Fishery Conservation and Management Act

Public Law 94-265

As amended through October 11, 1996


To provide for the conservation and management of the fisheries,

and for other purposes.

J.Feder version (12/19/96)


SEC. 201. FOREIGN FISHING 16 U.S.C. 1821

95-354, 99-659, 102-251, 104-297

(a) IN GENERAL.--After February 28, 1977, no foreign fishing is authorized within the exclusive economic zone, [within the special areas,]* or for anadromous species or Continental Shelf fishery resources beyond the exclusive economic zone [such zone or areas]*, unless such foreign fishing--

(1) is authorized under subsections (b) or (c) or section 204(e), or under a permit issued under section 204(d);

(2) is not prohibited by subsection (f); and

(3) is conducted under, and in accordance with, a valid and applicable permit issued pursuant to section 204.

(b) EXISTING INTERNATIONAL FISHERY AGREEMENTS.--Foreign fishing described in subsection (a) may be conducted pursuant to an international fishery agreement (subject to the provisions of section 202(b) or (c)), if such agreement--

(1) was in effect on the date of enactment of this Act; and

(2) has not expired, been renegotiated, or otherwise ceased to be of force and effect with respect to the United States.

(c) GOVERNING INTERNATIONAL FISHERY AGREEMENTS.--Foreign fishing described in subsection (a) may be conducted pursuant to an international fishery agreement (other than a treaty) which meets the requirements of this subsection if such agreement becomes effective after application of section 203. Any such international fishery agreement shall hereafter in this Act be referred to as a "governing international fishery agreement". Each governing international fishery agreement shall acknowledge the exclusive fishery management authority of the United States, as set forth in this Act. It is the sense of the Congress that each such agreement shall include a binding commitment, on the part of such foreign nation and its fishing vessels, to comply with the following terms and conditions:

(1) The foreign nation, and the owner or operator of any fishing vessel fishing pursuant to such agreement, will abide by all regulations promulgated by the Secretary pursuant to this Act, including any regulations promulgated to implement any applicable fishery management plan or any preliminary fishery management plan.

97-453, 104-297 (2) The foreign nation, and the owner or operator of any fishing vessel fishing pursuant to such agreement, will abide by the requirement that--

(A) any officer authorized to enforce the provisions of this Act (as provided for in section 311) be permitted--

(i) to board, and search or inspect, any such vessel at any time,

(ii) to make arrests and seizures provided for in section 311(b) whenever such officer has reasonable cause to believe, as a result of such a search or inspection, that any such vessel or any person has committed an act prohibited by section 307, and

(iii) to examine and make notations on the permit issued pursuant to section 204 for such vessel;

(B) the permit issued for any such vessel pursuant to section 204 be prominently displayed in the wheelhouse of such vessel;

(C) transponders, or such other appropriate position-fixing and identification equipment as the Secretary of the department in which the Coast Guard is operating determines to be appropriate, be installed and maintained in working order on each such vessel;

(D) United States observers required under subsection (h) be permitted to be stationed aboard any such vessel and that all of the costs incurred incident to such stationing, including the costs of data editing and entry and observer monitoring, be paid for, in accordance with such subsection, by the owner or operator of the vessel;

(E) any fees required under section 204(b)(10) be paid in advance;

(F) agents be appointed and maintained within the United States who are authorized to receive and respond to any legal process issued in the United States with respect to such owner or operator; and

(G) responsibility be assumed, in accordance with any requirements prescribed by the Secretary, for the reimbursement of United States citizens for any loss of, or damage to, their fishing vessels, fishing gear, or catch which is caused by any fishing vessel of that nation;

and will abide by any other monitoring, compliance, or enforcement requirement related to fishery conservation and management which is included in such agreement.


(3) The foreign nation and the owners or operators of all of the fishing vessels of such nation shall not, in any year, harvest an amount of fish which exceeds such nation's allocation of the total allowable level of foreign fishing, as determined under subsection (e).


(4) The foreign nation will-- (A) apply, pursuant to section 204, for any required permits;

(B) deliver promptly to the owner or operator of the appropriate fishing vessel any permit which is issued under that section for such vessel;

(C) abide by, and take appropriate steps under its own laws to assure that all such owners and operators comply with, section 204(a) and the applicable conditions and restrictions established under section 204(b)(7); and

(D) take, or refrain from taking, as appropriate, actions of the kind referred to in subsection (e)(1) in order to receive favorable allocations under such subsection.

96-561, 101-267

(d) TOTAL ALLOWABLE LEVEL OF FOREIGN FISHING.--The total allowable level of foreign fishing, if any, with respect to any fishery subject to the exclusive fishery management authority of the United States, shall be that portion of the optimum yield of such fishery which will not be harvested by vessels of the United States, as determined in accordance with this Act.


96-61, 96-561, 97-453, 97-623, 98-623, 99-659, 102-251 (1) (A) The Secretary of State, in cooperation with the Secretary, may make allocations to foreign nations from the total allowable level of foreign fishing which is permitted with respect to each fishery subject to the exclusive fishery management authority of the United States.

(B) From the determinations made under subparagraph (A), the Secretary of State shall compute the aggregate of all of the fishery allocations made to each foreign nation.

(C) The Secretary of State shall initially release to each foreign nation for harvesting up to 50 percent of the allocations aggregate computed for such nation under subparagraph (B), and such release of allocation shall be apportioned by the Secretary of State, in cooperation with the Secretary, among the individual fishery allocations determined for that nation under subparagraph (A). The basis on which each apportionment is made under this subparagraph shall be stated in writing by the Secretary of State.

(D) After the initial release of fishery allocations under subparagraph (C) to a foreign nation, any subsequent release of an allocation for any fishery to such nation shall only be made--

(i) after the lapse of such period of time as may be sufficient for purposes of making the determination required under clause (ii); and

(ii) if the Secretary of State and the Secretary, after taking into account the size of the allocation for such fishery and the length and timing of the fishing season, determine in writing that such nation is complying with the purposes and intent of this paragraph with respect to such fishery.

If the foreign nation is not determined under clause (ii) to be in such compliance, the Secretary of State shall reduce, in a manner and quantity he considers to be appropriate (I) the remainder of such allocation, or (II) if all of such allocation has been released, the next allocation of such fishery, if any, made to such nation.

(E) The determinations required to be made under subparagraphs (A) and (D)(ii), and the apportionments required to be made under subparagraph (C), with respect to a foreign nation shall be based on--

(i) whether, and to what extent, such nation imposes tariff barriers or nontariff barriers on the importation, or otherwise restricts the market access, of both United States fish and fishery products, particularly fish and fishery products for which the foreign nation has requested an allocation;

(ii) whether, and to what extent, such nation is cooperating with the United States in both the advancement of existing and new opportunities for fisheries exports from the United States through the purchase of fishery products from United States processors, and the advancement of fisheries trade through the purchase of fish and fishery products from United States fishermen, particularly fish and fishery products for which the foreign nation has requested an allocation;

(iii) whether, and to what extent, such nation and the fishing fleets of such nation have cooperated with the United States in the enforcement of United States fishing regulations;

(iv) whether, and to what extent, such nation requires the fish harvested from the exclusive economic zone [or special areas]* for its domestic consumption;

(v) whether, and to what extent, such nation otherwise contributes to, or fosters the growth of, a sound and economic United States fishing industry, including minimizing gear conflicts with fishing operations of United States fishermen, and transferring harvesting or processing technology which will benefit the United States fishing industry;

(vi) whether, and to what extent, the fishing vessels of such nation have traditionally engaged in fishing in such fishery;

(vii) whether, and to what extent, such nation is cooperating with the United States in, and making substantial contributions to, fishery research and the identification of fishery resources; and

(viii) such other matters as the Secretary of State, in cooperation with the Secretary, deems appropriate.

96-61, 96-118

(2) (A) For the purposes of this paragraph--

(i) The term "certification" means a certification made by the Secretary that nationals of a foreign country, directly or indirectly, are conducting fishing operations or engaging in trade or taking which diminishes the effectiveness of the International Convention for the Regulation of Whaling. A certification under this section shall also be deemed a certification for the purposes of section 8(a) of the Fishermen's Protective Act of 1967 (22 U.S.C. 1978(a)).

(ii) The term "remedial period" means the 365-day period beginning on the date on which a certification is issued with respect to a foreign country.

(B) If the Secretary issues a certification with respect to any foreign country, then each allocation under paragraph (1) that--

(i) is in effect for that foreign country on the date of issuance; or

(ii) is not in effect on such date but would, without regard to this paragraph, be made to the foreign country within the remedial period;

shall be reduced by the Secretary of State, in consultation with the Secretary, by not less than 50 percent.

(C) The following apply for purposes of administering subparagraph (B) with respect to any foreign country:

(i) If on the date of certification, the foreign country has harvested a portion, but not all, of the quantity of fish specified under any allocation, the reduction under subparagraph (B) for that allocation shall be applied with respect to the quantity not harvested as of such date.

(ii) If the Secretary notified the Secretary of State that it is not likely that the certification of the foreign country will be terminated under section 8(d) of the Fishermen's Protective Act of 1967 before the close of the period for which an allocation is applicable or before the close of the remedial period (whichever close first occurs) the Secretary of State, in consultation with the Secretary, shall reallocate any portion of any reduction made under subparagraph (B) among one or more foreign countries for which no certification is in effect.

(iii) If the certification is terminated under such section 8(d) during the remedial period, the Secretary of State shall return to the foreign country that portion of any allocation reduced under subparagraph (B) that was not reallocated under clause (ii); unless the harvesting of the fish covered by the allocation is otherwise prohibited under this Act.

(iv) The Secretary may refund or credit, by reason of reduction of any allocation under this paragraph, any fee paid under section 204.

(D) If the certification of a foreign country is not terminated under section 8(d) of the Fishermen's Protective Act of 1967 before the close of the last day of the remedial period, the Secretary of State--

(i) with respect to any allocation made to that country and in effect (as reduced under subparagraph (B)) on such last day, shall rescind, effective on and after the day after such last day, any unharvested portion of such allocation; and

(ii) may not thereafter make any allocation to that country under paragraph (1) until the certification is terminated.


(f) RECIPROCITY.--Foreign fishing shall not be authorized for the fishing vessels of any foreign nation unless such nation satisfies the Secretary and the Secretary of State that such nation extends substantially the same fishing privileges to fishing vessels of the United States, if any, as the United States extends to foreign fishing vessels.


(g) PRELIMINARY FISHERY MANAGEMENT PLANS.--The Secretary, when notified by the Secretary of State that any foreign nation has submitted an application under section 204(b), shall prepare a preliminary fishery management plan for any fishery covered by such application if the Secretary determines that no fishery management plan for that fishery will be prepared and implemented, pursuant to title III, before March 1, 1977. To the extent practicable, each such plan--

(1) shall contain a preliminary description of the fishery and a preliminary determination as to--

(A) the optimum yield from such fishery;

(B) when appropriate, the capacity and extent to which United States fish processors will process that portion of such optimum yield that will be harvested by vessels of the United States; and

(C) the total allowable level of foreign fishing with respect to such fishery;

(2) shall require each foreign fishing vessel engaged or wishing to engage in such fishery to obtain a permit from the Secretary;

(3) shall require the submission of pertinent data to the Secretary, with respect to such fishery, as described in section 303(a)(5); and

(4) may, to the extent necessary to prevent irreversible effects from overfishing, with respect to such fishery, contain conservation and management measures applicable to foreign fishing which--

(A) are determined to be necessary and appropriate for the conservation and management of such fishery,

(B) are consistent with the national standards, the other provisions of this Act, and other applicable law, and

(C) are described in section 303(b)(2), (3), (4), (5), and (7).

Each preliminary fishery management plan shall be in effect with respect to foreign fishing for which permits have been issued until a fishery management plan is prepared and implemented, pursuant to title III, with respect to such fishery. The Secretary may, in accordance with section 553 of title 5, United States Code, also prepare and promulgate interim regulations with respect to any such preliminary plan. Such regulations shall be in effect until regulations implementing the applicable fishery management plan are promulgated pursuant to section 305.


96-561, 99-569, 102-251

(1) (A) Except as provided in paragraph (2), the Secretary shall establish a program under which a United States observer will be stationed aboard each foreign fishing vessel while that vessel is engaged in fishing within the exclusive economic zone [or special areas]*.

(B) The Secretary shall by regulation prescribe minimum health and safety standards that shall be maintained aboard each foreign fishing vessel with regard to the facilities provided for the quartering of, and the carrying out of observer functions by, United States observers.

99-659, 104-297

(2) The requirement in paragraph (1) that a United States observer be placed aboard each foreign fishing vessel may be waived by the Secretary if he finds that--

(A) in a situation where a fleet of harvesting vessels transfers its catch taken within the exclusive economic zone [or special areas]* to another vessel, aboard which is a United States observer, the stationing of United States observers on only a portion of the harvesting vessel fleet will provide a representative sampling of the by-catch of the fleet that is sufficient for purposes of determining whether the requirements of the applicable management plans for the by-catch species are being complied with;

(B) in a situation where the foreign fishing vessel is operating under a Pacific Insular Area fishing agreement, the Governor of the applicable Pacific Insular Area, in consultation with the Western Pacific Council, has established an observer coverage program that is at least equal in effectiveness to the program established by the Secretary;

(C) the time during which a foreign fishing vessel will engage in fishing within the exclusive economic zone [or special areas]* will be of such short duration that the placing of a United States observer aboard the vessel would be impractical; or

(D) for reasons beyond the control of the Secretary, an observer is not available.


(3) Observers, while stationed aboard foreign fishing vessels, shall carry out such scientific, compliance monitoring, and other functions as the Secretary deems necessary or appropriate to carry out the purposes of this Act; and shall cooperate in carrying out such other scientific programs relating to the conservation and management of living resources as the Secretary deems appropriate.

(4) In addition to any fee imposed under section 204(b)(10) of this Act and section 10(e) of the Fishermen's Protective Act of 1967 (22 U.S.C. 1980(e)) with respect to foreign fishing for any year after 1980, the Secretary shall impose, with respect to each foreign fishing vessel for which a permit is issued under such section 204, a surcharge in an amount sufficient to cover all the costs of providing a United States observer aboard that vessel. The failure to pay any surcharge imposed under this paragraph shall be treated by the Secretary as a failure to pay the permit fee for such vessel under section 204(b)(10). All surcharges collected by the Secretary under this paragraph shall be deposited in the Foreign Fishing Observer Fund established by paragraph (5).

(5) There is established in the Treasury of the United States the Foreign Fishing Observer Fund. The Fund shall be available to the Secretary as a revolving fund for the purpose of carrying out this subsection. The Fund shall consist of the surcharges deposited into it as required under paragraph (4). All payments made by the Secretary to carry out this subsection shall be paid from the Fund, only to the extent and in the amounts provided for in advance in appropriation Acts. Sums in the Fund which are not currently needed for the purposes of this subsection shall be kept on deposit or invested in obligations of, or guaranteed by, the United States.


(6) If at any time the requirement set forth in paragraph (1) cannot be met because of insufficient appropriations, the Secretary shall, in implementing a supplementary observer program:

(A) certify as observers, for the purposes of this subsection, individuals who are citizens or nationals of the United States and who have the requisite education or experience to carry out the functions referred to in paragraph (3);

(B) establish standards of conduct for certified observers equivalent to those applicable to Federal personnel;

(C) establish a reasonable schedule of fees that certified observers or their agents shall be paid by the owners and operators of foreign fishing vessels for observer services; and

(D) monitor the performance of observers to ensure that it meets the purposes of this Act.

97-453, 99-659, 102-251, 104-297

(i) RECREATIONAL FISHING.--Notwithstanding any other provision of this title, foreign fishing vessels which are not operated for profit may engage in recreational fishing within the exclusive economic zone, [special areas,]* and the waters within the boundaries of a State subject to obtaining such permits, paying such reasonable fees, and complying with such conditions and restrictions as the Secretary and the Governor of the State (or his designee) shall impose as being necessary or appropriate to insure that the fishing activity of such foreign vessels within such zone, [areas,]* or waters, respectively, is consistent with all applicable Federal and State laws and any applicable fishery management plan implemented under section 304. The Secretary shall consult with the Secretary of State and the Secretary of the Department in which the Coast Guard is operating in formulating the conditions and restrictions to be applied by the Secretary under the authority of this subsection.


(a) NEGOTIATIONS.--The Secretary of State--

(1) shall renegotiate treaties as provided for in subsection (b);

(2) shall negotiate governing international fishery agreements described in section 201(c);

(3) may negotiate boundary agreements as provided for in subsection (d);

(4) shall, upon the request of and in cooperation with the Secretary, initiate and conduct negotiations for the purpose of entering into international fishery agreements--

(A) which allow fishing vessels of the United States equitable access to fish over which foreign nations assert exclusive fishery management authority, and

(B) which provide for the conservation and management of anadromous species and highly migratory species; and

(5) may enter into such other negotiations, not prohibited by subsection (c), as may be necessary and appropriate to further the purposes, policy, and provisions of this Act.

99-659, 102-251

(b) TREATY RENEGOTIATION.--The Secretary of State, in cooperation with the Secretary, shall initiate, promptly after the date of enactment of this Act, the renegotiation of any treaty which pertains to fishing within the exclusive economic zone (or within the area that will constitute such zone after February 28, 1977) [or special areas]*, or for anadromous species or Continental Shelf fishery resources beyond such zone or area[s]*, and which is in any manner inconsistent with the purposes, policy, or provisions of this Act, in order to conform such treaty to such purposes, policy, and provisions. It is the sense of Congress that the United States shall withdraw from any such treaty, in accordance with its provisions, if such treaty is not so renegotiated within a reasonable period of time after such date of enactment.

99-659, 102-251, 104-297

(c) INTERNATIONAL FISHERY AGREEMENTS.--No international fishery agreement (other than a treaty) which pertains to foreign fishing within the exclusive economic zone (or within the area that will constitute such zone after February 28, 1977) [or special areas,]* or for anadromous species or Continental Shelf fishery resources beyond such zone or area[s]*--

(1) which is in effect on June 1, 1976, may thereafter be renewed, extended, or amended; or

(2) may be entered into after May 31, 1976;

by the United States unless it is in accordance with the provisions of section 201(c) or section 204(e).


(d) BOUNDARY NEGOTIATIONS.--The Secretary of State, in cooperation with the Secretary, may initiate and conduct negotiations with any adjacent or opposite foreign nation to establish the boundaries of the exclusive economic zone of the United States in relation to any such nation.



(1) EVALUATION.--The Secretary of State, in cooperation with the Secretary, shall evaluate the effectiveness of each existing international fishery agreement which pertains to fishing for highly migratory species. Such evaluation shall consider whether the agreement provides for--

(A) the collection and analysis of necessary information for effectively managing the fishery, including but not limited to information about the number of vessels involved, the type and quantity of fishing gear used, the species of fish involved and their location, the catch and bycatch levels in the fishery, and the present and probable future condition of any stock of fish involved;

(B) the establishment of measures applicable to the fishery which are necessary and appropriate for the conservation and management of the fishery resource involved;

(C) equitable arrangements which provide fishing vessels of the United States with (i) access to the highly migratory species that are the subject of the agreement and (ii) a portion of the allowable catch that reflects the traditional participation by such vessels in the fishery;

(D) effective enforcement of conservation and management measures and access arrangements throughout the area of jurisdiction; and

(E) sufficient and dependable funding to implement the provisions of the agreement, based on reasonable assessments of the benefits derived by participating nations.

(2) ACCESS NEGOTIATIONS.--The Secretary of State, in cooperation with the Secretary, shall initiate negotiations with respect to obtaining access for vessels of the United States fishing for tuna species within the exclusive economic zones of other nations on reasonable terms and conditions.

(3) REPORTS.--The Secretary of State shall report to the Congress--

(A) within 12 months after the date of enactment of this subsection, on the results of the evaluation required under paragraph (1), together with recommendations for addressing any inadequacies identified; and

(B) within six months after such date of enactment, on the results of the access negotiations required under paragraph (2).

(4) NEGOTIATION.--The Secretary of State, in consultation with the Secretary, shall undertake such negotiations with respect to international fishery agreements on highly migratory species as are necessary to correct inadequacies identified as a result of the evaluation conducted under paragraph (1).

(5) SOUTH PACIFIC TUNA TREATY.--It is the sense of the Congress that the United States Government shall, at the earliest opportunity, begin negotiations for the purpose of extending the Treaty on Fisheries Between the Governments of Certain Pacific Island States and the Government of the United States of America, signed at Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea, April 2, 1987, and it[s] Annexes, Schedules, and implementing agreements for an additional term of 10 years on terms and conditions at least as favorable to vessels of the United States and the United States Government.


(f) NONRECOGNITION.--It is the sense of the Congress that the United States Government shall not recognize the claim of any foreign nation to an exclusive economic zone (or the equivalent) beyond such nation's territorial sea, to the extent that such sea is recognized by the United States, if such nation--

(1) fails to consider and take into account traditional fishing activity of fishing vessels of the United States;

(2) fails to recognize and accept that highly migratory species are to be managed by applicable international fishery agreements, whether or not such nation is a party to any such agreement; or

(3) imposes on fishing vessels of the United States any conditions or restrictions which are unrelated to fishery conservation and management.



(1) The Secretary of State, in consultation with the Secretary, is authorized to negotiate and conclude a fishery agreement with Russia of a duration of no more than 3 years, pursuant to which--

(A) Russia will give United States fishing vessels the opportunity to conduct traditional fisheries within the waters claimed by the United States prior to the conclusion of the Agreement between the United States of America and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics on the Maritime Boundary, signed June 1, 1990, west of the maritime boundary, including the western special area described in Article 3(2) of the Agreement;

(B) the United States will give fishing vessels of Russia the opportunity to conduct traditional fisheries within waters claimed by the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics prior to the conclusion of the Agreement referred to in subparagraph (A), east of the maritime boundary, including the eastern special areas described in Article 3(1) of the Agreement;

(C) catch data shall be made available to the government of the country exercising fisheries jurisdiction over the waters in which the catch occurred; and

(D) each country shall have the right to place observers on board vessels of the other country and to board and inspect such vessels.

(2) Vessels operating under a fishery agreement negotiated and concluded pursuant to paragraph (1) shall be subject to regulations and permit requirements of the country in whose waters the fisheries are conducted only to the extent such regulations and permit requirements are specified in that agreement.

(3) The Secretary of Commerce may promulgate such regulations, in accordance with section 553 of title 5, United States Code, as may be necessary to carry out the provisions of any fishery agreement negotiated and concluded pursuant to paragraph (1).



(1) The Secretary of State, in cooperation with the Secretary, shall seek to secure an international agreement to establish standards and measures for bycatch reduction that are comparable to the standards and measures applicable to United States fishermen for such purposes in any fishery regulated pursuant to this Act for which the Secretary, in consultation with the Secretary of State, determines that such an international agreement is necessary and appropriate.

(2) An international agreement negotiated under this subsection shall be--

(A) consistent with the policies and purposes of this Act; and

(B) subject to approval by Congress under section 203.

(3) Not later than January 1, 1997, and annually thereafter, the Secretary, in consultation with the Secretary of State, shall submit to the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation of the Senate and the Committee on Resources of the House of Representatives a report describing actions taken under this subsection.




(a) IN GENERAL.--No governing international fishery agreement, bycatch reduction agreement, or Pacific Insular Area fishery agreement shall become effective with respect to the United States before the close of the first 120 calendar days (excluding any days in a period for which the Congress is adjourned sine die) after the date on which the President transmits to the House of Representatives and to the Senate a document setting forth the text of such governing international fishery agreement, bycatch reduction agreement, or Pacific Insular Area fishery agreement. A copy of the document shall be delivered to each House of Congress on the same day and shall be delivered to the Clerk of the House of Representatives, if the House is not in session, and to the Secretary of the Senate, if the Senate is not in session.

(b) REFERRAL TO COMMITTEES.--Any document described in subsection (a) shall be immediately referred in the House of Representatives to the Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries, and in the Senate to the Committees on Commerce and Foreign Relations.


(1) RULES OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES AND SENATE.-- The provisions of this section are enacted by the Congress--

(A) as an exercise of the rulemaking power of the House of Representatives and the Senate, respectively, and they are deemed a part of the rules of each House, respectively, but applicable only with respect to the procedure to be followed in that House in the case of fishery agreement resolutions described in paragraph (2), and they supersede other rules only to the extent that they are inconsistent therewith; and

(B) with full recognition of the constitutional right of either House to change the rules (so far as they relate to the procedure of that House) at any time, and in the same manner and to the same extent as in the case of any other rule of that House.


(2) DEFINITION.--For purposes of this subsection, the term "fishery agreement resolution" refers to a joint resolution of either House of Congress--

(A) the effect of which is to prohibit the entering into force and effect of any governing international fishery agreement, bycatch reduction agreement, or Pacific Insular Area fishery agreement the text of which is transmitted to the Congress pursuant to subsection (a); and

(B) which is reported from the Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries of the House of Representatives or the Committee on Commerce or the Committee on Foreign Relations of the Senate, not later than 45 days after the date on which the document described in subsection (a) relating to that agreement is transmitted to the Congress.

(3) PLACEMENT ON CALENDAR.--Any fishery agreement resolution upon being reported shall immediately be placed on the appropriate calendar.


(A) A motion in the House of Representatives to proceed to the consideration of any fishery agreement resolution shall be highly privileged and not debatable. An amendment to the motion shall not be in order, nor shall it be in order to move to reconsider the vote by which the motion is agreed to or disagreed to.

(B) Debate in the House of Representatives on any fishery agreement resolution shall be limited to not more than 10 hours, which shall be divided equally between those favoring and those opposing the resolution. A motion further to limit debate shall not be debatable. It shall not be in order to move to recommit any fishery agreement resolution or to move to reconsider the vote by which any fishery agreement resolution is agreed to or disagreed to.

(C) Motions to postpone, made in the House of Representatives with respect to the consideration of any fishery agreement resolution, and motions to proceed to the consideration of other business, shall be decided without debate.

(D) All appeals from the decisions of the Chair relating to the application of the Rules of the House of Representatives to the procedure relating to any fishery agreement resolution shall be decided without debate.

(E) Except to the extent specifically provided in the preceding provisions of this subsection, consideration of any fishery agreement resolution shall be governed by the Rules of the House of Representatives applicable to other bills and resolutions in similar circumstances.


(A) A motion in the Senate to proceed to the consideration of any fishery agreement resolution shall be privileged and not debatable. An amendment to the motion shall not be in order, nor shall it be in order to move to reconsider the vote by which the motion is agreed to or disagreed to.

(B) Debate in the Senate on any fishery agreement resolution and on all debatable motions and appeals in connection therewith shall be limited to not more than 10 hours. The time shall be equally divided between, and controlled by, the majority leader and the minority leader or their designees.

(C) Debate in the Senate on any debatable motion or appeal in connection with any fishery agreement resolution shall be limited to not more than 1 hour, to be equally divided between, and controlled by, the mover of the motion or appeal and the manager of the resolution, except that if the manager of the resolution is in favor of any such motion or appeal, the time in opposition thereto shall be controlled by the minority leader or his designee. The majority leader and the minority leader, or either of them, may allot additional time to any Senator during the consideration of any debatable motion or appeal, from time under their control with respect to the applicable fishery agreement resolution.

(D) A motion in the Senate to further limit debate is not debatable. A motion to recommit any fishery agreement resolution is not in order.


99-659, 102-251

(a) IN GENERAL.--After February 28, 1977, no foreign fishing vessel shall engage in fishing within the exclusive economic zone [or special areas]*, or for anadromous species or Continental Shelf fishery resources beyond such zone or area[s]*, unless such vessel has on board a valid permit issued under this section for such vessel.



(1) ELIGIBILITY.--Each foreign nation with which the United States has entered into a governing international fishery agreement shall submit an application to the Secretary of State each year for a permit for each of its fishing vessels that wishes to engage in fishing described in subsection (a). No permit issued under this section may be valid for longer than a year; and section 558(c) of title 5, United States Code, does not apply to the renewal of any such permit.

(2) FORMS.--The Secretary, in consultation with the Secretary of State and the Secretary of the department in which the Coast Guard is operating, shall prescribe the forms for permit applications submitted under this subsection and for permits issued pursuant to any such application.

95-354, 97-453, 99-659

(3) CONTENTS.--Any application made under this subsection shall specify--

(A) the name and official number or other identification of each fishing vessel for which a permit is sought, together with the name and address of the owner thereof;

(B) the tonnage, hold capacity, speed, processing equipment, type and quantity of fishing gear, and such other pertinent information with respect to characteristics of each such vessel as the Secretary may require;

(C) each fishery in which each such vessel wishes to fish;

(D) the estimated amount of tonnage of fish which will be caught, taken, or harvested in each such fishery by each such vessel during the time the permit is in force;

(E) the amount or tonnage of United States harvested fish, if any, which each such vessel proposes to receive at sea from vessels of the United States;

(F) the ocean area in which, and the season or period during which, such fishing will be conducted; and

(G) all applicable vessel safety standards imposed by the foreign country, and shall include written certification that the vessel is in compliance with those standards;

and shall include any other pertinent information and material which the Secretary may require.

95-354, 96-470, 97-453, 99-659

(4) TRANSMITTAL FOR ACTION.--Upon receipt of any application which complies with the requirements of paragraph (3), the Secretary of State shall publish a notice of receipt of the application in the Federal Register. Any such notice shall summarize the contents of the applications from each nation included therein with respect to the matters described in paragraph (3). The Secretary of State shall promptly transmit--

(A) such application, together with his comments and recommendations thereon, to the Secretary;

(B) a copy of the application to the Secretary of the department in which the Coast Guard is operating; and

(C) a copy or a summary of the application to the appropriate Council.


(5) ACTION BY COUNCIL.--After receiving a copy or summary of an application under paragraph (4)(C), the Council may prepare and submit to the Secretary such written comments on the application as it deems appropriate. Such comments shall be submitted within 45 days after the date on which the application is received by the Council and may include recommendations with respect to approval of the application and, if approval is recommended, with respect to appropriate conditions and restrictions thereon. Any interested person may submit comments to such Council with respect to any such application. The Council shall consider any such comments in formulating its submission to the Secretary.

95-453, 99-659


(A) After receipt of any application transmitted under paragraph (4)(A), the Secretary shall consult with the Secretary of State and, with respect to enforcement, with the Secretary of the department in which the Coast Guard is operating. The Secretary, after taking into consideration the views and recommendations of such Secretaries, and any comments submitted by any Council under paragraph (5), may approve, subject to subparagraph (B), the application, if he determines that the fishing described in the application will meet the requirements of this Act, or he may disapprove all or any portion of the application.

(B) (i) In the case of any application which specifies that one or more foreign fishing vessels propose to receive at sea United States harvested fish from vessels of the United States, the Secretary may approve the application unless the Secretary determines, on the basis of the views, recommendations, and comments referred to in subparagraph (A) and other pertinent information, that United States fish processors have adequate capacity, and will utilize such capacity, to process all United States harvested fish from the fishery concerned.

(ii) The amount or tonnage of United States harvested fish which may be received at sea during any year by foreign fishing vessels under permits approved under this paragraph may not exceed that portion of the optimum yield of the fishery concerned which will not be utilized by United States fish processors.

(iii) In deciding whether to approve any application under this subparagraph, the Secretary may take into account, with respect to the foreign nation concerned, such other matters as the Secretary deems appropriate.

95-354, 104-297

(7) ESTABLISHMENT OF CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS.--The Secretary shall establish conditions and restrictions which shall be included in each permit issued pursuant to any application approved under paragraph (6) or subsection (d) and which must be complied with by the owner or operator of the fishing vessel for which the permit is issued. Such conditions and restrictions shall include the following:

(A) All of the requirements of any applicable fishery management plan, or preliminary fishery management plan, and any applicable Federal or State fishing regulations.

(B) The requirement that no permit may be used by any vessel other than the fishing vessel for which it is issued.

(C) The requirements described in section 201(c)(1), (2), and (3).

(D) If the permit is issued other than pursuant to an application approved under paragraph (6)(B) or subsection (d), the restriction that the foreign fishing vessel may not receive at sea United States harvested fish from vessels of the United States.

(E) If the permit is issued pursuant to an application approved under paragraph (6)(B), the maximum amount or tonnage of United States harvested fish which may be received at sea from vessels of the United States.

(F) Any other condition and restriction related to fishery conservation and management which the Secretary prescribes as necessary and appropriate.


(8) NOTICE OF APPROVAL.--The Secretary shall promptly transmit a copy of each application approved under paragraph (6) and the conditions and restrictions established under paragraph (7) to--

(A) the Secretary of State for transmittal to the foreign nation involved;

(B) the Secretary of the department in which the Coast Guard is operating; and

(C) any Council which has authority over any fishery specified in such application.

(9) DISAPPROVAL OF APPLICATIONS.--If the Secretary does not approve any application submitted by a foreign nation under this subsection, he shall promptly inform the Secretary of State of the disapproval and his reasons therefore. The Secretary of State shall notify such foreign nation of the disapproval and the reasons therefor. Such foreign nation, after taking into consideration the reasons for disapproval, may submit a revised application under this subsection.

96-561, 99-272, 101-627

(10) FEES.--

(A) Fees shall be paid to the Secretary by the owner or operator of any foreign fishing vessel for which a permit has been issued pursuant to this section. The Secretary, in consultation with the Secretary of State, shall establish a schedule of reasonable fees that shall apply nondiscriminatorily to each foreign nation.

(B) Amounts collected by the Secretary under this paragraph shall be deposited in the general fund of the Treasury.

(11) ISSUANCE OF PERMITS.--If a foreign nation notifies the Secretary of State of its acceptance of the conditions and restrictions established by the Secretary under paragraph (7), the Secretary of State shall promptly transmit such notification to the Secretary. Upon payment of the applicable fees established pursuant to paragraph (10), the Secretary shall thereupon issue to such foreign nation, through the Secretary of State, permits for the appropriate fishing vessels of that nation. Each permit shall contain a statement of all conditions and restrictions established under paragraph (7) which apply to the fishing vessel for which the permit is issued.

(c) REGISTRATION PERMITS.--The Secretary of State, in cooperation with the Secretary, shall issue annually a registration permit for each fishing vessel of a foreign nation which is a party to an international fishery agreement under which foreign fishing is authorized by section 201(b) and which wishes to engage in fishing described in subsection (a). Each such permit shall set forth the terms and conditions contained in the agreement that apply with respect to such fishing, and shall include the additional requirement that the owner or operator of the fishing vessel for which the permit is issued shall prominently display such permit in the wheelhouse of such vessel and show it, upon request, to any officer authorized to enforce the provisions of this Act (as provided for in section 311). The Secretary of State, after consultation with the Secretary and the Secretary of the department in which the Coast Guard is operating, shall prescribe the form and manner in which applications for registration permits may be made, and the forms of such permits. The Secretary of State may establish, require the payment of, and collect fees for registration permits; except that the level of such fees shall not exceed the administrative costs incurred by him in issuing such permits.



(1) AUTHORITY TO ISSUE PERMITS.--The Secretary may issue a transshipment permit under this subsection which authorizes a vessel other than a vessel of the United States to engage in fishing consisting solely of transporting fish or fish products at sea from a point within the exclusive economic zone or, with the concurrence of a State, within the boundaries of that State, to a point outside the United States to any person who--

(A) submits an application which is approved by the Secretary under paragraph (3); and

(B) pays a fee imposed under paragraph (7).

(2) TRANSMITTAL.--Upon receipt of an application for a permit under this subsection, the Secretary shall promptly transmit copies of the application to the Secretary of State, Secretary of the department in which the Coast Guard is operating, any appropriate Council, and any affected State.

(3) APPROVAL OF APPLICATION.--The Secretary may approve, in consultation with the appropriate Council or Marine Fisheries Commission, an application for a permit under this section if the Secretary determines that--

(A) the transportation of fish or fish products to be conducted under the permit, as described in the application, will be in the interest of the United States and will meet the applicable requirements of this Act;

(B) the applicant will comply with the requirements described in section 201(c)(2) with respect to activities authorized by any permit issued pursuant to the application;

(C) the applicant has established any bonds or financial assurances that may be required by the Secretary; and

(D) no owner or operator of a vessel of the United States which has adequate capacity to perform the transportation for which the application is submitted has indicated to the Secretary an interest in performing the transportation at fair and reasonable rates.

(4) WHOLE OR PARTIAL APPROVAL.--The Secretary may approve all or any portion of an application under paragraph (3).

(5) FAILURE TO APPROVE APPLICATION.--If the Secretary does not approve any portion of an application submitted under paragraph (1), the Secretary shall promptly inform the applicant and specify the reasons therefor.

(6) CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS.--The Secretary shall establish and include in each permit under this subsection conditions and restrictions, including those conditions and restrictions set forth in subsection (b)(7), which shall be complied with by the owner and operator of the vessel for which the permit is issued.

(7) FEES.--The Secretary shall collect a fee for each permit issued under this subsection, in an amount adequate to recover the costs incurred by the United States in issuing the permit, except that the Secretary shall waive the fee for the permit if the foreign nation under which the vessel is registered does not collect a fee from a vessel of the United States engaged in similar activities in the waters of such foreign nation.



(1) NEGOTIATION OF PACIFIC INSULAR AREA FISHERY AGREEMENTS.--The Secretary of State, with the concurrence of the Secretary and in consultation with any appropriate Council, may negotiate and enter into a Pacific Insular Area fishery agreement to authorize foreign fishing within the exclusive economic zone adjacent to a Pacific Insular Area--

(A) in the case of American Samoa, Guam, or the Northern Mariana Islands, at the request and with the concurrence of, and in consultation with, the Governor of the Pacific Insular Area to which such agreement applies; and

(B) in the case of a Pacific Insular Area other than American Samoa, Guam, or the Northern Mariana Islands, at the request of the Western Pacific Council.

(2) AGREEMENT TERMS AND CONDITIONS.--A Pacific Insular Area fishery agreement--

(A) shall not be considered to supersede any governing international fishery agreement currently in effect under this Act, but shall provide an alternative basis for the conduct of foreign fishing within the exclusive economic zone adjacent to Pacific Insular Areas;

(B) shall be negotiated and implemented consistent only with the governing international fishery agreement provisions of this title specifically made applicable in this subsection;

(C) may not be negotiated with a nation that is in violation of a governing international fishery agreement in effect under this Act;

(D) shall not be entered into if it is determined by the Governor of the applicable Pacific Insular Area with respect to agreements initiated under paragraph (1)(A), or the Western Pacific Council with respect to agreements initiated under paragraph (1)(B), that such an agreement will adversely affect the fishing activities of the indigenous people of such Pacific Insular Area;

(E) shall be valid for a period not to exceed three years and shall only become effective according to the procedures in section 203; and

(F) shall require the foreign nation and its fishing vessels to comply with the requirements of paragraphs (1), (2), (3) and (4)(A) of section 201(c), section 201(d), and section 201(h).


(A) Application for permits for foreign fishing authorized under a Pacific Insular Areas fishing agreement shall be made, considered and approved or disapproved in accordance with paragraphs (3), (4), (5), (6), (7) (A) and (B), (8), and (9) of subsection (b), and shall include any conditions and restrictions established by the Secretary in consultation with the Secretary of State, the Secretary of the department in which the Coast Guard is operating, the Governor of the applicable Pacific Insular Area, and the appropriate Council.

(B) If a foreign nation notifies the Secretary of State of its acceptance of the requirements of this paragraph, paragraph (2)(F), and paragraph (5), including any conditions and restrictions established under subparagraph (A), the Secretary of State shall promptly transmit such notification to the Secretary. Upon receipt of any payment required under a Pacific Insular Area fishing agreement, the Secretary shall thereupon issue to such foreign nation, through the Secretary of State, permits for the appropriate fishing vessels of that nation. Each permit shall contain a statement of all of the requirements, conditions, and restrictions established under this subsection which apply to the fishing vessel for which the permit is issued.


(A) Prior to entering into a Pacific Insular Area fishery agreement, the Western Pacific Council and the appropriate Governor shall develop a 3-year marine conservation plan detailing uses for funds to be collected by the Secretary pursuant to such agreement. Such plan shall be consistent with any applicable fishery management plan, identify conservation and management objectives (including criteria for determining when such objectives have been met), and prioritize planned marine conservation projects. Conservation and management objectives shall include, but not be limited to--

(i) establishment of Pacific Insular Area observer programs, approved by the Secretary in consultation with the Western Pacific Council, that provide observer coverage for foreign fishing under Pacific Insular Area fishery agreements that is at least equal in effectiveness to the program established by the Secretary under section 201(h);

(ii) conduct of marine and fisheries research, including development of systems for information collection, analysis, evaluation, and reporting;

(iii) conservation, education, and enforcement activities related to marine and coastal management, such as living marine resource assessments, habitat monitoring and coastal studies;

(iv) grants to the University of Hawaii for technical assistance projects by the Pacific Island Network, such as education and training in the development and implementation of sustainable marine resources development projects, scientific research, and conservation strategies; and

(v) western Pacific community-based demonstration projects under section 112(b) of the Sustainable Fisheries Act[2] and other coastal improvement projects to foster and promote the management, conservation, and economic enhancement of the Pacific Insular Areas.

(B) In the case of American Samoa, Guam, and the Northern Mariana Islands, the appropriate Governor, with the concurrence of the Western Pacific Council, shall develop the marine conservation plan described in subparagraph (A) and submit such plan to the Secretary for approval. In the case of other Pacific Insular Areas, the Western Pacific Council shall develop and submit the marine conservation plan described in subparagraph (A) to the Secretary for approval.

(C) If a Governor or the Western Pacific Council intends to request that the Secretary of State renew a Pacific Insular Area fishery agreement, a subsequent 3-year plan shall be submitted to the Secretary for approval by the end of the second year of the existing 3-year plan.

(5) RECIPROCAL CONDITIONS.--Except as expressly provided otherwise in this subsection, a Pacific Insular Area fishing agreement may include terms similar to the terms applicable to United States fishing vessels for access to similar fisheries in waters subject to the fisheries jurisdiction of another nation.

(6) USE OF PAYMENTS BY AMERICAN SAMOA, GUAM, NORTHERN MARIANA ISLANDS.--Any payments received by the Secretary under a Pacific Insular Area fishery agreement for American Samoa, Guam, or the Northern Mariana Islands shall be deposited into the United States Treasury and then covered over to the Treasury of the Pacific Insular Area for which those funds were collected. Amounts deposited in the Treasury of a Pacific Insular Area shall be available, without appropriation or fiscal year limitation, to the Governor of the Pacific Insular Area--

(A) to carry out the purposes of this subsection;

(B) to compensate (i) the Western Pacific Council for mutually agreed upon administrative costs incurred relating to any Pacific Insular Area fishery agreement for such Pacific Insular Area, and (ii) the Secretary of State for mutually agreed upon travel expenses for no more than 2 Federal representatives incurred as a direct result of complying with paragraph (1)(A); and

(C) to implement a marine conservation plan developed and approved under paragraph (4).

(7) WESTERN PACIFIC SUSTAINABLE FISHERIES FUND.--There is established in the United States Treasury a Western Pacific Sustainable Fisheries Fund into which any payments received by the Secretary under a Pacific Insular Area fishery agreement for any Pacific Insular Area other than American Samoa, Guam, or the Northern Mariana Islands shall be deposited. The Western Pacific Sustainable Fisheries Fund shall be made available, without appropriation or fiscal year limitation, to the Secretary, who shall provide such funds only to--

(A) the Western Pacific Council for the purpose of carrying out the provisions of this subsection, including implementation of a marine conservation plan approved under paragraph (4);

(B) the Secretary of State for mutually agreed upon travel expenses for no more than 2 Federal representatives incurred as a direct result of complying with paragraph (1)(B); and

(C) the Western Pacific Council to meet conservation and management objectives in the State of Hawaii if monies remain in the Western Pacific Sustainable Fisheries Fund after the funding requirements of subparagraphs (A) and (B) have been satisfied. Amounts deposited in such fund shall not diminish funding received by the Western Pacific Council for the purpose of carrying out other responsibilities under this Act.

(8) USE OF FINES AND PENALTIES.--In the case of violations occurring within the exclusive economic zone off American Samoa, Guam, or the Northern Mariana Islands, amounts received by the Secretary which are attributable to fines or penalties imposed under this Act, including such sums collected from the forfeiture and disposition or sale of property seized subject to its authority, after payment of direct costs of the enforcement action to all entities involved in such action, shall be deposited into the Treasury of the Pacific Insular Area adjacent to the exclusive economic zone in which the violation occurred, to be used for fisheries enforcement and for implementation of a marine conservation plan under paragraph (4).

104-297, sec. 105(e)

Note: ATLANTIC HERRING TRANSSHIPMENT--Within 30 days of receiving an application, the Secretary shall, under section 204(d) of the Magnuson Fishery Conservation and Management Act, as amended by this Act [Public Law 104-297], issue permits to up to fourteen Canadian transport vessels that are not equipped for fish harvesting or processing, for the transshipment, within the boundaries of the State of Maine or within the portion of the exclusive economic zone east of the line 69 degrees 30 minutes west and within 12 nautical miles from the seaward boundary of that State, of Atlantic herring harvested by United States fishermen within the area described and used solely in sardine processing. In issuing a permit pursuant to this subsection, the Secretary shall provide a waiver under section 201(h)(2)(C) of the Magnuson Fishery Conservation and Management Act, as amended by this Act: Provided, That such vessels comply with Federal or State monitoring and reporting requirements for the Atlantic herring fishery, including the stationing of United States observers aboard such vessels, if necessary.



(a) DETERMINATIONS BY SECRETARY OF STATE.-- If the Secretary of State determines that--

(1) he has been unable, within a reasonable period of time, to conclude with any foreign nation an international fishery agreement allowing fishing vessels of the United States equitable access to fisheries over which that nation asserts exclusive fishery management authority, including fisheries for tuna species, as recognized by the United States, in accordance with fishing activities of such vessels, if any, and under terms not more restrictive than those established under sections 201(c) and (d) and 204(b)(7) and (10), because such nation has (A) refused to commence negotiations, or (B) failed to negotiate in good faith;

(2) any foreign nation is not allowing fishing vessels of the United States to engage in fishing for tuna species in accordance with an applicable international fishery agreement, whether or not such nation is a party thereto;

(3) any foreign nation is not complying with its obligations under any existing international fishery agreement concerning fishing by fishing vessels of the United States in any fishery over which that nation asserts exclusive fishery management authority; or

(4) any fishing vessel of the United States, while fishing in waters beyond any foreign nation's territorial sea, to the extent that such sea is recognized by the United States, is seized by any foreign nation--

(A) in violation of an applicable international fishery agreement;

(B) without authorization under an agreement between the United States and such nation; or

(C) as a consequence of a claim of jurisdiction which is not recognized by the United States;

he shall certify such determination to the Secretary of the Treasury.

(b) PROHIBITIONS.--Upon receipt of any certification from the Secretary of State under subsection (a), the Secretary of the Treasury shall immediately take such action as may be necessary and appropriate to prohibit the importation into the United States--

(1) of all fish and fish products from the fishery involved, if any; and

(2) upon recommendation of the Secretary of State, such other fish or fish products, from any fishery of the foreign nation concerned, which the Secretary of State finds to be appropriate to carry out the purposes of this section.

(c) REMOVAL OF PROHIBITION.--If the Secretary of State finds that the reasons for the imposition of any import prohibition under this section no longer prevail, the Secretary of State shall notify the Secretary of the Treasury, who shall promptly remove such import prohibition.

(d) DEFINITIONS.--As used in this section--

(1) The term "fish" includes any highly migratory species.

(2) The term "fish products" means any article which is produced from or composed of (in whole or in part) any fish.



(a) SHORT TITLE.--This section incorporates and expands upon provisions of the Driftnet Impact Monitoring, Assessment, and Control Act of 1987 and may be cited as the "Driftnet Act Amendments of 1990".

(b) FINDINGS.--The Congress finds that--

(1) the continued widespread use of large-scale driftnets beyond the exclusive economic zone of any nation is a destructive fishing practice that poses a threat to living marine resources of the world's oceans, including but not limited to the North and South Pacific Ocean and the Bering Sea;

(2) the use of large-scale driftnets is expanding into new regions of the world's oceans, including the Atlantic Ocean and Caribbean Sea;

(3) there is a pressing need for detailed and reliable information on the number of seabirds, sea turtles, nontarget fish, and marine mammals that become entangled and die in actively fished large-scale driftnets and in large-scale driftnets that are lost, abandoned, or discarded;

(4) increased efforts, including reliable observer data and enforcement mechanisms, are needed to monitor, assess, control, and reduce the adverse impact of large-scale driftnet fishing on living marine resources;

(5) the nations of the world have agreed in the United Nations, through General Assembly Resolution Numbered 44-225, approved December 22, 1989, by the General Assembly, that a moratorium should be imposed by June 30, 1992, on the use of large-scale driftnets beyond the exclusive economic zone of any nation;

(6) the nations of the South Pacific have agreed to a moratorium on the use of large- scale driftnets in the South Pacific through the Convention for the Prohibition of Fishing with Long Driftnets in the South Pacific, which was agreed to in Wellington, New Zealand, on November 29, 1989; and

(7) increasing population pressures and new knowledge of the importance of living marine resources to the health of the global ecosystem demand that greater responsibility be exercised by persons fishing or developing new fisheries beyond the exclusive economic zone of any nation.

(c) POLICY.--It is declared to be the policy of the Congress in this section that the United States should--

(1) implement the moratorium called for by the United Nations General Assembly in Resolution Numbered 44-225;

(2) support the Tarawa Declaration and the Wellington Convention for the Prohibition of Fishing with Long Driftnets in the South Pacific; and

(3) secure a permanent ban on the use of destructive fishing practices, and in particular large-scale driftnets, by persons or vessels fishing beyond the exclusive economic zone of any nation.

(d) INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS.--The Secretary, through the Secretary of State and the Secretary of the department in which the Coast Guard is operating, shall seek to secure international agreements to implement immediately the findings, policy, and provisions of this section, and in particular an international ban on large-scale driftnet fishing. The Secretary, through the Secretary of State, shall include, in any agreement which addresses the taking of living marine resources of the United States, provisions to ensure that--

(1) each large-scale driftnet fishing vessel of a foreign nation that is party to the agreement, including vessels that may operate independently to develop new fishing areas, which operate beyond the exclusive economic zone of any nation, is included in such agreement;

(2) each large-scale driftnet fishing vessel of a foreign nation that is party to the agreement, which operates beyond the exclusive economic zone of any nation, is equipped with satellite transmitters which provide real-time position information accessible to the United States;

(3) statistically reliable monitoring by the United States is carried out, through the use of on-board observers or through dedicated platforms provided by foreign nations that are parties to the agreement, of all target and nontarget fish species, marine mammals, sea turtles, and sea birds entangled or killed by large-scale driftnets used by fishing vessels of foreign nations that are parties to the agreement;

(4) officials of the United States have the right to board and inspect for violations of the agreement any large-scale driftnet fishing vessels operating under the flag of a foreign nation that is party to the agreement at any time while such vessel is operating in designated areas beyond the exclusive economic zone of any nation;

(5) all catch landed or transshipped at sea by large-scale driftnet fishing vessels of a foreign nation that is a party to the agreement, and which are operated beyond the exclusive economic zone of any nation, is reliably monitored and documented;

(6) time and area restrictions are imposed on the use of large-scale driftnets in order to prevent interception of anadromous species;

(7) all large-scale driftnets used are constructed, insofar as feasible, with biodegradable materials which break into segments that do not represent a threat to living marine resources;

(8) all large-scale driftnets are marked at appropriate intervals in a manner that conclusively identifies the vessel and flag nation responsible for each such driftnet;

(9) the taking of nontarget fish species, marine mammals, sea turtles, seabirds, and endangered species or other species protected by international agreements to which the United States is a party is minimized and does not pose a threat to existing fisheries or the long-term health of living marine resources; and

(10) definitive steps are agreed upon to ensure that parties to the agreement comply with the spirit of other international agreements and resolutions concerning the use of large-scale driftnets beyond the exclusive economic zone of any nation.


(e) REPORT.--Not later than January 1, 1991, and every year thereafter until the purposes of this section are met, the Secretary, after consultation with the Secretary of State and the Secretary of the department in which the Coast Guard is operating, shall submit to the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation of the Senate and the Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries of the House of Representatives a report--

(1) describing the steps taken to carry out the provisions of this section, particularly subsection (c);

(2) evaluating the progress of those efforts, the impacts on living marine resources, including available observer data, and specifying plans for further action;

(3) containing a list and description of any new fisheries developed by nations that conduct, or authorize their nationals to conduct, large-scale driftnet fishing beyond the exclusive economic zone of any nation; and

(4) containing a list of the nations that conduct, or authorize their nationals to conduct, large-scale driftnet fishing beyond the exclusive economic zone of any nation in a manner that diminishes the effectiveness of or is inconsistent with any international agreement governing large-scale driftnet fishing to which the United States is a party or otherwise subscribes.


(f) CERTIFICATION.--If at any time the Secretary, in consultation with the Secretary of State and the Secretary of the department in which the Coast Guard is operating, identifies any nation that warrants inclusion in the list described under subsection (e)(4), the Secretary shall certify that fact to the President. Such certification shall be deemed to be a certification for the purposes of section 8(a) of the Fishermen's Protective Act of 1967 (22 U.S.C. 1978(a)).

(g) EFFECT ON SOVEREIGN RIGHTS.--This section shall not serve or be construed to expand or diminish the sovereign rights of the United States, as stated by Presidential Proclamation Numbered 5030, dated March 10, 1983, and reflected in this Act or other existing law.

(h) DEFINITION.--As used in this section, the term "living marine resources" includes fish, marine mammals, sea turtles, and seabirds and other waterfowl.

102-582 16 U.S.C. 1826a




(1) PUBLICATION OF LIST.--Not later than 30 days after November 2, 1992, and periodically thereafter, the Secretary of Commerce, in consultation with the Secretary of State, shall publish a list of nations whose nationals or vessels conduct large-scale driftnet fishing beyond the exclusive economic zone of any nation.

(2) DENIAL OF PORT PRIVILEGES.--The Secretary of the Treasury shall, in accordance with recognized principles of international law--

(A) withhold or revoke the clearance required by section 91 of the Appendix to Title 46 for any large-scale driftnet fishing vessel that is documented under the laws of the United States or of a nation included on a list published under paragraph (1); and

(B) deny entry of that vessel to any place in the United States and to the navigable waters of the United States.

(3) NOTIFICATION OF NATION.--Before the publication of a list of nations under paragraph (1), the Secretary of State shall notify each nation included on that list regarding--

(A) the effect of that publication on port privileges of vessels of that nation under paragraph (1); and

(B) any sanctions or requirements, under this Act or any other law, that may be imposed on that nation if nationals or vessels of that nation continue to conduct large-scale driftnet fishing beyond the exclusive economic zone of any nation after December 31, 1992.



(A) INITIAL IDENTIFICATIONS.--Not later than January 10, 1993, the Secretary of Commerce shall--

(i) identify each nation whose nationals or vessels are conducting large-scale driftnet fishing beyond the exclusive economic zone of any nation; and

(ii) notify the President and that nation of the identification under clause (i).

(B) ADDITIONAL IDENTIFICATIONS.--At any time after January 10, 1993, whenever the Secretary of Commerce has reason to believe that the nationals or vessels of any nation are conducting large-scale driftnet fishing beyond the exclusive economic zone of any nation, the Secretary of Commerce shall--

(i) identify that nation; and

(ii) notify the President and that nation of the identification under clause (i).

(2) CONSULTATIONS.--Not later than 30 days after a nation is identified under paragraph (1)(B), the President shall enter consultations with the government of that nation for the purpose of obtaining an agreement that will effect the immediate termination of large-scale driftnet fishing by the nationals or vessels of that nation beyond the exclusive economic zone of any nation.



(A) PROHIBITION.--The President--

(i) upon receipt of notification of the identification of a nation under paragraph (1)(A); or

(ii) if the consultations with the government of a nation under paragraph (2) are not satisfactorily concluded within 90 days,

shall direct the Secretary of the Treasury to prohibit the importation into the United States of fish and fish products and sport fishing equipment (as that term is defined in section 4162 of Title 26) from that nation.

(B) IMPLEMENTATION OF PROHIBITION.--With respect to an import prohibition directed under subparagraph (A), the Secretary of the Treasury shall implement such prohibition not later than the date that is 45 days after the date on which the Secretary has received the direction from the President.

(C) PUBLIC NOTICE OF PROHIBITION.--Before the effective date of any import prohibition under this paragraph, the Secretary of the Treasury shall provide public notice of the impending prohibition.


(A) DETERMINATION OF EFFECTIVENESS OF SANCTIONS.--Not later than six months after the date the Secretary of Commerce identifies a nation under paragraph (1), the Secretary shall determine whether--

(i) any prohibition established under paragraph (3) is insufficient to cause that nation to terminate large-scale driftnet fishing conducted by its nationals and vessels beyond the exclusive economic zone of any nation; or

(ii) that nation has retaliated against the United States as a result of that prohibition.

(B) CERTIFICATION.--The Secretary of Commerce shall certify to the President each affirmative determination under subparagraph (A) with respect to a nation.

(C) EFFECT OF CERTIFICATION.--Certification by the Secretary of Commerce under subparagraph (B) is deemed to be a certification under section 1978(a) of Title 22, as amended by this Act.




Any denial of port privileges or sanction under section 206a of this Act with respect to a nation shall remain in effect until such time as the Secretary of Commerce certifies to the President and the Congress that such nation has terminated large-scale driftnet fishing by its nationals and vessels beyond the exclusive economic zone of any nation.


SEC. 206c. DEFINITIONS 16 U.S.C. 1826c

In sections 206a to 206c of this title, the following definitions apply:

(1) FISH AND FISH PRODUCTS.--The term "fish and fish products" means any aquatic species (including marine mammals and plants) and all products thereof exported from a nation, whether or not taken by fishing vessels of that nation or packed, processed, or otherwise prepared for export in that nation or within the jurisdiction thereof.


(A) IN GENERAL.--Except as provided in subparagraph (B), the term "large-scale driftnet fishing" means a method of fishing in which a gillnet composed of a panel or panels of webbing, or a series of such gillnets, with a total length of two and one-half kilometers or more is placed in the water and allowed to drift with the currents and winds for the purpose of entangling fish in the webbing.

(B) EXCEPTION.--Until January 1, 1994, the term "large-scale driftnet fishing" does not include the use in the northeast Atlantic Ocean of gillnets with a total length not to exceed five kilometers if the use is in accordance with regulations adopted by the European Community pursuant to the October 28, 1991, decision by the Council of Fisheries Ministers of the Community.

(3) LARGE-SCALE DRIFTNET FISHING VESSEL.--The term "large-scale driftnet fishing vessel means any vessel which is--

(A) used for, equipped to be used for, or of a type which is normally used for large-scale driftnet fishing; or

(B) used for aiding or assisting one or more vessels at sea in the performance of large-scale driftnet fishing, including preparation, supply, storage, refrigeration, transportation, or processing.

[J.Feder version 12/19/96]

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[ ]2 The editors assume this reference should be to section 111(b) of the Sustainable Fisheries Act (P.L. 104-297). See the note about Demonstration Projects after section 305 of the Magnuson-Stevens Act.

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Numbers in boldface indicate the number of the Public Law that amended the following provision. Boldface comments marked with asterisks were inserted by the editors.

*Bracketed material with an asterisk is text that is added, or replaces underlined language, and will be effective on the date the Agreement between the United States and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics on the Maritime Boundary enters into force for the United States. See P.L. 102-251