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18 April 2009 

VOA News:

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Obama Turns Attention to Latin America

17 April 2009

This is IN THE NEWS in VOA Special English.

This week, President Obama made his first official visit to Latin America. He arrived Thursday in Mexico City and met with President Felipe Calderon. They discussed the drug war in Mexico, illegal immigration and the world recession. They also announced plans to cooperate in efforts to fight climate change and develop clean forms of energy.

President Obama with Mexican President Felipe Calderon in Mexico City Thursday
President Obama with Mexican President Felipe Calderon in Mexico City on Thursday
Drug-related violence in Mexico has killed more than seven thousand people since the beginning of last year -- often with guns bought in the United States. The violence is now spreading over the border to American communities. This comes as American officials say Mexican organized crime groups are supplying drugs in a growing number of cities across the United States.

President Obama says the United States must reduce its demand for drugs and do its part to reduce the flow of guns and money to Mexico. Earlier this week, he used a law called the Foreign Narcotics Kingpin Designation Act to target three Mexican drug organizations. The action will let the Treasury Department block or seize any of their money within reach of United States laws.

Also this week, the Obama administration named a former Justice Department official as so-called border czar. Alan Bersin will supervise efforts to secure the border with Mexico and to slow illegal immigration. He also had that job under Bill Clinton.

President Obama made a campaign promise to begin efforts for immigration reform in his first year in office. He has already met with Hispanic members of Congress and promised to work with them to try to shape a plan.

A new report says Mexicans now represent one-third of all immigrants in the United States -- by far the largest nationality group. The Pew Hispanic Center says more than half of Mexican immigrants are undocumented. They represent about sixty percent of the estimated twelve million illegal immigrants in the United States.

A soldier in Port of Spain raises the U.S. flag in preparation for the Summit of the Americas
A soldier in Port of Spain raises the U.S. flag in preparation for the Summit of the Americas
From Mexico, President Obama traveled Friday to the Caribbean nation of Trinidad and Tobago for the Fifth Summit of the Americas. The meetings bring together leaders of thirty-four countries. The only country not invited was Cuba. But earlier this week, President Obama lifted some restrictions on Cuba.

The actions do not end the nearly fifty year old trade embargo against the island. But Americans with family in Cuba will now be more free to visit and send money to family members. Critics say the money will only help Cuba's communist leaders.

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton welcomed Cuba's reaction. President Raul Castro said Cuba is willing to discuss "everything" with the United States, including human rights, press freedoms and political prisoners. But he also said Cuba must be treated as an equal.

And that's IN THE NEWS in VOA Special English, written by Brianna Blake. I'm Steve Ember.


1. The Time to End

The relationship between the States and Cuba is the product of the so-called "Cold War" born after the World War II. However, the time has changed for a long time: the Berlin Wall fell down and the Soviet Union disintegrated for tweenty years. Why not the barrier between the States and its backyard? In this respect, I think President Obama has moved a very positive step. The whole world needs a peace ambassador, not a wild bull in a china shop. Go ahead, President Obama. I support you!
Submitted by: TANG Qixiong (The People's Republic of China)
04-24-2009 - 06:15:22

2. Thanks

Thanks for your voice, Steve Ember! It's help me easy to listen to.
Submitted by: hien (Vietnam)
04-24-2009 - 01:05:07

3. world is one family

mexico cuba america japan these country loves baseball let`s friendly
Submitted by: kazuyuki sasakawa (japan)
04-21-2009 - 17:59:50

4. peace

The relationship between two conturis is just like the one between two neighbors. Why not creat a peacful enviroment , so that we can share the flowers in our neighbor's garden?
Submitted by: holly (China)
04-20-2009 - 23:48:39

5. joyful signal

That's a joyful signal about relation between US and Latin America. Hope that Obama President will have more actions to improve world's peace. Thanks VOA for this nice article!
Submitted by: star ()
04-20-2009 - 05:36:56

6. Cuba

I guess, for all Cubans it was the USA on the bad and wrong side because of the embargo, and revolutionists like Castro on the good and right one because they privided "freedom". But now I think there is no such thing like absolutly right or wrong opinion. All people should talk, negotiate, trade, bargain or whatever alike. I respect and approve of Mr Obama's good will!
Submitted by: Peter Mikhailov (Russia)
04-20-2009 - 03:10:04


Nice artical with simple english it is time to forgive each other , to make a world peaceful for every one , it is time to reopen our heart for people who dont know or who didnt get a chance to see our heart . I mean the people of Cuba
Submitted by: Noor-ul-Amin (Afghanistan)
04-18-2009 - 19:43:06

8. drug

We have to stop their supplying drug all over the world. In order to do that,we would make poster like "Call pollice if you find someone dealing with drug." I would appreciate if you could correct my bad sentense and reply.
Submitted by: gen ooswa (Japan)
04-18-2009 - 10:14:55

9. Encouraging President Obama's attitude

We need a peaceful world, we love those who are committed to build brides between cultures, religions, races, ethnics, and countries in order to have a world without mortal conflict. If you do not mind, and as Nancy Griffith was inspired in her song, "From a distance the world look blue and green (...), we all have enough an no one is in need,(...). There is no gun, non bomb, no disease and no angry mouth to feed (...). We are instruments match in common band playing songs of peace, of love, of hope(...). From a distance, you (American, African, Cuban, European) look like my friend even though we are in war (...). Yes, "God is watching us from a distance"! Thank you and congratulations to Nancy Griffith. Go ahead, President Obama with peace talks around the world.
Submitted by: RUFIN KITOKO (Democratic Rep. of Congo)
04-18-2009 - 09:50:11

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