
Special List 29: List of Selected Maps of States and Territories

Special List No. 29

New Mexico

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  • Name of State
  • Entry Number
  • The date (if any) of the record
  • The file designation

566. Map of the Territory of New Mexico, made by order of Brig.

     Gen S. W. Kearny . . . by Lieuts. J. W. Abert and W. G.

     Peck, U.S.T.E., 1846-'7.

     1 inch to ca. 10 miles. 28 x 23. Published. Settlements,

"ruins," ranchos, and roads. Relief is shown by hachures. Filed

as RG 77: 1846-7, Pub.

567. Map of the Territory of New Mexico. Compiled by Bvt. 2nd Lt.

     Jno. G. Parke, U.S.T.E., Assisted by Mr. Richd H. Kern . . .

     Drawn by Richd H. Kern. Santa Fe, N.M., 1851.

     1 inch to 10 miles. 2 sections, each 31 x 84. Manuscript.

Map includes present state of Arizona and portions of other

adjoining States. Shows Indian pueblos, wagon roads, mule trails,

routes of explorations, military posts, general locations of

Indian tribes, and notes on the characteristics of the land.

Relief is shown by hachures. Part of international boundary is

shown in red. For published map, see next entry. Filed as RG 77:

W 4.

568. Map of the Territory of New Mexico. Compiled by Bvt. 2nd Lt.

     Jno. G. Parke, U.S.T.E., assisted by Mr. Richard H. Kern . .

     . drawn by R. H. Kern. Santa Fe, N.M., 1851. . . . Lith. of

     J & D Major . . . N.Y.

     1 inch to ca. 25 miles. 27 x 37. Published. Map includes the

present State of Arizona and portions of other adjoining States.

Shows Indian pueblos, wagon roads, mule trails, routes of

exploration, military posts, general locations of Indian tribes,

and notes on the characteristics of the land. Relief is shown by

hachures. Filed as RG 77: 1851, Pub.

569. T Sketch [map] of Public Surveys in New Mexico to accompany

     Report of Surveyor General, 1856.

     1 inch to 24 miles. 25 x 32.5. Published. Includes Arizona.

Filed as RG 46: S. Ex. Doc. 5, 34th Cong., 3d sess., 10.

570. Map of the Department of New Mexico and adjacent territory.

     Compiled and drawn . . . under orders of Colonel B. L E.

     Bonneville, Third Infy. . . . By Alexander Heberlein . . .


     1 inch to ca. 20 miles. 2 sections, each 43 x 27.

Manuscript. Reserves of Pueblo Indians, Navajos, and various

Apache tribes are shown in color. Note states that Indian

reserves are not yet confirmed. Also shows Indian agencies,

settlements and pueblos ("Indian villages"), placers ("mineral

districts"), wagon roads, and Indian trails. Filed as RG 77: W


571. Sketch [map] of Public Surveys in New Mexico, to accompany

     Report of Surveyor General, 1858.

     1 inch to 24 miles. 23.5 x 29. Published. Shows status of

public land surveys. Filed as RG 46: S. Ex. Doc. 1, 35th Cong.,

2d sess., 4.

572. Sketch of Public Surveys in New Mexico [Territory], 1859.

     [Compiled from maps on file in the Surveyor General's

     Office, Santa Fe, N. Mex.]

     1 inch to 24 miles. 23 x 32.5. Annotated published. Map is

marked "(Copy)." Annotated in color to show private and pueblo

claims surveyed and townships subdivided. Later annotations refer

to contracts of 1861 for the survey of private land claims and to

letters of December 24, 1861, and February 15, 1862, to the

Indian Office and the Surveyor General apparently relating to

Indian reservations in New Mexico and the area that later became

Arizona. Map also shows locations of Indian tribes, Indian

villages, and wagon roads. Filed as RG 49: Old Map File, New

Mexico 2.

573. [Map of the] Territory and Military Department of New

     Mexico, compiled in the Bureau of Topogl. Engrs. of the War

     Dept., Chiefly for military purposes, under the authority of

     The Secretary of War, 1859.

     1 inch to ca. 25 miles. 25 x 35.5. Annotated published. Map

includes present States of New Mexico and Arizona. Date of

publication is not given; latest date included in list of

authorities is 1865. Map is annotated to show approximate

locations of Indian tribes. Also shows settlements, military

posts, roads and trails, and routes of explorations. See also

entry 577. Filed as RG 49: Old Map File, New Mexico 1.

574. Sketch of Public Surveys in New Mexico [Territory] To

     Accompany The Annual Report of The Surveyor General for


     1 inch to ca. 28 miles. 21 x 28. Annotated published.

Annotated to show the boundary of New Mexico Territory and

information pertaining to private land claims, military and

Indian reservations, and appropriations and costs of surveys of

certain townships, to 1868. Also shows mining regions, towns,

military posts, and wagon roads in both New Mexico and Arizona

Territories. Filed as RG 49: Old Map file, New Mexico 5.

575. Map of the Military Department of New Mexico. Drawn under

     the direction of Brig. General James H. Carleton, By Captain

     Allen L. Anderson, U.S. 5th Infantry, Acting Engineer

     Officer. 1864.

     1 inch to ca. 24 miles. 26.5 x 36. Annotated photoprocessed.

Shows settlements, wagon roads, trails and routes of

reconnoitering parties, and military posts both occupied and

abandoned. Map includes the present State of Arizona. Annotated

to show additional military posts. Note "The New Mexico Posts in

Red are located from a Map loaned to the Bureau from Gen'l

Grant's HdQuarters. January 16th, 1866. D.C." Filed as RG 77: W


576. Map of New Mexico . . . expressly prepared for Maj. Genl. M.

     C. Meigs, Q. Mast: Genl., U.S.A., in the Engineers Office at

     Hd. Qus. 5th Military Distt., Bvt. Captain Wm Hoelcke,

     U.S.A., in charge. H. Holtz, Del. [ca. 1864-65.]

     1 inch to 10 miles. 4 sections, each 29 x 44.5. Manuscript.

Map includes present States of Arizona and New Mexico.

Settlements, military posts, "principal . . . [and] secondary

travelled Routes," routes of exploration, and drainage features.

Title preceded by "Office of the Chief Engineer, Fifth Military

District." Relief shown by color. Filed as RG 77: W 603.

577. Sketch of Public Surveys in New Mexico and Arizona

     [Territories] To Accompany the Annual Report of the

     Commissioner of the General Land Office for 1866. [Issued by

     the General Land Office on October 2, 1866.]

     1 inch to ca. 28 miles. 20.5 x 27.5. Annotated published.

Annotated with information concerning private land claims, Indian

and military reservations, and (on the reverse) appropriations

and costs of surveys. Some annotations refer to Executive orders

as late as 1873 and 1874. Map also shows extent of public land

surveys, towns, trails, wagon roads, military posts, locations of

mineral deposits (in color), and boundaries and names of mining

districts. Filed as RG 49: Old Map File, New Mexico 6 & 6b.

578. [Map of] Old Territory and Military Department of New

     Mexico, compiled in the Bureau of Topogl. Engrs. of the War

     Dept., Chiefly for military purposes, under the authority of

     The Secretary of War, 1859. Partially revised and corrected

     to 1867.

     1 inch to ca. 25 miles. 25 x 35.5. Published. Map includes

present States of New Mexico and Arizona. Settlements, military

posts, roads and trails, and routes of explorations. Relief is

shown by shading. W 55-1 in RG 77 apparently is the manuscript

version of this map. See also entry 573. Filed as RG 77:

Published Record Set, 1867.

579. [Map of New Mexico] 1873. Sheet 4. Department of the

     Missouri. Lieut. E. H. Ruffner, Chief Engineer. Drawn by Ado


     1 inch to ca. 15 miles. 33.5 x 26. Published. Includes

adjoining area in Texas. Settlements, military posts, and roads.

Relief shown by hachures. Filed as RG 393: Dept. of Missouri 8.

580. [Map of the] District of New Mexico. 1875. Lieut. C. C.

     Morrison, 6th Cav., Acting Engineer Officer. Drawn by Anton

     Karl. Copied by C. A. Lichtenberg, Sergt., Engrs.

     1 inch to ca. 16 miles. 32.5 x 28. Manuscript. Map shows the

present State of New Mexico and portions of adjoining States.

Settlements, military posts, and roads. Relief is shown by

hachures. See entry 581. Filed as RG 77: W 197-1.

581. [Map of the] District of New Mexico. Showing Rail-Roads and

     Stations. 1875. Lieut. C. C. Morrison, 6th Cav., Acting

     Engineer Officer. Drawn by Anton Karl. Copies by C. A.

     Lichtenberg. Sergt., Engrs.

     1 inch to ca. 20 miles. 28.5 x 23. Manuscript. Annotated to

show railroad lines, projected railroad lines, and railroad

stations. "Showing Rail-Roads and Stations" added to title in

pencil. Note in pencil in margin states, "Received from Lieut.

Thomas N. Bailey with his letter of May 23rd, 1881." See entry

580. Filed as RG 77: W 197-3.

582. [Map of the] Territory of New Mexico. . . . 1876. Compiled

     from the official Records of the General Land Office.

     1 inch to 16 miles. 33 x 26.5. Published. County boundaries,

military and Indian reservations, and private land claims are

shown in color. Also shows status of public land surveys, towns

and cities, and railroad land-grant limits. Relief is shown by

hachures. Filed as RG 49: 1876 Atlas, New Mexico.

583. [Map of the] Territory of New Mexico. . . . 1876. Compiled

     from the official Records of the General Land Office.

     1 inch to 16 miles. 33 x 26.5. Annotated published.

Annotated to show new boundaries of Indian reservations. Basic

information is the same as that shown on entry 582. Filed as RG

49: Old Map File, New Mexico 8.

584. [Map of] Territories of New Mexico & Arizona. Prepared in

     the Office of the Chief of Engineers, U.S.A., 1879.

     1 inch to ca. 25 miles. 27 x 33.5. Published. Map includes

Arizona, New Mexico, parts of adjoining States and Territories,

and adjacent areas in Mexico. Towns, roads, railroads, military

posts, Indian reservations and lands, and physical features.

Relief is shown by hachures. Filed as RG 77: Published Record

Set, 1879, 5.

585. [Map of the] Territory of New Mexico. . . . 1879. Compiled

     from the official Records of the General Land Office.

     1 inch to 16 miles. 34.5 x 27. Published. County boundaries,

military and Indian reservations, and private land claims are

shown in color. Also shows status of public land surveys, towns

and cities, railroad lines, and railroad land-grant limits.

Relief is shown by hachures. Also a black and white base map for

this date. 34 x 27. Filed as RG 49: Standard Published, New

Mexico, 1879.

586. [Map of the] Territory of New Mexico. . . . 1882. Compiled

     from the official Records of the General Land Office.

     1 inch to 16 miles. 31 x 27. Published. County boundaries,

military and Indian reservations, private land claims confirmed,

and boundaries of unconfirmed private land grants are shown in

color. Also shows status of public land surveys, cities and

towns, railroad lines, and railroad land-grant limits. Also a

black and white base map for this date. 30.5 x 25.5. Filed as RG

49: Standard Published, New Mexico, 1882.

587. Post Route Map of the Territories of New Mexico and Arizona

     with parts of Adjacent States and Territories showing post

     offices with the intermediate distances and mail routes in

     operation on the 1st of October, 1885. Published . . . under

     the direction of W. L. Nicholson, Topographer, P.O. Dept.

     1 inch to ca. 12 miles. 2 sections, each 38.5 x 29.5.

Published. Frequency and types of mail service, mileages between

post offices, discontinued post offices, counties, towns,

military reservations and posts, Indian reservations, railroads,

and physical features. Post routes in color to show frequency of

service. Filed as RG 28: Regional Maps, Folder 8.

588. [Map of the] Territory of New Mexico. . . . 1886. Compiled

     from the official Records of the General Land Office. . . . 

     Compiled and Drawn by Robert H. Morton.

     1 inch to 16 miles. 33.5 x 26.5. Published. County

boundaries, military and Indian reservations, private land claims

confirmed, and boundaries of unconfirmed private land claims are

shown in color. Also shows status of public land surveys, towns

and cities, proposed and completed railroad lines, and railroad

land-grant limits. Relief is shown by hachures. Filed as RG 49:

Standard Published, New Mexico, 1886.

589. [Map of the] Territory of New Mexico. . . . 1894. Compiled

     from the official Records of the General Land Office. . . .

     Compiled and Drawn by Robert H. Morton. Traced and Lettered

     by Wm. Naylor and I. P. Berthong.

     1 inch to 12 miles. 44 x 34. Published. County names and

boundaries, towns and cities, names of military and Indian

reservations, names of private land claims, status of public land

surveys, and railroad lines. Relief is shown by hachures. Filed

as RG 49: Standard Published, New Mexico, 1894.

590. [Map of the] Territory of New Mexico. . . . 1896. Compiled

     from the official Records of the General Land Office. . . .

     Compiled and Drawn by Robert H. Morton. Traced and Lettered

     by Wm. Naylor and I. P. Berthong.

     1 inch to 12 miles. 39 x 32. Published. County boundaries,

military and Indian reservations, national forests, confirmed

private land claims, boundaries of unconfirmed private land

claims, confirmed claims needing new boundary lines, and U.S.

reservoirs are shown in color. Also shows status of public land

surveys, towns and cities, and railroad lines. Relief is shown by

hachures. Also a black and white base map for this date. 43 x 33.

Filed as RG 49: Standard Published, New Mexico, 1896.

591. Post Route Map of the Territory of New Mexico showing post

     offices with the intermediate distances on mail routes in

     operation on the 1st of June, 1902. Also railways under

     construction June 30th, 1902, and the several mining

     districts of the Territory.

     1 inch to ca. 20 miles. 24 x 19. Published. Frequency and

types of mail service, discontinued post offices, counties,

towns, physical features, and parts of adjoining States. Also

shows forest reserves (in green) existing October 7, 1902. Post

routes in color to show frequency of service. Mining districts

are numbered and listed in upper left corner, and corresponding

numbers appear in red on map. Filed as RG 28: State Maps, New

Mexico, 1902.

592. [Map of the] Territory of New Mexico. Compiled from the

     official Records of the General Land Office . . . 1903. . .

     . Revised and drawn by Charles J. Helm.

     1 inch to 12 miles. 41 x 33. Published. County and land

district boundaries, military and Indian reservations, and

national forests are shown in color. Also shows status of public

land surveys, towns and cities, private land claims, and railroad

lines. Relief is shown in color. Also a black and white base map

for this date. 41 x 33. Filed as RG 49: Standard Published, New

Mexico, 1903.

593. [Map of the] Territory of New Mexico. Compiled from the

     official Records of the General Land Office . . . 1908. . .

     . Compiled by A. F. Dinsmore. . . . Traced and Lettered by

     Wm. Bauman.

     1 inch to 12 miles. 39.5 x 33. Published. County boundaries,

military and Indian reservations, and national forests are shown

in color. Also shows status of public land surveys, towns and

cities, boundaries of private land clams and land districts, and

railroad lines. Relief is shown in color. Also a black and white

base map for this date. 39.5 x 34. Filed as RG 49: Standard

Published, New Mexico, 1908.

594. [Map of the] Territory of New Mexico. Compiled from the

     official Records of the General Land Office . . . 1908. . .

     . Compiled by A. F. Dinsmore. . . . Traced and Lettered by

     Wm. Bauman.

     1 inch to 20 miles. 21 x 18. Published. County boundaries,

military and Indian reservations, and national forests are shown

in color. Also shows status of public land surveys, towns and

cities, boundaries of private land claims and land districts, and

railroad lines. Relief is shown in color. Filed as RG 49:

Standard Published, New Mexico, 1908.

595. [Map of the] Territory of New Mexico [showing] Lands

     designated by the Secretary of the Interior, April 27, 1909,

     under the Enlarged Homestead Act of Feb. 19, 1909. [Issued

     by the Department of the Interior.]

     1 inch to 24 miles. 20 x 17.5. Published. Areas designated

are shaded red. Also shows public land surveys. Filed as RG 49:

Special Published, New Mexico 5.

596. [Map of the] Territory of New Mexico. Compiled from the

     official Records of the General Land Office . . . 1911. . .

     . Compiled by A. F. Dinsmore. Traced and Lettered by Wm.


     1 inch to 20 miles. 21 x 18. Published. County and land

district boundaries, military and Indian reservations, and forest

reserves are shown in color. Also shows status of public land

surveys, towns and cities, boundaries of private land claims, and

railroad lines. Relief is shown in color. Filed as RG 49:

Standard Published, New Mexico, 1911.

597. [Map of the] State of New Mexico. Compiled from the official

     Records of the General Land Office . . . 1912. . . .

     Compiled by A. F. Dinsmore. . . . Traced and Lettered by Wm.


     1 inch to 12 miles. 38.5 x 34. Published. County and land

district boundaries, military and Indian reservations, national

forests, and boundaries of national monuments are shown in color.

Also shows status of public land surveys, towns and cities,

boundaries of private land claims, railroad lines, and

reclamation projects. Relief is shown in color. Also a black and

white base map for this date. 39 x 34. Filed as RG 49: Standard

Published, New Mexico, 1912.

598. [Map of the] State of New Mexico [showing] Lands designated

     by the Secretary of the Interior Under the provisions of the

     Enlarged Homestead Acts. [Issued by the Department of the

     Interior.] Edition of June 30, 1916.

     1 inch to 24 miles. 20.5 x 18. Published. Areas designated

are shaded red. Also shows public land surveys. Filed as RG 49:

Special Published, New Mexico 6.

599. Post Route Map of the State of New Mexico showing post

     offices with the intermediate distances on mail routes in

     operation on the 1st of January, 1917.

     1 inch to 12 miles. 39.5 x 33. Published. Frequency and

types of mail service, discontinued post offices, counties,

towns, railroads, physical features, and parts of adjoining

States. Filed as RG 28: State Maps, New Mexico, 1917.

600. [Map of the] State of New Mexico [showing] Lands designated

     as non-irrigable by the Secretary of the Interior, under the

     provisions of the Enlarged Homestead Acts. Includes Patented

     and Entered as well as Vacant land [Issued by the Department

     of the Interior.] Edition of June 30, 1920.

     1 inch to 24 miles. 20.5 x 18. Published. Areas designated

are shaded red. Also shows public land surveys. Filed as RG 49:

Special Published, New Mexico 7.

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