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22 April 2009 

VOA News:

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The Global Snakebite Initiative Is Working to Improve Treatment for Victims

22 April 2009
This is the VOA Special English Health Report.

More than four million people around the world are bitten by snakes each year. At least one hundred twenty-five thousand of these people die. Almost three million others are seriously injured. Doctors and researchers say the world does not provide enough good treatment for poisonous snakebites. To help improve the situation, experts have formed an international project called the Global Snakebite Initiative.

Laboratory workers in Costa Rica collect venom from a highly poisonous Fer de Lance snake.  The venom is used to make a treatment for the snake's bite.
Laboratory workers in Costa Rica collect venom from a highly poisonous Fer de Lance snake. The venom is used to make a treatment for the snake's bite.
Poisonous snakebites are common in rural areas of many developing countries with hot climates. Many victims are agricultural workers and children in Asia and southern Africa. Shortages of antivenom medicines, the treatment for snakebite, are common there.   Existing supplies may not be high quality or developed correctly for local needs.

Ken Winkel directs the University of Melbourne's Australian Venom Research Unit.  Doctor Winkel and university scientist David Williams are among the organizers of the Global Snakebite Initiative. Other project leaders are from Britain, Brazil, Sri Lanka, Costa Rica and Singapore.

The International Society of Toxinology officially supported the Initiative last month at the World Congress of Plant, Animal and Microbial Toxins in Recife, Brazil. 

Doctor Winkel says antivenom treatment is too costly for many poor people who need it most.  The drugs are developed from the venom of poisonous snakes.

The Global Snakebite Initiative is trying to increase the availability of good quality antivenom treatments and improve medical training for patient care.  Another goal is to help manufacturers of antivenom medicines improve their products.

The project also wants communities to learn about snakebites and first aid. It wants more research and reporting systems. And it aims to help national health officials choose antivenoms for their countries' special needs.

The antivenom that cures the bite of one kind of snake may not be effective for another kind of snake.  And the medicines for a cobra bite in the Philippines may not work for someone bitten by a similar snake in West Africa.

Experts look forward to improvements in worldwide treatment for snakebite. But they say the best ways to reduce death and injury from snakebites are education and prevention.

And that's the VOA Special English Health Report, written by Jerilyn Watson. I'm Steve Ember.


1. Thanks for taking care of poor

Most of the victims of snakebite are rural poor. They cant take better tretment due to their poverty. Gornment of developing countries have not sufficient fund as well as they are not having any concern about that.Thanks for the report.
Submitted by: Prem Verma (India)
05-03-2009 - 16:23:20


it's benifit.i'm afraid of snake since i was a child.i rembember when i was a child , one day after the rain,the road was humid ,and i was on my way school ,a snake just laid on the way .i stood queitly,not know what i could do.for a moment,time seemed stopped.lucky enough,it went west after its head turned to me while i was to the north.time flies.now i listen to this report,it recalls my memory.
Submitted by: tianlang (china)
05-03-2009 - 02:08:10

3. snakebites

I agree with the article that teaching the people the fist aids is one way of reducing the numbers of injured people.
Submitted by: houssein alqobi (Yemen)
04-29-2009 - 16:53:58

4. The VOA

My english is poor,I can only say the VOA is great .
Submitted by: zhangguangwei (china)
04-28-2009 - 14:14:34

5. to improve english

this site is wonderful. thanks
Submitted by: ertuğrul (turkey)
04-26-2009 - 20:29:17

6. VOA

I think VOA is a great university in which you must taste English.
Submitted by: VOA listener (Iran)
04-25-2009 - 20:37:38

7. Iformation

Really , I feel shame because I can't speak easy ,clearly and normal with others. I understand very well but my problem is how to speak and discuss .I need to improve my english .Every day, I use this site VOA . Learning english become an challenge for me and I should win. Thank you
Submitted by: SLAH (TUNIS)
04-25-2009 - 08:14:39

8. Snake Bite

I do the bookkeeping for a gentleman in South Australia by the name of Geoff Coombe. Geoff has been presenting Snake Awareness and Working with Venomous Snakes courses throughout Australia and the world for many years now and his whole focus is on making people aware of why snakes react the way they do and what we can do to reduce the chance of us being bitten by them . As well as the various "in person" presentations he also has an online Snake Awareness course he has recently set up to give people a better understanding of these creatures. He is also currently working on a First Aid course, specific to snake bite, that will soon be available online. His website is at http://www.livingwithwildlife.com.au/, and he also has a couple of blogs at http://geoffcoombeslivingwithwildlife.blogspot.com/ and http://snakebiteinnepal.blogspot.com/
Submitted by: Dean Allan (Australia)
04-25-2009 - 06:26:32

9. learning English

Thank a lot VOA special english programe, It's good for me to up date newly information happening around the world, In other word, I get better in my pronounciation thank for frequently english hearing every day. thanks
Submitted by: tran minh tuyen (viet nam)
04-24-2009 - 23:14:06

10. Phobia of Cobra

When I was a child , i was living in a poor village with mountains, South China. There were lots of kinds of snakes, green-colored, black-white, triangle-head and so on. farmers was quite often to meet a snake, some of them might be bited. Also, a few people earned money by catching snakes, the more poisonous it is, the more expensive it cost. if they suffered from most poisonous snakebites, they had to cut the wounded part, for example cutting fingers, hand, even legs, if they cound not get the instantly effective treatment. it's quite terrible. I remembered clearly that i met a cobra on my way home from school, fortunitely, i didn't get any injure. but until now, i still have a phobia of snake.
Submitted by: Martin (China)
04-24-2009 - 12:47:09

11. poisonous snake in China

lots poisonous snake in china,expecially in south west of china,once i have one friend was poisonous snakebites by cobra,it's lucky he was sended into hospital in time and finally he was out of danger after the emergency treatment,but some people very like eat one,i think people should keep a space for all animal in order to protect each other,right?
Submitted by: Ken (China)
04-24-2009 - 05:04:19

12. Emglish

Hello I think tha it is fantastic to learn english,
Submitted by: e_hcm (chile)
04-23-2009 - 19:27:03

13. There are a lot of people bitten by snakes in my country

In my country. There is a little people catching snakes to earn living, and many of them are bitten. The most common way to protect them from being dead is cutting a part of their body where being bitten to prevent poison run into their body so that there are many of them being cut one or more finger... It is necessary to develop antivenom medicines to supply the poor country like our country.
Submitted by: Tran Viet Thang (Viet Nam)
04-23-2009 - 14:17:01

14. I hope so

I used to hear the fear of poisonous snakebites from the elders when I was living in the country. So I hope for a good treatment for snakebites in the future.
Submitted by: tatsu (Japan)
04-23-2009 - 07:17:27

15. doing

Now I am studying English again. As a student, I had learned english for serveral years, and I have already worked for 2 years. However my spoken english and listening are so poor. Now VOA become one important thing in my daily life.
Submitted by: miracle (china)
04-23-2009 - 01:59:39

16. I love it

study English is my dream,Now Voanews help me live my dream
Submitted by: liubingqi (China)
04-22-2009 - 23:25:37

17. english

Voanews is an impotart tool that help people to improve their english, thank
Submitted by: franklin robledo mosquera (colombia)
04-22-2009 - 18:47:03

18. english

I think that VOA is very intersting and useful for those who study English
Submitted by: hue (vietnam)
04-22-2009 - 02:43:47

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