Federal Register

Executive Order 11539--Delegations of authority to negotiate agreements and issue regulations limiting imports of certain meats

Source: The provisions of Executive Order 11539 of June 30, 1970, appear at 35 FR 10733, 3 CFR, 1966-1970 Comp., p. 937, unless otherwise noted.

By virtue of the authority vested in me by section 204 of the Agricultural Act of 1956, as amended (7 U.S.C. 1854), and section 301 of title 3 of the United States Code, and as President of the United States, it is ordered as follows:

Section 1. The United States Trade Representative, with the concurrence of the Secretary of Agriculture and the Secretary of State, is authorized to negotiate bilateral agreements with representatives of governments of foreign countries limiting the export from the respective countries and the importation into the United States of--
(1) fresh, chilled, or frozen cattle meat,
(2) fresh, chilled, or frozen meat of goats and sheep (except lambs), and
(3) prepared and preserved beef and veal (except sausage) if articles are prepared, whether fresh, chilled, or frozen, but not otherwise preserved, that are the products of such countries.

Sec. 2. The Secretary of Agriculture, with the concurrence of the Secretary of State and the United States Trade Representative, is authorized to issue regulations governing the entry or withdrawal from warehouse for consumption in the United States of any such meats to carry out any such agreement.

Sec. 3. The Commissioner of Customs shall take such actions and supply such information to the Secretary of Agriculture with respect to entry or withdrawal from warehouse for consumption in the United States of such meats as the Secretary of Agriculture, with the concurrence of the Secretary of State and the United States Trade Representative, may request to carry out any such agreements or regulations.

Sec. 4. Heads of departments and heads of agencies are hereby authorized to redelegate within their respective departments or agencies the functions herein assigned to them, except that the function of negotiating agreements delegated to the United States Trade Representative by section 1 and the function of issuing regulations delegated to the Secretary of Agriculture by section 2 of this order may be redelegated only to officials required to be appointed by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, as provided by 3 U.S.C. 301.

[EO 11539 amended by Executive Order 12188 of Jan. 2, 1980, 45 FR 989, 3 CFR, 1980 Comp., p. 131]

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