other digital data related to physical ocean and coastal phenomena for any area in the United States and its territories. It provided immediate access to products that were available online.

Gulf of Maine Land-Based Pollution Sources Inventory

Gulf of Maine Land-Based Pollution Sources Inventory

(pdf, 333 pages, 3.4MB)
Contains information on the location, timing, and magnitude of point and nonpoint source discharges to the rivers, streams, lakes, and estuarine and coastal waters of the Gulf of Maine drainage area. This site offers point and upstream source pollutant estimates for a base period of 1991 and nonpoint source pollutant estimates for 1989-1995. Project data is available through NOAA's Coastal Geospatial Data Project website.

Gulf of Mexico Land-Based Pollution Sources Inventory

Gulf of Mexico Land-Based Pollution Sources Inventory

(pdf, 508 pages, 4.7MB)
Contains information on the location, timing, and magnitude of point and nonpoint source discharges to the rivers, streams, lakes, and estuarine and coastal waters of the Gulf of Mexico drainage area. This site offers point and upstream source estimates for a base period of 1991 and nonpoint source estimates for 1989-1995.


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America's Oceans and Coasts: safe, healthy, and productive

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