The Library of Congress
Teacher Guide

The Constitution: Counter Revolution or National Salvation?


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Print Sources

  • Bowen, Catherine Drinker.  Miracle at Philadelphia;  The Story of the Constitutional Convention, May to September 1787.   Boston:   Little, Brown and Company, 1966.
  • Boyer, Paul S.   The Enduring Vision.   4th edition.   Boston:   Houghton Mifflin Company, 2000.
  • Collier, Christopher and James Lincoln Collier.   Decision in Philadelphia: The Constitutional Convention of 1787   New York:  Random House, 1986.
  • St. John, Jeffrey.   Constitutional Journal;  A Correspondent's Report from the Convention of 1787.   Ottawa, Ill.:   Janeson Books, Inc., 1987.
  • Van Doren, Carl.  The Great Rehearsal; The Story of the Making and Ratifying of the Constitution of the United States.  New York:  Penguin Books, 1976.

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