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NOAA Technical Memorandum NOS NGS-58 [pdf]
Guidelines for Establishing GPS-derived Ellipsoidal Heights (Standards: 2 cm and 5 cm) Version 4.3

NOAA Technical Memorandum NOS NGS-59 [pdf]
Guidelines for Establishing GPS-derived Orthometric Heights (Standards: 2 cm and 5 cm) are available. These guidelines address the establishment and densification of vertical control networks through the use of GPS surveys and valid NAVD 88 orthometric control.


Information Sheets

  • NGS Datasheet - "Height Modernization Survey Station" [example]
  • NGS Datasheets may be retrieved by Height Mod station data type


  • Prepare...Utilize...Height Modernization [pdf] [jpg]
  • The importance of accurate elevations [pdf] [jpg] [ppt]
  • Height Modernization - State by State (2005) [ppt]


Other Articles of Interest

Mark Cheves, Editor of Professional Surveyor Magazine, talks about Increased Accuracy for GPS Heights in the May/June 1996 issue. This article describes research being carried out at NGS to improve the accuracy of geometric heights determined by GPS.

Dave Zilkoski and Don D'Onofrio discuss the Geodetic Phase of NOS's San Francisco Bay Demonstration Project in a paper prepared for presentation to the American Congress on Surveying and Mapping.

Report on the Joint Coast Survey and National Geodetic Survey Centimeter-Level Positioning of a Marine Vessel Project: The U. S. Coast Guard Buoy Tender Test
Louisiana Sinking to Earth's Core - article in The Advocate ONLINE internet publication, February 18, 2002.

Meeting Notes


  • Height Modernization Focus Group presentation



Last updated by NGS.webmaster on Monday, 13-Apr-2009 10:56:56 EDT