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29 April 2009 

VOA News:

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United States and Mexico Battle Swine Flu

28 April 2009

This is the VOA Special English Health Report. Swine flu is a respiratory sickness caused by an influenza virus that mainly infects pigs. However, sometimes the virus can sicken humans. That is what has happened in Mexico in the last few weeks.

The virus is believed to have sickened at least two thousand people there. Mexican health officials suspect at least one hundred fifty-two people have died from swine flu. Many of those who died were young adults who were healthy before they became infected.

A woman from Mexico City and her Spanish friend wear face masks after arriving in Madrid on Tuesday
A woman from Mexico City and her Spanish friend wear face masks after arriving in Madrid on Tuesday
Mexico has suspended schools nationwide until at least May sixth. It has closed restaurants and churches. The government also cancelled large gatherings for sports, concerts and similar events. But many Mexicans have criticized the country's health measures. There are reports of seriously sick people being turned away from hospitals.

Mexican Health Minister Jose Angel Cordova Villalobos says the government does not have enough health care workers for all the victims. But he says there is enough medicine to treat those who have swine flu.

The disease has spread to at least seven countries and is suspected in others. The United States has more than forty-eight confirmed cases in five states. The United States declared a public health emergency to permit the use of federal money and the use of flu medicines in federal storage. American officials so far have released about twelve million treatments of Tamiflu and sent them to the states. They say additional supplies are available if needed. President Obama has said officials are being watchful, not fearful.

The United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is advising people to avoid travel to Mexico. But it has not suggested a ban.

Swine flu can cause fever, head and muscle pain, cough, sore throat and stomach problems. If you have any of those signs, do not go to work or school. The only place you should go is to the doctor.

There are simple ways to help prevent spreading the virus. Cover your mouth when you cough or sneeze. Wash your hands with soap and water completely and often. Avoid contact with people who appear to be sick.

Also, get enough good food and rest. Your body's natural defense system needs to be at its strongest to protect you against disease.    

And that's the VOA Special English Health Report, written by Caty Weaver. I'm Doug Johnson.


1. swine flu is a dangarous

thank you voa but it's dangar whith swine flu
Submitted by: shire (uganda)
05-06-2009 - 18:55:27


I think this diaease won't penetrate into Russia
Submitted by: Ann (Russia)
05-06-2009 - 11:25:12

3. Flu of Swine

thanks for VOA News, i think that this situation will end in the soonest time and we have to co-operate, caldown in anyway. i hope all pepole on the word are in very safety and happy condition
Submitted by: Vu Do (Vietnam)
05-06-2009 - 06:48:55


im afraid becuase in my city there are many people that have some synthomps and i dont know what to do, here the hospitals are not so big...i hope it doesnt here...
Submitted by: mauricio (bolivia)
05-06-2009 - 00:43:34


i think this case is very frightening. i hope virus doesn't spread more and sick people get over
Submitted by: merve (turkey)
05-04-2009 - 12:56:45

6. Swine Flu

I would implore The United Nation to swing into action fast as these is really killing.before it extrsadites into the whole world.
Submitted by: Engr.Bakre Abayomi (Nigeria)
05-03-2009 - 22:20:00

7. horrible event

We need do more work to control the virus.
Submitted by: liu (China)
05-03-2009 - 13:25:04

8. world healt

Insatead of criticize Mexico"s Goverment, the world should help Mexico at this critical time, for we all nationes live at a unique big house and nobody is risk free from this pandemic problem. I would like THE U.S.A. goverment will take action and support scientific investigation to find a cure, not only for Mexico but also for themselves, we will see if they invest in world healt as they invest too much money in wars.
Submitted by: Jaime Rodriguez (mexico)
05-02-2009 - 19:26:54


It is horrible that Hong Kong has confirmed the first swine flu case.The patient is a Mexican.Luckily,he is isolated and no one has infected except him.Hope the swine flu can disappear soon!
Submitted by: Bill (Hong Kong)
05-02-2009 - 15:20:41

10. pigs is not the point

today study has shown that this "Swine flu" actually called H1N1 Flu is composed of avian flu and human and swine flu. hope all things passed soon...
Submitted by: maggie (usa)
05-02-2009 - 07:13:41

11. What is most important?

I think that is moment when the world should decide what is most important either life or world economy. We need to take action change to spread of this disease. Thank you VOA for this article
Submitted by: Luis Emiro Cabrera Pinto (Colombia)
05-01-2009 - 18:10:14

12. swine flu

We have to take some actions against the infection of swine flu further to the people because it is deadly disease which can affect human that is not a minor problem in the world so the government of mexico and the united nations must take it important and devise some plans to avoid further human victim. thanks from the VOA news which brodcasted informations about the swine flu and how to prevent infection. when I became aware that more than hundred people were killed in these days owing to infection of swine flu in mexico, I really became sad.
Submitted by: habibullah (Afghanistan)
05-01-2009 - 17:12:00

13. Alas...

We will pass the situation soon... Believe in the future.
Submitted by: Steven (Viet Nam)
05-01-2009 - 14:58:09

14. Thanx!

More and more deseases created. Why? Because of increasing populaton? Because we demand more? Because we are more greedy?
Submitted by: Dũng (Vietnam)
05-01-2009 - 07:52:26

15. It isn't America problem alone!!!

The world as a whole has to come out and fight this flu of a thing cos the way i am looking at things...gush!!!is going to be something else just like the pandemic of HIV in this does days and what is the results now?millions have lost there lives...Man propounded this thing called the swine flu to test the new history in making i mean(THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATE OF AMERICA,PRESIDENT BARRACK OBAMA) Jeff
Submitted by: samuel jeff bello (nigeria)
05-01-2009 - 07:43:29

16. Swine flu

This is scary stuff, with so much research and no conclusive answer, what garanties the respiratory mask from protecting our body systems from this virus? I am perplexed...Yet, taking precautions would be the best thing to do at this point. I'm scared for those that do get sick with ths virus and have a weak immune system. Anyways, it's a day for me to learn more about this disease and keep my family drinking fluids and their respective vitamins and minerals. I wish the world citizens good luck and may this not be a world pendemic. I'm sorry for all those families that did loose a family member to this disease. God bless.
Submitted by: Emma (USA (Utah))
04-30-2009 - 15:17:24

17. scary

I think that the last comments is wrong, unfortunatelly this kind of infection is already in New zealand with more than ten cases, and isn't far from australia, I am sorry fellow, but if it is like on movies, we're all gone dye!
Submitted by: natan (New zealand)
04-30-2009 - 08:19:16

18. i am lucky

this kind of diaease has not been discovered in my country
Submitted by: whernlarn (china)
04-30-2009 - 01:49:38

19. I'm scared.

Thank you VOA Special English. I think that theall Nation's Government and everyone must be aware of the problem take precautions and health measures. We must hope that Swine flu doesn't get an epidemic. It would be terrible.
Submitted by: Gloria Yott (Unite states)
04-29-2009 - 23:16:04

20. Worried

I pray that i dont get the swine flu, i will try my best to have great sanitation.
Submitted by: Troy kline (United states)
04-29-2009 - 21:11:00


hey people nationwide i think it would be good to cancel flights in and out of your country... we need to take caution... dont take risks.. get masks and cover everybody in ur family
Submitted by: Diego Gutierrez (united states)
04-29-2009 - 20:01:31

22. What is the purpose of so many dollars?

It is funny and likewise sad: we taxpayers throughout the world spend our lives paying taxes to governments of our cities, states and countries. Why don't they take preventive measures to avoid such things? There are so many capable scientists throughout the world. Once more, we have to watch governments asking for emergence money to save innocent people. What do they do with the money we pay them every single day through the things we buy? Strange, but there are no people questioned anymore: how companies are using the billions of dollars that government has been giving them? Scared people is easy to be controlled, like cockroaches.
Submitted by: Marcelo Lopes (Brazil)
04-29-2009 - 19:50:05


the question is where this disease came from ? is nature or man made. and thank you
Submitted by: hami (morocco)
04-29-2009 - 19:46:06

24. No cure

they need a cure it could take quite some time for it by then U.S. would be hit hard.
Submitted by: Brandon (U.S.A.)
04-29-2009 - 18:50:44

25. Swine Flu

its amazing how this sickness is causing death!!! I'm surprised by this!!! i hope they find a cure for it soon!!!
Submitted by: janice villegas 20094004 (United States)
04-29-2009 - 18:43:32

26. mexico swine flu

this comntry is suferd for a long time now they whant a way out but this is not a good way of doing that dont get me wrong Im more mexican then any one els but I know my contry.I hope Im wright that it is just a big front and every one is ok in mexico
Submitted by: javier (us/texas)
04-29-2009 - 17:47:38

27. scared

im here at Pittsburg high school and student around the school are scared they wont stop talking about this sickness then they just shut down a school close near by its crazy so students walk around with these face mask on all day in when you look in there eyes you can tell there scared for there lives im scared they place i feel safe is HOME!! i dont wanna be here i pray they do something about this before it really gets out of hand sign the students thats scared ;(
Submitted by: jerrisha (california)
04-29-2009 - 17:47:28

28. apprehensive

This is good news , but Im traveling to Mexico this weekend for my best friends wedding would like to know what states in Mexico actually have reported swine flu cases. Im traveling to Ixtapa want to make sure about the degree of safety in that particuliar part. Help!
Submitted by: Linda (united states)
04-29-2009 - 17:43:41

29. Swine Flu

This is a flu that is being passed through the Mexican border, so why have we not shut our borders down? I will tell you why, we have a president who is more concerned with appearances (mainly his own) than with that of the health of this country. The government says that the swine flu is already here and why close the borders now. The reason is to keep the situation at the minimum that it appears to be at now, and you can not do that when you have people traveling back and forth from Mexico to America and then attending school among my children. I do not see any real concern among our government or our CDC. Where is the recommendation to us to perhaps wear a mask when out in public or some clinics going into our public schools swabbing our children before they come home with sickness and God forbid dying. All I have heard is yes it will get worse before it gets better and oh ya by the way, try and wash your hand and cover your mouth when you cough. I mean , really give me a bre
Submitted by: Bianca (USA)
04-29-2009 - 17:38:04

30. SWINE FLU OR H-who cares what it's 'Named'?

This is DEADLY and REAL and if Mexico has enough sense to enforce bans, why don't we? I love my country, but as in the pre-911 era, and pre-war era, as we sat and scratched our heads and worried about 'approval' from our Congress, the world changes and we, as a country, seem to be the 'follower' or just plain 'late' as to what to do in the areas of health, terrorism; Asia is shown on television 3 days ago with machines at their airports and the nurses in white coats, (everyone in a mask), and they in the time to check some luggage out, had taken 'each' and every single person's temperature, checked their ears nose and mouth. Come on, let's get real here and take some action. How about closing some borders, and no school for my kids at this time either! just a Grandma's opinion
Submitted by: Tamara L. S (USA)
04-29-2009 - 17:25:35

31. swine flu

swine flu i'm alarmed about this desease i hope it goes away soon. thanks VOA for this advice to take care.
Submitted by: silvia rios (CA)
04-29-2009 - 15:42:45

32. Health report

it is an important thing to know this advices and to know about this disease thank you Caty Weaver and you Doug Johnson.
Submitted by: ahmed goda (Egypt)
04-29-2009 - 14:49:05

33. the people need to get more attention

I know that countries in America are worrying about this disease through News, but in South Asia, especially in my country, people do not care too much about swine flu because they believe that they can not be infected by a flu from America. Our government has done a lot of things to prevent this disease. More importantly, each people has to take precaution. Thank for your health report.
Submitted by: daniel vu (vietnam)
04-29-2009 - 11:55:14

34. english words

thanks from voa learning english, i like this program, please that would be better to seperate the important words and also put the mp3 download
Submitted by: Hasibullah (afghanistan)
04-29-2009 - 06:24:04

35. SOOOOOOOO SAD.................................

04-29-2009 - 03:40:41


I hope that US and Mexico will early end this swine-flu.
Submitted by: phuong (Vietnam)
04-29-2009 - 03:16:37

37. Swine flu and Sars

Why our body become more and more vulnerable?
Submitted by: Michael (China)
04-29-2009 - 02:10:21

38. Scary

oi, this is like those scary movies like 28 days later and i am legend when it starts like a small thing and everyone reads about it online and then it spreads and kills everyone.... :S:S:S... oi, we're lucky we live in australia, we're physically isolated from everyone else. we really hope it doesnt get here.
Submitted by: Kotuku Ngawati, Ezaam Fraz, Jake Leask and Christopher Deeb (Australia)
04-29-2009 - 00:17:25

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