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01 May 2009 

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International Monetary Fund Says World Economy Will Shrink This Year

23 April 2009

This is the VOA Special English Economics Report.

The World Bank and the International Monetary Fund will meet in Washington, D.C.  Saturday and Sunday. One subject for discussion will be falling expectations for world economic growth.

A new report by the I.M.F. estimates that the world economy will shrink by one and three-tenths percent this year. That would be the worst performance in more than sixty years.  Three months ago, the I.M.F. predicted a small growth for this year.

I.M.F. Chief Economist Olivier Blanchard, left, speaking in Washington Wednesday
I.M.F. Chief Economist Olivier Blanchard, left, speaking in Washington Wednesday
Major industrialized economies are expected to see the biggest decreases, shrinking by almost four percent. The I.M.F. predicts developing countries will continue to grow for the year, but only by about one and one-half percent.

The I.M.F. says the world will slowly return to growth of almost two percent next year. But the lending organization warns that strong policies to supervise and support the financial system are needed if the world economy is to fully recovery.

Olivier Blanchard is the chief economist for the I.M.F.  He has said that banks are still in the process of rebuilding their financial positions. He added that securities markets are still operating poorly.

Economic experts believe the world financial industry is moving towards recovery but with more losses to come. In all, the I.M.F. says worldwide financial losses could be as high as four trillion dollars by the end of next year.  World trade is expected to drop eleven percent this year, after expanding by three percent last year.

The I.M.F. report says international lending may not fully recover until two thousand eleven. The financial crisis has made the I.M.F. more important than ever. The world's largest economies promised to increase the size of the fund by about five hundred billion dollars. They did so at the G-Twenty meeting in London earlier this month. This week, President Obama proposed that the United States lend the I.M.F. one hundred billion dollars as part of that promise.

Last week, Mexico became the first nation to borrow from the I.M.F. under a new program to provide emergency credit to nations with strong economies. Mexico received a forty-seven billion dollar line of credit for one year. Poland and Colombia are also seeking loans from the program.

And that's the VOA Special English Economics Report, written by Mario Ritter.  You can find more financial news, plus transcripts and archives of our programs at voaspecialenglish.com. I'm Steve Ember.


1. Thank

tks for yr inform. Hope global economy will soon recoverry.
Submitted by: long hach (Viet Nam)
04-27-2009 - 14:07:59

2. Mistyped one sentence.

Hello, My name is Jung-Yun LEE. I like reading articles through VOAnews. Thank you for a good article. I usually do dictation one article. Today, I've found that one sentece was mistyped. "The I.M.F. predicts developing economies will continue to grow for the year," The MP file was " Developing countries" it's not Developing economies. Please check it again. I just wanted people to make sure understand about that. Jungyun Jung-Yun
Submitted by: Jungyun lee (Korea)
04-27-2009 - 12:20:56

3. Fear

If everything come true, like I.M.F said It's really dangrous. Because millions of people will be fired in the next year and it will make the world economy get a lot of difficult and no one know what will happen....
Submitted by: le minh phuoc (Viet Nam)
04-27-2009 - 01:43:11


I still believe we will overcome this crisis
Submitted by: Zhenbo Ke (China)
04-26-2009 - 13:28:21


the above report is very good for those who are busy Economic Faculta. thanks from your subjects
Submitted by: khavery Noor Ahmad, (Afghanistant, Kandahar ,)
04-26-2009 - 08:18:15

6. IMF is devil

I strongly object to expanding the size of the I.M.F. This organization is responsible for a recent recession.
Submitted by: Yun Chul, Shin (south korea)
04-25-2009 - 07:49:30

7. not only hope

i hope IMF predict can achieve rapidly, developing economies will continue to grow for the year. commonly will carry on positive impact for my country
Submitted by: kezia dian elita (indonesia)
04-24-2009 - 16:25:19

8. I.M.F

The international monetary fund is important organization. At the position of economic crisis I.M.F will affect the world's economic recovery.
Submitted by: Yong Bei (China)
04-24-2009 - 12:09:55

9. God Bless the World Economy!!!!!

Very Very Very Quickly. So The people of world's become happy. I believe strongly. Thank you.
Submitted by: BokNam, YOON (South Korea)
04-24-2009 - 05:54:18

10. Thanks so much...

Warm hello to all! Iam interested in bba. Rigt now iam studying economics faculty.so i want more topics about economics and financial tips thanks so much from broadcasting to learn english and much more...
Submitted by: Aslam (Afghanistan)
04-24-2009 - 05:24:06

11. thanking

i am student
Submitted by: abdihakim (egypt)
04-23-2009 - 21:18:00

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