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Monthly Height Modernization Coordination Meeting Notes

Communication is one of the Height Modernization Manager's top priorities. To keep NGS employees and constituents informed, the Height Modernization Manager holds monthly coordination meetings to provide a forum for discussing height modernization activities. You will find meeting notes from previous meetings below.

Height Modernization Coordination meetings are held on the 2nd Thursday of every month, from 2:00-3:30 p.m. East Coast time.  Interested parties are provided a conference call number to attend.

To receive email notification of these meetings contact the Height Modernization Manager.

January 10 February 14 March 13
April 10 May 8 Not Available
July 10 August 14 September 11
October 9 * December 11
January 8    
* No meeting held

Last updated by NGS.webmaster on Monday, 13-Apr-2009 14:49:36 EDT